History isn't taught in schools anymore, and this is why, because anyone who has studied history knows what is happening, what is intended to happen, and that it is deliberate and not accidental.

I have been expecting events like these for decades, having realized things needed to get really bad to wake people up, that "wake up" could not be achieved otherwise.

The extent of the derangement of the left, nonetheless, is shocking to observe. The urban left genuinely wants (not shocking) but is also willing to publicly state and advocate for the "elimination" of the white resistance, especially now white rural resistance. They fail to state how they will achieve that, but it is looking like the ranks of the US military will be swelled with millions of illegals who will perform "march to the sea"-like operations on rural white America. This means the upcoming "election" will be meaningless. We are being actively lulled into hoping Trump gets elected. MSM is an IC op, obviously.

Again, I am not advocating violence, but the only responses to this which can possibly emerge are preemptive strategic political and other actions. Secession at the state level will become necessary. I have zero faith in the current federal election system as a solution.

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Sometimes, Violence is THE answer.

Dan, Erie County, Pennsylvania

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Violence was specifically provided for by the Founding Fathers, in both the Declaration and the Constitution. It is our right, and our duty, to abolish feral government.

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Good morning Mr. Davis, and all readers,

Rasmussen did a poll concluding >1/2 D want to refuse to ratify an election result

and nullify a win, if they disfavor the result. Okay...who was polled? The forever

in office DC crowd and the forever Bureaucrats supporting them?

There can be no doubt that the population, the people, are being provoked to anger

on so many fronts, we can hardly keep track of them all. The rumor is that the Swiss banks

have decided to take Russian $ and send it to Ukrainia for reparations. It seems the world's

leaders, for better or worse, are being provoked as well. It seems population reduction will

happen one way or another...war or starvation? That is the question. Financial ruin is well

underway, inevitable and worsening. Both the presumptive candidates are flawed beyond

recognition to wear the crown. One cheers for Israel to "finish the job" and the other cheers for

Uke to receive more and more $$$$. Both compete for the title of king of the jab. The

people are left to wallow in their wake of their swamps.

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Economics is all that "we" are, all that we are allowed to be, and so that must be the frontier in which we resist, build-up our own ways, serve our own people.

"Covid" laid bare the transactional nature of our lives within the financialization of everything.

Unfortunately, it also revealed the low price at which most will agree to their continued enslavement - and the complicit agreement that dissenters of not just that price but the moral premise it implied are deserving of banishment.

What is the "middle class" in a dying empire of debt based on fungible global human capital as its collateral? We must examine all that we have grown accustomed to accepting as ideals to which we strive.

The paper empire of credentials and aspirational material wealth that functions as self-reinforcing social status signals needs to be hammered over the anvil of this reality into tools that are useful to the fundamental aspects of everyday life for our people.

IOW, your precious daughter will have to abandon the high-status dream of becoming a lawyer/influencer and instead practice the skills that would equip her to run a homestead, teach and rear her children, and innovate those "home economics" into her local village of like-minded.

Same goes for the sons. Who should not be encouraged to flee to the cities to enter the wage-slave grinder of corporate labor arbitrage or join the various cannon fodder branches of the empire.

The lie that the only opportunities for innovation, creativity, leadership, building, and accruing merit-based status and responsibility reside in the distant glass towers or techno-financial abstractions of extreme online life needs to die.

We are a highly capable people with everything we need already inside our hearts and hearths. But the mission and tasking needs a complete overhaul.

For simplicity, start with the economics. Which should not be confused with easy. But once you begin to break from enslavement to the System you will quickly find that this is in fact a spiritual war.

Which invites a much deeper perspective that only then allows you to transcend the chains that we have all been conditioned to wear.

Like the baby elephants trained in chains and then kept as adults with simple ropes, we must overcome those conditioned, implanted notions that keep us staked to clownworld.

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Well put, thank you.

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Local economy, local autonomy. Parallel systems need to be raised, for everything from Legal and Political, to Medical, Educational, and Societal. Selective society, bringing back the old taboos with punishment of banishment. Civil society only works for civil people. "A Republic, if you can keep it", - Benjamin Franklin;

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

John Adams;

Behind all of the sturm und drang, a spiritual awakening of the common man, and a return to God are the most essential element of an American Revival.

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Agree on all counts. There is no top-down solution to a bottom-up problem.

The smallness of the solutions - and their natural requirements of time and repetition, make them unattractive for most who have grown too accustomed to their needs being met with immediacy from a menu of externally supplied solutions.

Nothing glamourous about making sausage.

As usual, the devil is in the details as the System is constantly working to converge the parallels we create back into its trappings - and there are no shortage of opportunists and war profiteers who are happy to gatekeep, corral, or otherwise gum up grassroots with their personal pursuits of wealth and status.

IME the process is iterative, and it takes a lot of grit to build things that you know you may have to abandon or rebuild again should they become co-opted and/or subject to the next round of lawfare, red guard mob action, regulatory action, and/or infiltration. The only way is through.

And the 'taboos' are indeed necessary. We stopped bashing the heads of psychopaths and banishing the forked tongue grifters from the village a long time ago and we are paying for that big time.

But the process of sorting through those who lack the mettle, the spiritual and moral anchoring, and that elusive balance of individualism and community-mindedness is a very difficult thing to instill and enforce in practice, especially given our side of the great divide is in a state of awakening and reactionary splintering that invites all matters of holiness spiraling and divisiveness that is also not so easily dismissed as counter-productive.

I.e., like a good writer might be judged not just by his finished product but by the quality of what was cut to the floor in its making, there is a time and place for a high bar of those who we invite into our camps, share foxholes, and rely upon in essential matters.

