Jul 11Liked by T.L. Davis

You may not be interested in the political left (e.g., tyrants), but make no mistake, they ARE interested in you. Resist now, or be enslaved later.

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Jul 11Liked by T.L. Davis

I expect that when/if Trump is elected the illeagles begin to self deport with a quickness. Because the deep state is going to try to hamstring rounding them up.

Obstructist .gov buerocrats must be fired & arrested at the first sign of any resistance to the mass deportations that must happen.

. Second NGOs who have aided this invasion must be declared to be terrorist organizations. & destroyed. Because that is exactly what they are.

Hiding inside of "religious organizations" has been perfect cover for communists for far too long.

Third illegals who resist, attempt to hide etc. Must have no possible chance ever returning.

I do not hate people from other countries and actually do have sympathy for many of them, however if the shoe was on the other foot & americans were the illegals invading I would bet my last dollar they would not be treated with kid gloves.

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Harden your hearts, people. You will be called upon to do terrible things in defense of self, family and community.

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Ward Dorrity: "terrible things" is subjective. I've killed plenty of quail and pheasants in my life. I even strangled our old cat when she was dying and in pain. The problem with humans is that they are heavy.

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PS: Humans are also hard to clean.

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Jul 12Liked by T.L. Davis


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I'm surprised that the illegals haven't been robbed of their prepaid debit cards by gangs in the hoods.

California just passed and put into effect an 11% tax on guns, gun parts, and ammo.

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Jul 12Liked by T.L. Davis

That gangs would prey on illegals for their prepaid debit cards would be par

for the course. The illegals will form gangs and prey on each other me thinks.

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Jul 12Liked by T.L. Davis

Time is coming soon where all patriots will need to raise the Jolly Roger and start slicing throats. Lots of them. All of them

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Jul 12Liked by T.L. Davis

It is a terrible state we find ourselves in...these constant elections winners

staying in office for their lifetime, and doddering around, sick, older than

everyone else and grifting their way to wealth/power by fiat. Criminals,

the lot of them. All sense of decorum and human compassion has been bred

out of them, these "public servants" that only serve themselves and their cronies.

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These vultures are often generational, too, spawn following in the footsteps of their parents or other relatives.

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Jul 12Liked by T.L. Davis

It is highly disconcerting and anxiety provoking for those that are aware (in my small group, that is virtually nobody) that we are mere months away from life being irrevocably changed.

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Jul 12Liked by T.L. Davis

We must never lose sight of the fact that this is all caused by a group of 536 individuals that know EXACTLY what they are doing. Well, maybe one of them doesn't.

Let's not misplace our anger at the pawns, but focus on the true culprits. Run them out of town and we are left with about one million underlings that did their bidding for decades.

It's not an impossible job but it requires the fortitude and organization of those that see the future.

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Most of the underlings will just follow whoever has power. As Mr. Pickwick said, "Shout with the loudest."

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Jul 12Liked by T.L. Davis

I think as a nation we are in the same situation as the answer to the question from someone that went broke. “How did you go broke?” “Slowly, then all of a sudden.”

Our nation has been corrupted ever since Hamilton convinced President Washington to create a federal bank. We have been enslaved by the bankers ever since and now we are at the breaking point. They have slowly been tightening the noose over the years,and

now we are nearly hung. We are at the point where one final straw will break the camels back, so to say. Sadly, the majority of our citizens don’t get it.

Thank you TL for all our posts and podcasts! You are very much appreciated as a trusted voice and patriot.

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Thank you.

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I think it was Benjamin Franklin who wanted jews banned from America, and how right he was.

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Jul 13Liked by T.L. Davis

Brother Davis … your insights and depth of message in communication are always appreciated. No meaningless words, no accommodation of those who would dilute the level of determined resistance that may be needed. Keep being who you are and keep the messages flowing.

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Thank you

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