Great article. Well said! I called my Congressman, Jared Huffman's office today. Told him to vote against the huge Omnibus Bill. First time I've done that. Huffman is a commie Democrat. I'm sure he voted against the CR. He's very partisan.
I don't think my phone call changed anything. Elon Musk has billions. He changes things. So, only the billionaires get to play this political game? Maybe.
We'll see if next year brings a better world for us. I'm a cynic. Show me. Talk is cheap.
Thank you for your continued support and interest. This is a rare opportunity in politics, to leverage our power with the powerful. It's a shameful position in which to find ourselves, but it's true and despite what other things might be in play, we have to do whatever we can to oppose the constant raping of this nation.
T.L., I just watched a video over at The Corbett Report about Alterative Media Burnout. Some of us have been following conspiracy theories and going down rabbit holes for over 25 years. It gets old. We find the truth and shout, "Hey! I found out why this or that happened and what is going on today."
No one cares. Nothing changes for the better. No one is held accountable for their crimes. People burn out on the "Truth is Out There" search for the Holy Grail.
Lately, I've been watching history documentaries, but mostly travelogues. Folks on YouTube who go here and there to show great scenery, history, and places I'll never get to see. It's relaxing.
But I will continue to support your substack and read your very interesting and erudite articles. I enjoy them.
I'm with you 100% on what you stated, Timmy. I've been digging at the truth for about 15-16 years now and it is tiring, especially when nothing is done about it.
This is why I've stated before that I believe America is already taken over by the deep state oligarchs. The rot and corruption, and the infiltration of every gubmint agency is so deep, I don't see how it can every be fixed.
I'm tired of it all but, at the same time, I'm keeping my head on a swivel and trying to prepare myself for the fact that something BIG is just over the horizon.
They have this one chance, because Trump doesn't care what they think or say. Musk can fund primaries and a lot of people will have to come along or get turfed out. Also, now when criminal referrals are made by congress they will get traction, that was never going to happen with Garland and Wray and part of why I was ready for action. It could be the start of a different sort of deal, people like Musk understand the power of a united voice, some politicians have been forced to understand that. Do you think Romney actually just decided it was better to not be a senator or that he wanted to step down when he knew he could be replaced by someone of his choosing, before he got dumped overboard? I have never seen less obstacles to forcing our voice into government. That doesn't mean it's going to work, but if there is any chance, I'll take it.
We the people need to get over the "public service" mantra that all media foist on us. It no more describes politicians than it does all of us. Why do you go to work every day; to make a better place in the country or to exist in spite of the roadblocks government puts in front of you?
What evidence is there that these bureaucrats and pols do anything other than protect their own paychecks at any cost?
The proof is everywhere we look from the yearly bloated CR's to the daily mountains of regulations flowing interminably from the desks of thousands of bureaucrats.
Are they performing "public service" or merely justifying their existence?
We the people need 100 more Musks, Kennedys, and Ramaswamys to root out the legion of useless eaters embedded inside the beltway.
Thank you, Susanna. This is what it feels like the seconds before an earthquake when fowl take to flight and squirrels scamper out of trees. Will we push through our agenda of freedom or will they close down yet another avenue to the will of the people? That is the battle, join it or not. When some deny that it's possible, they're unwittingly and unwillingly part of the downfall. To believe is the first part of rebellion.
Even with all the good news, it is still a "continuing resolution", which I find abhorrent. They need to start actually writing budgets, with hard choices baked in. If the government has "non-essential employees" and "non-essential operations" don't furlough them, GET RID OF THEM.
Especially disgusting (and to me criminal) was the language slipped into the bill making the communications and records of the House essentially off limits to outsiders. They would be beyond the reach of subpoena power. This in itself tells me they have plenty to hide, and need to be investigated. I sent a hat tip and and donation to El Gato Malo, one of your Substack compatriots, for bringing it out in the light.
Great article. Well said! I called my Congressman, Jared Huffman's office today. Told him to vote against the huge Omnibus Bill. First time I've done that. Huffman is a commie Democrat. I'm sure he voted against the CR. He's very partisan.
I don't think my phone call changed anything. Elon Musk has billions. He changes things. So, only the billionaires get to play this political game? Maybe.