The system seems to prefer the "big tent" approaches and so I favor the distributed network, decentralized, and unbranded. But again, that is often boring and unglamourous and the reality is men need to feel moved and so we must consider the realities of populism and movements while not allowing the purpose and direction to be overrun.

This is a challenge that scales both up and down.

Through the heat and pressure of the past 5 years alone I have come to reply upon a few very specific tests of a man's makings when it comes to whether or not he can be relied upon in the hard times to come.

To say most fail is an understatement. But in the same vein I understand where I may not fit the other man's bill who is further down the road - be it in skill or will, and use that as my inspiration to become better, shore up my weaknesses, learn from his example, and hold faith that God's providence will bring together those who need to be when the time is right.

In the meantime, there is a whole lot of opportunity for iron to sharpen iron that does not necessarily need to be optimized toward some end-state day one and so we all need to continue to work in meat-space to forge bonds and find our people. The extremely online nature of our lives needs a lot of offramps. This is particularly the case with the youngins.

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Most excellent elaboration. Bravo, and thank you!

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Solutions need to start small and local. But small solutions are not permanent. I have been and remain critical of those who think they are going to retreat or escape to some remote place, grow food and hunt. You will be found and either pillaged, brought to heel or eliminated. State solutions are unavoidably needed for security. It is unfortunately true we need to seize the reins of power, however repulsive that may be to free marketers, libertarians, and the freedom movement.

I reserve special lolz for the small group who thinks they're going to sail around open water in sailboats unmolested when SHTF.

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nothing remote. Right here, right now, as it is, where I have chosen to live out my days. And I'm a sailor, and I acknowledge the absolute total vulnerabiity of an anchored, or moving, sailboat in the SHTF. The deal is to die on your feet, not on your knees, or volunteering, if it comes down to that.

Think of possibilities, brother, rather than vulnerabilities. You have lots of sage advice for "them" and "you", what about yourself?

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Didnt know you sailed, I have encountered that line of thinking elsewhere and find it so ridiculous I ridicule it every chance I get. Even where it isn't appropriate...

Misunderstood and dismissed vulnerabilities help serve to define possibilities. My gist is a general warning, sorry if it seemed directed at you (it wasn't), about those many in the liberty movement who think we don't need to seize the reins of power but can survive somehow outside the system.

We cannot. The communists are deftly and unabashedly using the power they have seized to disempower us, as a prelude to wiping us out. They have said as much.

The backlash is starting in earnest, finally. It is in its infancy, finding its legs.

Politics is a pendulum. Job #1 is certainly to avoid getting murdered in the swings. And in that sense at least the bugger-outers have a point. But it is a months-only solution, if it is that at all. Fir example, some people imagine they are so remote there will always be wild game to hunt, just like there is now. I dont care where anyone is, game animals will disappear within weeks of SHTF, as people kill everything they can and dry it, smoke it, jerk it, or whatever.

While we do stupid individualist shit like this, the collectivist left seizes and uses political power.

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Local Knowledge is essential. Of ops, people, geography, everything. Do your area study.

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The place I start when I hear "tax the rich" is with the Forbes 400- the wealthiest 400 people in America. Here are the 2023 numbers: "This elite set is now worth $4.5 trillion in aggregate, tying a record set in 2021, and it takes $2.9 billion to make The Forbes 400, another tied record." And good for them! Personally, in my lifetime (70 now) I never worked for a person poorer than me.

And I wonder how much of the "record" is simply inflation?

One thing is immediately obvious. If the benevolent grifters in DC confiscate EVERYTHING these people have, it is less than the proposed tax increase, and at best covers two years of the deficit. Then what?

Ultimately this is all a distraction. Sleight of hand. War, drugs, poverty, violence, trans bathrooms, Confederate statues, insurrection... "Hey, look over there- focus on this..." And how many of these shiny objects have been created or exacerbated by government itself.

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The thing that really irks me is that there is no organic reason for the US to fall, it's all been deliberately orchestrated by a certain group of malevolent people.

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You're right, unfortunately, those malevolent people run everything. That's what's discouraging. The people have to somehow get their grip on all of it. That's more conceivable with one state, with largely the same concept of what should be. In a nation this large, one state's idea of what should be and another's can be massively different.

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Gabby Mouse,

Your comment is just excellent. Thank you.

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And thank you.

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The organic reason is the hypnotization of America, thru media and entertainment, all modes thereof, both licit and illicit. The Sheep are Asleep, and the Wolves are at play. Somebody needs to stand up in their way. The only Somebodies are ourselves, Americans, We The People.

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I sincerely hope that your info is being taken seriously. Most folks just tend to ignore my warnings. They would rather bury their heads in work or pretend busy-ness than deal with reality. I'm beginning to believe that the overwhelming masses that feign ignorance or are outright la-la-landers may already be programmed. It has been stated that if the grid goes down 90% of the populaton will perish in about 30 days. When I talk about that nugget of info folks respond with incredulity- how can that be true? Then the kicker- I ask them if they own a toolbox. Then I'm usually referred to as a smart ass Boomer!

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I don't know if it's being taken seriously. You might have noticed by the comments that this is sort of an advanced class and not suited to those hearing any of this for the first time. If it were, I'd have to give a lot more backup to the statements I make, to lead them through, but almost all of the readers here know of these things already and all I'm doing, I hope, os providing a concise or different take on those things.

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Thanks for taking time to respond. I love the advanced class concept. I'm struggling to believe that there are enough "short buses" to take the rest to the internment camps. All we can do is keep trying, just keep trying! Be well!

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Please keep up the great work, TL, you are my one persistent subscription, and we may be advanced class, but we still need validation and reminders from time to time. We go to War with the Teacher we have.

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Thank you. I'll do the best I can.

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