This is the fire that Americans must walk through.
It doesn’t matter to me that there are firings in the federal government. The only thing that will signal that things are changing are arrests. Otherwise, these people will linger around, waiting for a change in politics to bring them back into the government to do what they have always done, corrupt it.
Upwards of 90% of government employees have been prevented from doing their jobs, like the border patrol agents who watched 20 million illegals pass over the border in four years, or they have been active in subverting the laws themselves. All of this has to be torn down and it can’t be done by one guy over a few years, it’s too big for that, we must carry the load, no one will do it for us.
While it’s good that NGOs are losing some funding from the taxpayers, there needs to be arrests of CEOs under 8 US Code 1324. The money trail will lead the prosecutors through a maze of NGOs until it eventually lands in the bank accounts of Democrats or Democrat and RINO supporters. There would not have been a “border crisis” without them. I assume all of this is going on and that it takes time to build a case that will withstand all the pressures of opposition. They need to find a court where the cases can be filed where it won’t run into corrupt judges, actually working against prosecutions in the future.
That might sound like I’m patient, I’m not, but I know how the system works (or doesn’t work) and for now, it makes sense that there have been no big indictments. Even though evidence has been out there for a long time, if it isn’t fully investigated and verified by the new Attorney General, there could be some intentional flaws that will allow for an acquittal.
One hundred years have been spent building the isolated state, free from public disclosure or opposition. It snaked stealthily into every department and choked it to death to reinvent it in the communist model. Buried deep in all of them are literal saboteurs, people with the institutional knowledge to maintain the avenues of power so laboriously established. These people are chameleons, probably have a Trump tattoo, but think of themselves as Cold War era agents silently destroying the West.
They used tax dollars to insulate their positions, to create opposition groups to put political pressure on those determined to expose and correct the system. The first task of putting people in place to dismantle it has been accomplished, but there’s still a long row to hoe. Five or six weeks in, it has followed the expected course: contentious senate confirmations; court filings to stop the new heads of departments from being able to execute the plan; a Supreme Court ruling to halt that.
It’s expected that part of the Epstein list will be released today (Thursday) but that won’t tell the story; it will only tell they story they know they can back up with facts, dates and testimony. Names left off the list, for now, will probably be the more serious cases where significant resistance will be brought to bear: big time lawyers, lots of money.
But all of that is somewhat of a distraction to the larger issues of whether there is a president, or a permanent bureaucratic dictatorship with personalities as the face of it like Clinton or Obama. This is a much bigger question and it has to be answered in two years, or the Democrats/communists will gain control of the House and everything will come apart.
I know of all of the information concerning the larger issue of who rules anything in America other than the traditional powers. Whether that’s Jews, or Masons, or the Vatican, or Bilderbergers or whatever, I still see the ultimate power struggle as being between the republic and communists. There’s nothing Trump has done, or is likely to do that will change that. That’s an internal fight, something only the people themselves can determine. The power Trump has gained among the people is the only hand he has to play, so when he attempts to turn against the people, it will destroy him quicker than someone who has built their power on institutions. He’s a populist and a nationalist, any swerving from that position is disastrous, whether he knows it or not.
One such issue is the Second Amendment. Trump is a gun-grabber and Pam Bondi is too. An attempt to pursue those instincts will be met with a literal revolt and perhaps the loss of political capital among the right. Trump can’t afford that, the Democrats will eat him alive as soon as the pressure of the people slackens the least little bit. We are his legitimacy.
Where all of this goes, if it’s played right, is the absolute destruction of the Democrat party. They’re doing it to themselves. In their blind rages against Trump, Elon or RFK Jr., they’ve exposed that they detest the American working family. Their side shots at it have been effectively supported by the corrupt media, but that’s now on its last legs. The direct attack is playing out now and they find themselves protecting the waste, fraud and abuse uncovered by DOGE. That’s a horrible position to take publicly, but they’ve been forced to do it to protect their cash flow. If they don’t do it all of their assets will dry up and they won’t be able to hire protesters to keep up the ruse that what Trump is doing is unpopular, because it’s not.
At the same time, the public is seeing the whole corrupt system paid for by their hard-earned tax dollars and that extends through all races and religions. When people realize that just depriving the Democrats of public funds ends the egregious assaults on the innocence of children, the Democrat party is over.
The important part of this is that when the Democrat party is recognized as the author of our uncivil society, rather than merely a bystander to it, they will just change the name and pursue the same object. They have no principles on which to stand, no dedication to anything but the power they crave. If that’s not under one banner, they’ll switch banners.
Whatever changes we can possibly effect right now, while the heat is on, is important. It moves the Overton Window to the right, but we need to focus on how to make the changes permanent. This means establishing a mindset that outlives Trump. The Republican party needs to be one of destruction, of rooting out the poison in the system and rebuilding on the promises of the Constitution, because therein lies the individual rights that have been obliterated since the early 1980s.
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Sadly, I have little faith in the Republican Party, most of our Republican representatives appear to have backbones that are the equivalent of overcooked noodles.
As you say, without arrests it’s all for naught.