We'll see if next year brings a better world for us. I'm a cynic. Show me. Talk is cheap.
Thank you for your continued support and interest. This is a rare opportunity in politics, to leverage our power with the powerful. It's a shameful position in which to find ourselves, but it's true and despite what other things might be in play, we have to do whatever we can to oppose the constant raping of this nation.
T.L., I just watched a video over at The Corbett Report about Alterative Media Burnout. Some of us have been following conspiracy theories and going down rabbit holes for over 25 years. It gets old. We find the truth and shout, "Hey! I found out why this or that happened and what is going on today."
No one cares. Nothing changes for the better. No one is held accountable for their crimes. People burn out on the "Truth is Out There" search for the Holy Grail.
Lately, I've been watching history documentaries, but mostly travelogues. Folks on YouTube who go here and there to show great scenery, history, and places I'll never get to see. It's relaxing.
But I will continue to support your substack and read your very interesting and erudite articles. I enjoy them.
I'm with you 100% on what you stated, Timmy. I've been digging at the truth for about 15-16 years now and it is tiring, especially when nothing is done about it.
This is why I've stated before that I believe America is already taken over by the deep state oligarchs. The rot and corruption, and the infiltration of every gubmint agency is so deep, I don't see how it can every be fixed.
I'm tired of it all but, at the same time, I'm keeping my head on a swivel and trying to prepare myself for the fact that something BIG is just over the horizon.
They have this one chance, because Trump doesn't care what they think or say. Musk can fund primaries and a lot of people will have to come along or get turfed out. Also, now when criminal referrals are made by congress they will get traction, that was never going to happen with Garland and Wray and part of why I was ready for action. It could be the start of a different sort of deal, people like Musk understand the power of a united voice, some politicians have been forced to understand that. Do you think Romney actually just decided it was better to not be a senator or that he wanted to step down when he knew he could be replaced by someone of his choosing, before he got dumped overboard? I have never seen less obstacles to forcing our voice into government. That doesn't mean it's going to work, but if there is any chance, I'll take it.
Excellent, as always, TL. Their arrogance knows no bounds, it is astounding how much they despise the will of the people.
We the people need to get over the "public service" mantra that all media foist on us. It no more describes politicians than it does all of us. Why do you go to work every day; to make a better place in the country or to exist in spite of the roadblocks government puts in front of you?
What evidence is there that these bureaucrats and pols do anything other than protect their own paychecks at any cost?
The proof is everywhere we look from the yearly bloated CR's to the daily mountains of regulations flowing interminably from the desks of thousands of bureaucrats.
Are they performing "public service" or merely justifying their existence?
We the people need 100 more Musks, Kennedys, and Ramaswamys to root out the legion of useless eaters embedded inside the beltway.
Wow, your first paragraph said it all, and we are sick of continuing "resolutions"
that support pay raises to pols and pork. These creeps plan to continuing on
with business as usual but we are stone sick of it. We are tired of leaches thinking
they are entitled to whatever they want when they want it. I admire you T.L. for
your tireless efforts to wake people up. Thank you God for T.L. Davies.
The want to be Kings and Queens might have to wake up themselves because they
are not invincible after all. They only seek greedy solutions for themselves, and
everyone is ever so tired of it.
Best Regards to all,
Thank you, Susanna. This is what it feels like the seconds before an earthquake when fowl take to flight and squirrels scamper out of trees. Will we push through our agenda of freedom or will they close down yet another avenue to the will of the people? That is the battle, join it or not. When some deny that it's possible, they're unwittingly and unwillingly part of the downfall. To believe is the first part of rebellion.
Even with all the good news, it is still a "continuing resolution", which I find abhorrent. They need to start actually writing budgets, with hard choices baked in. If the government has "non-essential employees" and "non-essential operations" don't furlough them, GET RID OF THEM.
Especially disgusting (and to me criminal) was the language slipped into the bill making the communications and records of the House essentially off limits to outsiders. They would be beyond the reach of subpoena power. This in itself tells me they have plenty to hide, and need to be investigated. I sent a hat tip and and donation to El Gato Malo, one of your Substack compatriots, for bringing it out in the light.