Here’s why nothing ever gets done. People will not recognize the value of being an ant at a picnic. I saw this expressed recently and thought it apt. Kudos to the original author.
Since we are not great media moguls, or gifted speakers or writers (not gifted enough anyway), or powerful figures in industry or commerce, or a great doctor, economist, or scientist, we do not have the clout to fix anything alone, but neither do they, they just come closer to fixing it, or, more accurately, putting the fix to it, than we can.
That’s a fact we have to accept if we truly wish to have an impact on our circumstance and our circumstance, at this point, is dire.
They, our enemies, have the clout, the money, the connections, the cooperation on every level, judicial and congressional, to achieve great evil and unleash insurmountable hardships on the average citizen. I believe that most of that compulsion is just to feel the power that they might otherwise brag about, but never really FEEL until someone suffers the pain and humiliation of their exercise of power. That feeling can only be deepened, have more significance, when it’s shared by the many and the more that suffer increases their pleasure exponentially. That’s what they live for, the sad, sick degenerates, but fears of being recognized as such are overwhelmed by the rush of adrenaline that grows and builds through the distress of others.
This is why they are the enemy, because they are not like us, or we are not like them. They want to have dominion over everything inflict pain for their own sadistic pleasure, we simply want to have dominion over ourselves.
So, having been raised by knowledge of George Washington, William Wallace, Alexander the Great, we tend to think of ourselves as warriors and warriors fight battles, take heads and kill the evil kings. It goes against our hereditary knowledge to believe that our power is in the power of the ant, the ability to incrementally destroy the pillar of sand on which our enemies stand, beating their chest and raising their sword above us. It is more the Conqueror Worm, as Shakespeare put it, who should be our model; to outlive them and dine on their carcasses.
In a comment in the previous post was left a link: FedNow Participants. Though out of frustration I might have offered some suggestions about what to do in the last post, it is not for me to do that. That’s not my role and I don’t believe in it, so I apologize if I let my anger move me to it. My single role is to bring information, put it before the reader and hope they do something creative with it, even if that’s a form of creative destruction.
What I would do, if my money was in one of those banks (and, I’ve checked)? I would take it out immediately. If you want to see the power of the ant, that’s one way to do it. That sort of thing would make conquerors of worms.
But wouldn’t that destabilize the banking system? How could it? We are not powerful members of the Fed, the heads of Wall Street firms. No, they did that damage long ago and having gotten clean away with their dirty deeds, they have only accelerated their carnage, increased their power to destroy, they have already done their damage to us ants and worms, up to today. We don’t have the power to destabilize a sound and properly run banking system built on honest fiduciary responsibility and if that did exist in America, what could we possibly defend ourselves from? If it were not for the obvious markings of a slow implosion, inflation, stagflation (like the 70s), debt to GDP ratios, de-dollarization, the end of the petrodollar, a currency based on the honesty of serial liars, etc., what could possibly convince us? It never has before, out of the blue, with no signs of instability. Those causes upon which we might act were were put there by people much, much higher than any of us.
This is simple economic survival, propertarial liberty. Furthermore, this is exactly what those banking tycoons did with Silicon Valley Bank. The Treasury stepped in and made about ten of the largest depositors whole while they let us dangle at the end of our ropes. To take our money out first, would be sound business decisions as demonstrated by our betters.
But, along those lines, let me ask you: Is there some way that the impending banking catastrophe could be averted? By silence, by allowing ourselves to be victimized? My answer is: No, not even then. It’s a time bomb being set by rising interest rates as a result of irresponsible spending by Joe Biden and Kevin McCarthy that will cause inflation to make paupers of us all as the commercial real estate bust looms.
So this is all just wealth preservation, taking our valuables out of the bank before those intent on stealing it can organize the heist. Nothing more. If it was their intent to save the banking system, they would simply redouble their prodigious deposits, maybe they could cash in some of their gold reserves to save the banks as they have asked us to do over and over, until they get their loot out.
The only similarity to that and what the Treasury did, was the Treasury let all of the ants, the worms, lose their money, then to keep a lid on the damage, paid off those who have the Secretary of Treasury’s phone number on speed dial. It was an inside job, like all of those that will take place as soon as we accept FedNow as just some effort at efficient accounting.
I ask those who have seen this cycle in 2008 and 2023, when has the banking system done one single thing to make life easier for the people? Weren’t all of their moves designed to hamstring or monitor us while freeing the billionaires to launder money for the Bidens and others they know from the club? What debt did the ants and worms hold that was forgiven as their losses were? Why were our debts transferred to other banks rather than being forgiven to free up capital? Why? Because as it’s been said by George Carlin, “It’s a big club and you ain’t in it.”
What you have been told were bank failures were not, they were actually heists. It was not the run on Silicon Valley Bank that caused it’s collapse, news of it’s imminent collapse spread to the wealthy and connected caused the bank run, of course the fix was in, just like 2008 when the heist was televised by George W. Bush.
I have to tell you this as a decent human being who cares about the welfare of his fellow fighters. FedNow went into effect in the past few days, I’m told, and it’s nothing other, no matter what propaganda they spew, than an economic false flag to see which of the peasants accept chains and how many chains they will accept. Once you allow them to put the shackles on, they know they have someone easy to brand. If your money is in the banks in the link, you are now branded. The very jubilance with which they announced the participants confirms that they believe, today, that the switch to CBDC will go off without a hitch.
Nothing more dastardly has ever been conceived of by our enemies and they’re just as proud of it as they were the vaxx.
Our Red Pill film produced by us at 12 Round Productions LIES OF OMISSION.
If you prefer good novels you’ll want to share, try Rebel and Rogue about a young man, growing up trying to do the right thing. Available in paperback at 12 Round Productions and through Amazon along with my other novels.
A great article! Has anyone else read some of the stuff on FedNow? I went to the "fees" page right aways, after seeing my -->bank<-- listed as a willing communist entity. Well, some start out as free, only to go up in planned pandemonium by 2025. I simply have to slay the beast and get all of my stuff into my credit union. And yes, Virginia, there ARE credit unions on FedNow!! I look at the horrors in Paris right now, and wonder when it starts in any city here. I expect Macron & his mommy to up taxes, right after a French Bank Holiday of 3 weeks, and literally order every French citizen to shelter another disadvanteged youth. I feel weary in spirit and body with the unending chaos and anger. Keep preparing. Proverbs 16:3 – Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.
Thank you for forwarding the link to offending banks/or crazy great banks...depends on one's
Taking the $$ out of any bank? If it does occur a Fed agent will be showing up with a warrant,
to search and seize. One could transfer to another bank, or spend it down, I guess. I am at the point
where I have zero trust in what any ant could accomplish. No offense intended, please do not
think I am not grateful for your words and ideas. The powers plan for more than stealing money,
they are aiming at our very lives. "Beautiful Vaccine". Don't anyone be fooled.