May God keep us and protect us. I’m as prepared as I can be. I’ve done everything I can do to prepare others. It’s the naysayers and accomplices that will a problem. But, that’s who we prepare for! Keep your self safe warrior.

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Here's a book to have a look at- https://ia601705.us.archive.org/1/items/james-burnham-suicide-of-the-west_202008/%28James%20Burnham%29%20Suicide%20of%20the%20West.pdf Suicide of the West by James Burnham, published in 1964...

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streamfortyseven, Westerners have always had a suicide streak in them. So do the Japanese. Some tribes and cultures seem prone to it. No idea why.

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We didn't until fairly recently, one hundred years of Jewish infiltration and propaganda, some subtle, some not, have helped to destroy what was once a proud and brave people. Even when I was a little girl, 60+ years ago, there was none of this suicidal, give-up attitude you see now. Whites were proud of being Whites, and basically ignored the other races, in part because they were kept away from us. As I write this, I wonder if having these other species thrust upon us, usually without our consent, has contributed to a feeling of hopelessness; not consciously, but gnawing away.

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Great article. It would appear that Western Civilization, the most successful civilization of all time, is collapsing. What comes next? Does the remnant flee to the hills to found monasteries of learning where the old knowledge and philosophies are stored and reproduced while the remnant waits for a better day?

It's happened before.

The human race has survived many calamities over the ages, though never a nuclear war. Technology has made humans very vulnerable to a disaster today.

How will it all turn out?

PS: It is sad and demoralizing to realize that the best days of liberty in my life are behind me and not coming back in my short lifetime left. But there it is. I do the best that I can.

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Aug 17Liked by T.L. Davis

What comes next is dark ages, like when Rome collapsed.

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Boflys, Western Europe collapsed with Rome, but the Eastern Roman Empire lasted until the Muslims took Constantinople. The East has always been more prosperous than the West until modern times. The East has the people and resources the West lacks.

We live in crazy times.

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Aug 17Liked by T.L. Davis

I wasn’t arguing with you. All I meant was that after all great civilization collapses come dark times. Recorded history is rife with that example. The great pyramid was built 2600 years before Jesus’s time. Jesus is closer to our time than that pyramid. Vast periods of darkness are woven in between.

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Boflys, I agree with you. If you look at human history, our current Western Civilization of prosperity is but a glimmer of time.

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Yes, for all the resources of the East, it's the ragged, cold, damp West that invented literally everything we have today.

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Gabby, The West encouraged imagination and free enterprise, personal liberty. You won't find that in the East. The true treasure on Earth is the human soul.

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Aug 16Liked by T.L. Davis


,Such is the ife cycle of all republics. When you reach the population point of more "Takers" than "Makers", the "Takers" vote for the politicians that promise the most freebies. The system stumbles along spending money it doesn;t have until it can't spend anymore and the system crashes. When this happens to a single country or region, life goes on because the neighboring countries or regions continue to operate. One only need to look at Zimbabwe or Argentina as examples. Argentina was, at one time, the richest country in the world. When it is the whole world on the brink there is no future for the system.

It is then that we, as individuals, must decide if the future is in reclaiming our system, either as Lone American Warriors willing to give our lives and livelihoods for our children and grandchildren or to go John Galt and retreat to our small like minded communities to wait out the devastation and start rebuilding our lives from the ground up.

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I'm fighting this to the bitter end. I have already regrouped behind the lines and await the advance.

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Aug 16Liked by T.L. Davis

We are with you all the way!

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TL, I'm with you all the way, Brother! Steve

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Never give up! We have history we can study, and use to ensure we we can prevent what is happening now. We only have to get off our butts to force the change. We must never surrender. Refer to Winston Churchill's quote,! SM

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Aug 16Liked by T.L. Davis

Excellent essay and excellent comments. Thank you.

I am at my wits' end trying to figure out

what exactly the end goal is? Does anyone else

feel this way? Are we to be victim's of NWO Stasi?

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"Suicidal Empathy" by Gad Saad describes this phenomenon.

We'll slog through it.

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Aug 17Liked by T.L. Davis

We're dinosaurs, looking to the sky, wondering what that fiery ball is streaking across the heavens. If savages could live in a civil society they would have created their own centuries ago.

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Accepting that, I don't know why we accept that the elite is free to destroy what we have built. We have to stop it, take advantage of the chaos they create.

