A massive, well-coordinated, well-funded long game plan of the global commie cabal.

I wonder where the elitists' perverse fantasies go after massive genocide of fellow humans becomes ho-hum. Well, actually I don't wonder. It's not a subject to dwell on.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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They think they are going to be sitting around with the world as their global park with AI robots zipping around filling their every desire at the utterance of their depraved mouths, flying off to see great sights unmolested by the rabble who would otherwise make the trip rife with possible complications like traffic jams and crowded cities.

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Whatever fantasy these shitbags have ain't gonna happen.

I'm an old bastard, picked up a thing or two along the way. I'd like to be left alone but be sure I'll pass them along if the straw don't break the camels back before I check out & I don't have to use that bag of tricks myself.

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My husband was just telling me that he watched the signing of a document from the UN and the WEF to kill ALL the White people in the country using the 100 million chinks, spics, and niggers that are flooding over our southern border. And if my language offends anyone, tough bunkies, I'm not mincing words any longer. The Social Security Administration bought a trillion rounds of ammo, and who knows what the other departments bought. You think this is going to be for hunting rabbits? It's for hunting us. We already have 7 million chink 'students' here, you think they're all just working on their gender studies degrees? All those military age males pouring in here hate White people, every single one of them, and I'm sure they're just waiting for the guns and ammo to be distributed and given the order to 'have at it'. And, call me what you want, but this all stems from the evil designs of the jews, they are the ones who are pushing this from their insane hatred of White people, especially, but of anyone who isn't a jew.

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UnHoly $hit.

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Thank you GM for telling it like it is!

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Thank you. No point in pussy-footing around any more.

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Ever notice how those in authority these days punished the good and virtuous while only slapping evil on the wrist? Its everywhere. Just look whats been done to the J6'ers. A home owner defends himself and family against three home invaders. He shoots and kills one, wounds a second who escaped with the third and when the police arrive they handcuff and arrest the homeowner. Another is attacked in his own driveway by armed robbers. He draws his legally carried pistol and fires on the robbers, who then run. The result is the police rescinding the home owner's CCW. As the Bible states, the top is on the bottom and the bottom is on the top. What we are living through isn't politics. Its Biblical in nature and there is no earthly human means to correct what has gone wrong. Only Jesus the Christ can do it and He will in His own time. The guilty are not going to escape into their utopic NWO even though it seems they are holding all the cards. We are going to witness some amazing things come to pass but that doesn't mean we won't have to endure horrific times beforehand. If you have all your beans, bullets, and bouillon but have forgotten you spiritual preparedness, time is getting short.

Gabby Mouse has posted a very harsh comment as will be interpreted by some. But truth is often harsh to the ears of those who deny truth. I agree with her. We are witnessing a White genocide, especially White Christians. Man is God's most precious creation and Lucifer hates Man because of it. Lucifer knows his time is short and he is that raging lion rampaging across the globe "seeking whom he can devour". Prepare yourself spiritually. Be resolute and in good cheer. We have been told how it all ends.

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When I was younger-a while back, the term Global Elite wasn't something that we heard about. They were there though planning and scheming as they had for centuries. The bloodlines seemingly have existed forever and may still outlast the rest of us. Many of us , although not nearly enough, have become awakened to their existence and to their contempt for the rest of humanity. The Karens and Sheeples will continue to argue about the 2nd Amendment and why it is an outdated concept. They will hurry along to shop at Target then meet with others of their kind for coffee? at Starbucks commiserating about how backwards rednecks are. Then, one glorious day they awaken to the news of a "Red Dawn" event and are rounded up and put into the Sheeple pens. Go "Wolverines"! Only the fit survive. God bless us all!

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Hello all,

I am a bit late to the comment section, but have read the piece twice, and read the comments.

GM is quite angry and let her feelings fly. No problem. We have been watching this

evolving fiasco for 25-30 years now. Some of us mourned the deaths of the many post 9/11

and did not buy into the subsequent absurd "wars" that followed. Nor did we buy into the

pandemic BS and the untested injections to "keep us safe". A rudimentary understanding

of biology should have triggered instant refusal/disbelief. The Fat Americans love to be part

of a pack obviously and virtue signaling is at the top. I am American via legal citizenship

and I have no desire to return to the country of origin. We used to talk about watching the

chaos wrought while eating our popcorn. No more of that meme as now we have to watch our 6.

Someone we know told us that "Operation Just Cause" (deposing Noriega for crimes 1989)

Panama...was all about weapons practice/testing. Now I believe that. No, I do not thank soldiers

for their service...as their service has been wanton murder. While in High School, Vietnam

era, we saw enlistees back home having been turned into crazies with lost minds sharing their

horror with a pack of pictures from their shirt pockets. I did fell great pity for those men,

or compassion. Then I worked at a VA Hospital, (Wood, Wisconsin) and saw for myself, the

damage to young service men. Whatever, who cares? However we must care now, or die

trying. My guess is that big $$$$ sold their souls to the Satanic Forces for $ and power.

Regardless, those fancy pants still die at 100 yrs. Heck, my Mom just passed a couple of months

shy of her 98th BD. Nothing to do with any evil, she just practiced healthy living and walked

miles a day post retirement. God Bless you all, at this site, especially TLD who is tireless in

his effort to inform and inspire his readers. Thank you so very much!

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