Weeding a garden might sound like a fairly mundane, even feminine sort of endeavor. Men are more apt to plow; to wipe it all out in one horsepower-driven swath, whereas women and perhaps the more thoughtful of men, consider weeding a garden purposeful and intricate. I admit, I lean more toward the horsepower-driven swath method, but I’ve also been encouraged by the times toward the more thoughtful. Kill it all and start fresh will always be my default, my instant solution, but for now, in these times, I’m willing to consider alternatives.
When one views a society as a garden that can yield life-saving and nourishing crops of young men and women, who will, simply by growing and being fed the right supplements, become the future of the world, the salvation of freedom, it’s important to weed out the others. When I say “others” the racist left will always fill in some race to complete my thoughts along their preferred line rather than the line that exists. This is because they know they are racist and whenever anyone is spoken of in a lesser context, they immediately see someone of color in their mind, as, to them other races are less than themselves, so that is who I must have meant. Value to society comes from intent and action, not dormant genetic attributes. To think otherwise is to think like a leftist, one who wishes to categorize, separate and offer benefits to one and punishments to another based on those dormant genetic attributes. It is the act of an individual that deserves punishments or rewards, not an attribute, like green eyes.
Here, I’m talking about who can fix a broken electrical system, who can grow food, heal the sick, treat the wounded, who can raise cattle, fix engines, operate water filtration plants, build houses, fix roofs, drill water wells, who have the expertise to make gas and diesel for those engines of social sustainability. Those are the crops that matter, because when they are gone, or fail or are killed for their political beliefs, the rest doesn’t matter very much.
The cultural diversity and equity officer in a given corporation is a weed, sucking off the nutrients in the soil of an otherwise healthy corporation, taking the resources needed to improve the product, distribute it further afield, to theoretically benefit more and more of those whose expertise is in other areas who need the product of the given corporation. Do they have some sort of societal value in the sense that they encourage racial acceptance? No. Their very presence is to maintain racial strife, to give credence to racial grievances and to “other” those of a different racial makeup by pointing to one race as a perpetual demon based on genetics rather than as individuals who would have had to commit some sort of racial faux pas in order to be considered as such.
I’ve worked in racially diverse environments my whole life, never more extreme than when I was in Saudi Arabia working with international crews, who were plenty racist themselves if preferring one’s own nationality is racist, which it is not. People prefer to work with those they communicate with easily because they speak the same language, have the same cultural touchstones by which they measure value. In Saudi Arabia, I was a sort of a noxious vegetable they tolerated for my benefits to them like drilling oil wells that supported their otherwise largely welfare state. I had some value, but racially they could barely stand my presence. Not true among the Filipinos and Indians, who were somewhat noxious vegetables themselves in Saudi Arabia. I didn’t hate the Saudi’s for their prejudices. I didn’t want to fix their society so that I would fit in more easily, force them to speak English so we could communicate, most of them did anyway, because English is the language of commerce. If Biden stays in office much longer, that may change. Russian or Chinese may become the languages of commerce and I’ll have to learn them, if I want to communicate effectively with those with whom I interact.
This idea of society as a garden that needs periodic and diligent weeding out has no racial component, it merely looks at what is liable to create an abundance of beneficial crops. The most important realignment must be to recognize what benefits a healthy society and what endangers it. We don’t have to make weeds to later eradicate, we can learn to stop making weeds all together. In order to do this, we must disband and reorganize the educational system, because its entire purpose, its sole intention is to create weeds.
Whether most recognize it yet, or understand what they see, we are entering a new era the world over and we’ll be much more prepared and headed in the right direction if we’re able to recognize that our society must flourish. We offer nutrients unavailable in most other areas of the planet. In this part of the world we have been able to grow freedom and individual value where most other areas have not, certainly not in China. Freedom and individual value is a tender, succulent morsel; a rarely glimpsed delicacy in most of the landmass. But we’ve allowed it to become overgrown in our unwillingness or outright refusal to see what must be pulled out by the roots and discarded a long way away to keep its seeds from dropping. We have now allowed a political coup to go unaddressed for over a year and a half, one might as well dump herbicide on our garden as that.
White, liberal woman are perhaps the greatest of noxious weeds, so this cannot be racially based. They take on the sins of racism and use that admission to tarnish the rest of the white population, abdicating for us, promoting racism by preferring others based on race, rather than ability, or societal value. It’s a backward way of thinking and spreading racism further afield. Calling whites racists by some genetic seed is no less racist than doing the same for any other race. Calling blacks superior based simply on race is as racist as anything I’ve heard.
One cannot eradicate racism by employing racism. That seems like a completely simple and logical statement, but it has been refuted over and over by these white liberals, which only proves that they are intent on increasing and nurturing racism and so, are the racists. We don’t need that in a healthy garden where people work together to grow a healthy society.
Let me set the scene of our current predicament. Huge, head-tall weeds have infested our garden. Finding the lush tomatoes is as difficult as piercing the spiked stalks surrounding them. The melons are smallish and shaded from the sun. The corn stalks are infested with bugs and worms. One thought comes immediately to mind, “We should have done something sooner, when these problems were easily solved, the weeds snatched out of the ground, the ears of corn saved.” Some turn away, muttering, “what’s the use?”
I don’t know the answer to that. What is the use of trying? I know that we will not eat if we don’t do something. We will watch as the bugs and weeds consume that which would have nourished millions and millions. We will sit upon our rocks or logs near the garden and as winter comes, the wind blowing cold across our cheeks, we will lament for the warm days when we still had time. And, those who do survive the first winter will have to completely understand the methods of weeding a garden to grow a sufficient crop to feed the remainder or it will repeat until there is no one left on the rocks or logs to lament anything except the loss of civility, the loss of freedom. The rest will eat bugs, the only source of protein their masters will bother to feed them.
That’s what I know.
I _really_ like the garden analogy. It's a very powerful tool, easily employed and understandable. Kudos, sir!
I have raised a vegetable garden for years. A friend who owned horses offered me a trailer load of manure to spread on my garden prior to that season's planting. I thought that would be great, and that it would really help my vegetables with the additional nutrients. I had weeds in my garden that year that I had never seen before! They grew so fast that I could hardly keep up. I thought I was helping, but it turned out I did more harm than good. I think thats called unintended consequences. So often the ones we send to D.C. to represent us do much the same thing. They are enticed to go along with this program or that program to find out later that all they did was plant more weeds and the "garden" suffers for it. We all suffer, too.