Excellent synopsis of our plight.

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Thank you Renee.

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Meanwhile, while patriots simmer and burn at the exponentially increasing pace of loss of sovereignty, lack of adherence to our constitution, and complete and utter destruction of Judeo-Christian values, the frog continues to flounder in the near-boiling water.

How the hell to get this ball rolling?

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How many of us are poised on the brink just waiting for that right moment, when we know it's not a ruse like J6? I think that's what drives them mad in the dark hours of the night, when they know deep down that they have to finish us off completely or they'll be tarred and feathered.

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".....or they'll be tarred and feathered."

At the very least.

Those tarred and feathered will be the lucky ones, should 'it' come to pass.

But that's the question isn't it? Will 'it' ever come to pass?

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We lack only the catalyst. Who knows what the agent might be? I pray that it will be one that will produce the response that leads us to liberty and not the one that leads to anihilation.

“I was always willing to be reasonable until I had to be unreasonable. Sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things.” ~ Marvin Heemeyer

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I personally have made a number of revelations to myself. First is that God raises up and takes down. Those imbeciles who most call our "leaders" were allowed where they are for God's purpose, which I cannot begin to know. Watching what they do and listening to the things they say I almost pity them, (almost), because they are really clueless and like ignorant children. They are truly lost. They are being used by an evil they don't even perceive, and they WILL be held accountable, just not by us. Thirdly, no one is coming to save us. There will be no White Knight. The hope that somehow someone will come out of the shadows and fix all this chaos is not a real possibility unless Jesus comes, and 'hope' is not a viable strategy. So place your energies elsewhere, like how will you and your family outlast the SOBs. With God's Grace I think its possible, but thats not up to me. But its up to me to try. Fourthly, those people want us dead. They may succeed but I don't intend on making it easy. I doubt the rest of you will, either.

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I think that in some quarters people mistake waiting for the right catalyst to be waiting for a white knight, your comments reminded me, but I don't necessarily think you think this way, but it was a point I wanted to make somewhere. Those are different things. No one will save us, we'll have to do that ourselves, but something has to start it. If I could, I would have by now. Since I can't, I'm looking for who can and when and when will it be properly done. But, like you, I know it's God's will and He will lead us on the right path at the right time, but being impatient is as natural as anything else.

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*Laugh*... yes, patience. I laugh because that comment reminded me of last night when my wife and I were out for dinner with one of our sons and his family. My 7-yr old Grandson was hungry and began complaining because the food hadn't arrived. His Dad told him that he must learn to be patient. I leaned over and quietly told my Grandson that patience was good but only went so far until one has to take action. Thats when the waitress walked by and I stopped her and asked if the meals were close to being served. Maybe it spurred the meals on, I don't know. Action. *laugh*

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"......but something has to start it. If I could, I would have by now."

But TL, what would that even look like, "if I could"?

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I didn't mean to not answer, but that's a really good question. What would it look like? If I could do something. I've tried a number of things and what I know is that when it requires a lot of people to work toward one goal I'm not the one to lead that. The best I can do is suggest some things. I still think the Autonomous County is the way forward, but again, that requires others to see my vision and to act on it and that never happens. So, I propose it in my county, to no avail. I did have a neighboring county inquire about it and they wound up passing some 2A measure, which is good, but maybe now in this forum I should at least highlight the Autonomous County Project. Propose it one more time. The idea behind it is each county makes a declaration that they exist to secure and defend the rights of their citizens and have the right to make associations with other counties that do the same, this is just language to start with, but it can transform into push back against states and the federal government who seek to diminish individual rights.

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Sounds interesting. Perhaps at some point you can put some meat on the bones of that idea, I for one would be interested in hearing more, starting with what was the interaction like with your neighboring county. In my county I'm confident the vast majority of of the population would see that as a very interesting option.

It's a start.

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An additional thought occurs to me:

"What would Mike Vanderboegh do?"

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I was thinking more along the lines of "what would Thomas Paine do"

"These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us—that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: It is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated................"

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My family shared a property line with Patrick Henry, recorded as such on a deed, so I've always been partial to the fatalistic recognition that there can only be liberty or death, they will make us choose, it is not of our own choosing, but I have to accept the recognition that in a patriots heart there's either one or the other. Now, as liberty is being constantly squeezed out of the equation I can only now look out and recognize another great patriot's words (whether original or not) "I regret that I have but one life to give for my country." I will add that I want to give the only one that I have in the best manner that I might, with as much pain and anguish to the enemies of liberty that I might inflict upon its loss.

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Reminds me of an old Special forces friend who said he wanted to go out of this world the same way he came in: "kickin' and screaming and covered in someone else's blood!" Hardcore!