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Aug 17Liked by T.L. Davis

Agreed. Burn em all. But like the scorpion they never thought about their own survival when they started this trip.

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Aug 17Liked by T.L. Davis

I think the scum in the drivers seat now are the smarmy filth from the boomer generation. I myself am a tail end boomer.

These vermine have been hiding in plane sight in academia, many main line churches, hollywood etc.. many are very wealthy.

What they all have in common is their sure they are right about literaly everything. Some are actual admitedly communist, all are willing to put those if us that will not submit to reeducation to actual death. Exactly like all other utopians throughout human history. I am an optimist, These demons will fail, most of them don't know wich end of a screwdriver to use. however they have millions under their idiotic sway & most of those will be used up. Its going to come to a fight & many on this side of the great divide wont see the other side either. The tree of liberty must be watered.

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Aug 17Liked by T.L. Davis

BTW, great article! You paint with words.

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Thank you.

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Aug 17Liked by T.L. Davis

Superbly articulated sir. We should all steel ourselves for a brutal fight. It may take 100,000 acts of self defiance, but they don’t have the intestinal fortitude to stay the course.

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There is a moment when it flips the UK reached it, then backed off. Let's see if they can regroup.

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Aug 17Liked by T.L. Davis

If they only had a Second Amendment. By the way I just read Rebel. Excellent. A welcome distraction.

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Thank you. We all need some distraction from this whole mess.

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Aug 17Liked by T.L. Davis

TL-you are like sipping champagne that is a truth serum!!

"We have weeks, not months, months, not years."

I hope that everyone of us realizes that truth. Every damned day counts. When I saw what is going on in the UK and Ireland, I knew my action plan had to go double time. I got back to the gym in preparation of the coming (physical) brutality. Who, in 1940,1950, or 1960 could have predicted that the UK police would give an Islamic greeting before any announcements and that they would WILLINGLY jail citizens for speaking their truths??? We are already at war-the shooting just has not started.

Wait until the DNC convention starts; I hear that Antifa has already arrived. The people in this country need to stop with letting empathy overwhelm their sense of right and wrong as we now have entitled generations of public (legal and illegal) dole folks. Be proud of being white, of what our ancestors have built, and how it has enlightened most of the world.

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I think it's communism combined with satanism myself. However, here is an extract from a Kipling poem for the edification of all here "The Gods of the Copybook Headings":

When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promised perpetual peace.

They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.

But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe,

And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "Stick to the Devil you know."

On the first Feminian Sandstones we were promised the Fuller Life

(Which started by loving our neighbour and ended by loving his wife)

Till our women had no more children and the men lost reason and faith,

And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "The Wages of Sin is Death."

In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all,

By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul;

But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy,

And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "If you don't work you die."

Then the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew

And the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began to believe it was true

That All is not Gold that Glitters, and Two and Two make Four

And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more.

As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man

There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.

That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,

And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;

And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins

When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,

As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,

The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!

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Thank you.

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Aug 17Liked by T.L. Davis

When the Lord asks who shall go for them, Isaiah quickly answers, “Here am I. Send me”.


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Aug 17Liked by T.L. Davis

So many comments and thoughtful people commenting tonight. For me and my experience/s I will say this for background. I was born and raised in Texas oh, about a hundred years ago 😉, into a preachers family. Conservative upbringing, USMC for 6 years in the 70’s. Believer in the purity of the nation/politicians/courts/…you get the drift.

My suspicions about it all began with Obamas election. Confirmation was substantiated upon Trumps election. My belief system was egregiously in error all of my life. A cabal of elitists had been playing the “Chinese long game” in the US. And it worked on me and I dare say the rest of us.

I’m circling the wagons and standing my ground. No more bullshit.

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Aug 17Liked by T.L. Davis

What I see today reminds me of what I've read about Rome in about 200 AD. Debased currency, corrupt government, corrupt morals, faltering military, infrastructure in disrepair, broken supply lines, and barbarian invasions. All followed by a slow decent into a dark age. If there is hope, I doubt it will be the United States, but it might come with some States united.

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Aug 17Liked by T.L. Davis

I'm not so sure, yes we are in a total dystopian nightmare but God is still in control. The acceleration of technology really scares me. We cant trust what we see or hear. The only thing we know to be truth is the fruit of the person speaking. Most of what I see is rotten. I've been preparing for some time but we still don't know how its going to play out. Keep the faith and keep leaning on the Lord and truth.

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