Well being an ignorant Ant (Anti-Feral) I used the Googles to see what's up with Fed Now.. It was mostly Old stuff, which was sorta good I guess. A 2021 link on the Fed Now "Trial" Roll Out was in Northern Kalyforeigna Banks like ...Silicon Valley Bank!!! I supposed It Worked just fine to get the Big $$$ back to their owners in the nick of time.

I'm soooo relieved!!! USSA !!! USSA!!! USSA!!! sometimes I get an uneasy squeasy feeling that the Red Hats are being "Set Up" for a Big Crash and another sElection Hoax. Sorry, I really Try to be optimistic, just today too..... Creating A Future Worth Living In. Maybe some more Plan "B"* will ease my anxieties. It would if there were More participants....... "Buddies"* with beans* bullets*, & bullion* :-) ???

Enjoyed the read, and I'll be stuffing my mattress on Monday and ordering more B's

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis


Thank you for forwarding the link to offending banks/or crazy great banks...depends on one's


Taking the $$ out of any bank? If it does occur a Fed agent will be showing up with a warrant,

to search and seize. One could transfer to another bank, or spend it down, I guess. I am at the point

where I have zero trust in what any ant could accomplish. No offense intended, please do not

think I am not grateful for your words and ideas. The powers plan for more than stealing money,

they are aiming at our very lives. "Beautiful Vaccine". Don't anyone be fooled.

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

A great article! Has anyone else read some of the stuff on FedNow? I went to the "fees" page right aways, after seeing my -->bank<-- listed as a willing communist entity. Well, some start out as free, only to go up in planned pandemonium by 2025. I simply have to slay the beast and get all of my stuff into my credit union. And yes, Virginia, there ARE credit unions on FedNow!! I look at the horrors in Paris right now, and wonder when it starts in any city here. I expect Macron & his mommy to up taxes, right after a French Bank Holiday of 3 weeks, and literally order every French citizen to shelter another disadvanteged youth. I feel weary in spirit and body with the unending chaos and anger. Keep preparing. Proverbs 16:3 – Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

I use three banks. Only one, C&N is on the list. I’m calling them to double check and then tell why I am transferring my account today or Wed to one that is not on the list.

I like your ideas and intend to be annoying but maybe like a tick instead of an ant. These bastards aren’t used to being uncomfortable. Let the annoyance continue.

You are making a difference by your thoughtful, engaging, and actionable work.

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

I read that article a week or so ago. All these years I mentally saw myself as one of the warriors that breached the walls and chopped heads. I prepared with that notion in mind. Age and recent respiratory issues that my doctors believes are resulting from my firefighting career are forcing me to re-evaluate things. I'll never be that warrior, and it hurts. I haven't gotten my head around that yet. But I know I will have to. Maybe my new place will be among the ants. Its not an easy transition being forced by circumstances outside of my control to move from the front to someplace in the rear. Its not my nature. But I know Jesus is in control and He has a place for me to contribute. Being a warrior is a state of mind I am coming to realize.

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