“ But it should be natural to an American to engage with the government, not as a subservient, but as an equal.”

Rightfully, our government should be subservient to its citizens.

Now, like the government; the elites, the media, academia and corporations believe the individual Americans are/should be subservient to them.

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I agree with everything you said, and I can remember, too, when America was much, much more free than it is now. The problem has been, for decades, that laws or directives are pushed through without the consent of the people. My parents were ultra-liberal, but they were completely against the 1965 immigration act disaster, as were the great majority of all people in the US at the time. We were a White country then, and I'm not afraid to say that it was better then than it is now. Regardless of political views, we still viewed ourselves as one people, a nation. I can remember the inane 'melting pot' being pushed constantly in school, and way back then in the '50s and '60s was just the first baby steps of the marxist indoctrination.

Men can now be arrested for simply yelling at a woman, regardless of how she may have been behaving, so naturally they have become timid and awkward. Now, even looking at a woman with even a hint of desire in your eyes can get you in trouble, let alone a wolf whistle. I won't even bother to mention our sensitive 13% and our alphabet people. You can go to jail for 'defiling' a homo mural on the road, but burning an American flag is just fine.

I think most of the people who read your articles are fed to the back teeth, and just waiting.......

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Gabby, you literally took the words right out of my mouth!! It was like you transcribed my own thoughts!! I couldn’t agree more!! Bravo!!!

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Thank you, I think quite a few people feel the way we do.

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Correct you are. We are fed up. We are waiting. There are men who served in privileged positions of power standing by and watching this happen. They should be leading what needs to be lead to get this ship turned in the right direction. Why are they still waiting?

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Justice. Sounds noble, unless it's tied to the "Justice Department".

Those fine "Muricans are quite possibly the real catalyst to our scheduled demise and rebirth as Pinko Nation, and may also be responsible, in large part, to the complete lack of justice and trust in their version of "justice".

Laws are obviously only as stout as their enforcement.

The Rule of Law times sure were great.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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A very good article. Yes, the signers of the Declaration of Independence were wealthy and had a lot to lose. Many of them lost everything.


Above is a link to the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence. Button Gwinnett is interesting. There is one signer from Northern Ireland and two from Ireland. Many of the signers were plantation owners. There is only one farmer in the bunch.

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"Nothing else in the world...not all the armies...is so powerful as an idea whose time has come."--Victor Hugo

We, the governed, withdraw our consent. July 4, 2024

Re-post if you agree

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Many of us certainly realize that what was is no longer and won't be returning no matter how hard we wish... or vote. That means of solving the problem has passed. But too many cling to it as a legitimate remedy to our accelerating demise as a nation and as a viable society. Its all dead and turning to dust just like the remains of Patrick Henry lying in his grave down at Red Hill. As a people we are like the drunk who wakes up beside the road after a binge to wonder where he left his pants. This past week or so is like the drunk awaking... wondering how the hell did we get here and where's our pants? I think our pants were sold for just one more drink.

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A few years back, I think it was in 2014, I penned a 21st Century version of the Declaration of Independence. I did finish a draft, but by the time I listed all the usurpations of our freedoms and Liberty, I was too depressed to publish it. Suffice it to say, our Founders would have been way past the point of crossing the Rubicon!

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'When the government fears the people, there is liberty; when the people fear the government, there is tyranny'--sometimes attributed to Thomas Jefferson. Seems were are sadly reaching the other circumstance that Jefferson spoke of: 'The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants'.

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