Those who rule us ...Schwab, Gates, Bourla, Zuckerberg, and all, will not fear us until one of them is dragged out of their house and watch it burn before they are hanged from the nearest tree limb and the question is asked: who is next? Only then will their sphincter tighten.

The future looks like Balkanization. Banding together in states and communities of like-minded people.

You do good stuff!


Upstate SC

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"But now, I’m thinking that I might just be forced to stand back and watch the incompetent bombmaker blow himself up, and by “him” I mean the whole US Government."

People are in denial or deluded or frightened of calling undo attention to themselves.

As all is surveilled, (is it?) who wants to communicate about any organized protest? We think

going rural, trying to use community for barter, having basic preps, and forming a bond

with others is a good idea. We have the entitled crowd, and the "who the hell are they"

immigrant crowd, and the "I love .Gov. crowd, and the L v. R crowd, and the vaxed crowd

v. the purebloods, (I love the term) groups. Never the twain shall meet. People are forming their

forever mindsets now, and no amount of persuasion is going to impede them apparently.

I have my forever view and see zero point in arguing with people over their selected point

of view. I alienated a neighbor by remarking on jab status/plus the couple had Uke flags

up. Now they evade me/ignore me. I should have kept quiet to preserve the "friendly"

relationship. Think about that for a minute.

God Bless you dear man for your efforts and your soul.

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Thank you and we all have to navigate these unique waters ourselves. On one hand, we need to expose the lies, but where that only alienates, it can turn those who have and those who have been wise into victims of the mobs. How will your self-defense be viewed by a hostile police force? There's a lot of variables to keep in mind as we approach Armageddon and hopefully it's the one with Jesus, not Bruce Willis.

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Political Parties. First the Democrats formed to steal Cherokee lands for a railroad, then the radical Whiggs formed the "Republican" party to destroy and loot the Southern States and late a foreign country. The problem with the American people is they (not we) never forgive former adversaries.

After that War, the united States of America went into decline socially and morally. We have never recovered because of the propaganda of the "elites." Everything operates under the Party Platform instead of Political Principles. Then we became the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (Inc.) and imperialists.

The first order of survival is to survive. The second order of survival is to propagate proportionally to the environment. SURVIVE what they intend to use to harm us with a plan to counter at the personal (tactical) level. Make it personal on that day.

My Great Great Grandfathers' generation allowed the 1892 Debt and the Federal Reserve Act to happen as well as the faux Spanish American War. My Great Grandmothers' generation allowed Roosevelt to oppress the nation and a Congress who created the Great Depression. My Grandmothers' generation allowed the Johnson Admin. and the liberal agenda to happen. Unlike the previous generations, my Grandmothers' generation actually believed in all that leftist stuff and expected me to as well. Family Dissidence is a thing!

What can I do? Train and be Ready, equipped outfitted and logisticated, or logisticationated. Be a physically fit senior citizen and incorporated anybody who is viable without regard. Network and avoid the common stupidity, I call it the Hyoon-die effect. It's spelled Hyundai and people call it a HONDAY!

That's a tell. Avoid the stupids and be aware that many news items on social media are stale and outdated to instill hysteria and irrational responses.

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Thank you and welcome.

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Absolutely incredible writing!

"The truth is, we would all be better off without a federal government at all."

Truer words never spoken. Washington DC could disappear from this earth and we would all be better for it. Everything has been lost because of these self entitled imbeciles. Remember how, growing up, we LOVED different parts of this country and celebrated them? The Bayou, New York City, New England, the Golden State of California, Texas, the Desert Southwest, the Great Midwest, the South, and the Pacific Northwest. We reveled in our sameness and our differences. We were one and yet amazingly individual. That is all lost now. We are either Democrats or Republicans and cannot ever share the same table. It breaks my heart and makes me furious at the same time. We have lost America-and what it means to be truly AMERICAN. We are no longer a country, it's some territory and filled with foreigners who we have nothing in common with.

We have to take back our own sovereignty and move foreward. It starts with the small plot of land we are on and goes from community to city to state. There is no other way. And we must do this together.

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I do remember the incredible differences and sameness, the juxtaposition of them at the same time. Even Kansas was much different from Colorado and New Mexico different still.

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The situation is grim, possbly a massive nation wide general strike & something like the canadian trucker protest but magnified a thoussnd times 2A armed, literally dragging hundreds of washington bureaucrats pols out for trial maby just might do it.

Of course this would have to also be in every state capitol as well.

I don't think enough people are starving for that, not yet.

I have commented elsewhere that i would cheer if DC was glassed. Along with every other blue hive. It may come to that, seriously hope not. But it would be desereved imo.

The west is suicidal we are doomed at this point. It seems to me all anyone can do is prepair for very hard times.

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