I _really_ like the garden analogy. It's a very powerful tool, easily employed and understandable. Kudos, sir!

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I have raised a vegetable garden for years. A friend who owned horses offered me a trailer load of manure to spread on my garden prior to that season's planting. I thought that would be great, and that it would really help my vegetables with the additional nutrients. I had weeds in my garden that year that I had never seen before! They grew so fast that I could hardly keep up. I thought I was helping, but it turned out I did more harm than good. I think thats called unintended consequences. So often the ones we send to D.C. to represent us do much the same thing. They are enticed to go along with this program or that program to find out later that all they did was plant more weeds and the "garden" suffers for it. We all suffer, too.

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