Sadly, I have little faith in the Republican Party, most of our Republican representatives appear to have backbones that are the equivalent of overcooked noodles.
It's not really Republican, but that's the only way to present it. They're all guilty of so much, but the needle moving to the right is important, being the party of exposure and punishment in the public's mind is crucial. Like you, I don't think anyone has the backbone to do the hard work and take the risks, but it's what we have to work with. As sad as that is.
Too early to lay superlatives upon the team. AG Blondie is turning out to be a disaster. Advocating for red flag laws and just stupidly botched the Epstein files release. She's the first of the team that needs to be shown the door. Trump can't afford incompetence to linger.
Good article. It's always about the money. Do we get to keep our money? Not much. Who gets our money? Who gets to spend our money? Who steals our money?
It seems to me that everyone in Washington, D.C., steals our money. The same goes for the Calfornia government in Sacramento.
Bondi and Trump already openly discussing “ red flag” type of policies is disheartening. Someone has to get Trump off that path or he will be the lamest of lame ducks after the midterms.
Republicans like Dan “I’d f**ing kill Tucker Carlson” Crenshaw needs to be investigated and tossed out of office.
Arrests are just a first step. There has to be convictions and prison sentences.
The punishment has to be so severe that the ignorant useful idiots who take to the streets in support of the communists start thinking for themselves.
I have no faith anymore that any permanent change will happen without massive collapse of the corrupt governments from federal to local.
More Templar, less meek Jesus and 'judge not.' Or Viking if you prefer. That corruption of Christianity which some call 'non-muscular' has emasculated whatever portion of the Western world that believes at all, the rest being atheists, narcissists or believers in tech or Marx. The guilt-mongers must be admired for their efficacy.
That is said for effect, but the greater point is that turning the other cheek at the wrong time gets you hit with the other hand, and extrapolations of that Weakness is Virtue attitude contributed to the Evil West Must Die suicide mentality which has led to zero reproduction and population replacement.
But to tie it to the article, if the current leaders in whom some of us have a touch of hope only fire a few people here and there and go back to writing strongly worded letters, it's over. The hydra will return with more heads, and .....well, we have spoken of that coming time frequently.
From what I've gathered through some research, turning the other cheek referred to the ability of a Roman soldier to slap a civilian, once. When the civilian turned the other cheek, he was not to be slapped again. The original meaning has been distorted to promote weakness, but that's not actually what it meant.
I wish there was some way Trump could read this. He needs to read this for his own good as much as for the good of all patriotic Americans. As usual a well written article Mr. Davis, damn good one.
Sadly, I have little faith in the Republican Party, most of our Republican representatives appear to have backbones that are the equivalent of overcooked noodles.
It's not really Republican, but that's the only way to present it. They're all guilty of so much, but the needle moving to the right is important, being the party of exposure and punishment in the public's mind is crucial. Like you, I don't think anyone has the backbone to do the hard work and take the risks, but it's what we have to work with. As sad as that is.
Trump has put togeather a team like there has never been, they hsve the communists on the run
No slowing down, no mercy.
I think the importence of
What was done regarding the white house press corps today can't be overstated.
A lot of positives, trust, but verify.
Too early to lay superlatives upon the team. AG Blondie is turning out to be a disaster. Advocating for red flag laws and just stupidly botched the Epstein files release. She's the first of the team that needs to be shown the door. Trump can't afford incompetence to linger.
But she's hot hurr durr.
Still over all the "team" is encourageing at least imo.
I have to think this way.
If its all bs there will be a lot of people die, it's a long list.
Good article. It's always about the money. Do we get to keep our money? Not much. Who gets our money? Who gets to spend our money? Who steals our money?
It seems to me that everyone in Washington, D.C., steals our money. The same goes for the Calfornia government in Sacramento.
It's always about the money.
As you say, without arrests it’s all for naught.
Good point, there isn't an obvious john bolten type this goaround.. Rubio surprised me though
Bondi and Trump already openly discussing “ red flag” type of policies is disheartening. Someone has to get Trump off that path or he will be the lamest of lame ducks after the midterms.
Republicans like Dan “I’d f**ing kill Tucker Carlson” Crenshaw needs to be investigated and tossed out of office.
Arrests are just a first step. There has to be convictions and prison sentences.
The punishment has to be so severe that the ignorant useful idiots who take to the streets in support of the communists start thinking for themselves.
I have no faith anymore that any permanent change will happen without massive collapse of the corrupt governments from federal to local.
More Templar, less meek Jesus and 'judge not.' Or Viking if you prefer. That corruption of Christianity which some call 'non-muscular' has emasculated whatever portion of the Western world that believes at all, the rest being atheists, narcissists or believers in tech or Marx. The guilt-mongers must be admired for their efficacy.
That is said for effect, but the greater point is that turning the other cheek at the wrong time gets you hit with the other hand, and extrapolations of that Weakness is Virtue attitude contributed to the Evil West Must Die suicide mentality which has led to zero reproduction and population replacement.
But to tie it to the article, if the current leaders in whom some of us have a touch of hope only fire a few people here and there and go back to writing strongly worded letters, it's over. The hydra will return with more heads, and .....well, we have spoken of that coming time frequently.
From what I've gathered through some research, turning the other cheek referred to the ability of a Roman soldier to slap a civilian, once. When the civilian turned the other cheek, he was not to be slapped again. The original meaning has been distorted to promote weakness, but that's not actually what it meant.
I wish there was some way Trump could read this. He needs to read this for his own good as much as for the good of all patriotic Americans. As usual a well written article Mr. Davis, damn good one.
Mr Davis,
We must walk thru figurative and literal fires.
Remember BLM? I also remember the Vax debacle...and the closing
of all businesses and services, except of course the big corporations.
I also remember police beating up pedestrians without
a mask. Order takers, and incalculable cruelty and greed. The Vax was just shy
of firing into a crowd. Communists or sadists? Maybe both.