The main problem with the "rules based order" was that there were no rules, and it produced chaos, which the neocons love...Trump needs to dump the Ukraine and focus on the Epstein and Doge stuff and getting Congress off square one...
Congress has given almost all of its power to the Executive Branch and the underlying bureaucrats. Trump has to beat the bureaucrats. Congress isn't a problem. They just talk.
I hate to sound like a broked record but this brand of globalism has its roots in our government of 1913. During the twentieth century we have made a habit of saving Europe from it's inbred corruption and its love affair with Communism - IMHO it's time to set Europe free. We are $36 T in debt, much of it spent supporting our "partners", I shutter to think of what a futurist paradise the USA would be like had we just we kept our young men and money at home. Maybe it's time to do that now and let the world call us isolationist, screw'em.
Carroll, that was one of my "deflection points" another was the Civil War/War of Northern Aggression. None of these have been good for Americans other than the Revolutionary War, perhaps WWII benefitted us, but we quickly succumbed to what plagues us now.
T.L. I've read historians say that FDR wanted the USA in WWII for two reasons:
A: Destroy the British Empire and replace it with the American Empire.
B: Found the United Nations to create one world government run by the American Empire.
WWII was very bad for the USA. We have lived in a military, intelligence, and police state ever since. WWII destroyed what was left of the original republic.
We wouldn't be facing these problems now if we hadn't gone in on the side of the Soviet Union in WW2. All we had to do is stay out, like we should have stayed out of WW1. Regardless of what one may think of Hitler's Germany, they could have pounded the communists into dust, and America and Europe would be dealing with the catastrophic problems we are today, including the invasions by genetic, cultural, and religious aliens, the deliberate destruction of the nuclear family, the corruption of our women by feminism, the pussification of our men by propaganda and 'laws', the turning of a good portion of our young people into homosexuals, the promotion of transgenderism, even the disfigurement and chemical destruction of our children to turn them into something they are not. Too many Whites are afraid of being called names now, we cringe and shudder and quake at being called transphobes or racists or misogynists. Good grief, it's time we manned up before we are consigned to the dustbin of history. All our achievements whether in science, technology, art, architecture, music, and literature are spat upon every day by our inferiors. And to think we welcomed the Frankfurt School in with open arms.
I watched with amazement decades ago as the "nazi" shaming campaign against Germans was implemented in order to silence them into submission. It occurred to me then that that was how race was being / would be used here.
We need to walk away from NATO, pulling out all of our weapons, equipment, personnel and intelligence from every NATO country. Then tell the UN we’re done with them and they have 60 days to find a new headquarters elsewhere.
"The good news is that more people are starting to see that all of their tax dollars work against their individual interests." T.L. Davis
Great quote. Yes, over half of Americans consider the Federal Government as their biggest enemy. This is an important battle. We have to win it now. Trump has an 18-month window to get it done. We can support him by sending petitions and phone calls to our "representatives."
One more point that I think is important. Our son came to visit us today and while we were talking, he commented that a demoralized, broken people will never resist tyrants, they have been broken. To resist tyranny, a people have to have some notion of pride in themselves and an optimism that a positive change can take place. I'm up in the air about Trump, but one thing he did do was to lift the morale of a good portion of the American, and even European people.
Trump could help himself bigly if he prioritized action-getting headlines featuring results expected by his MAGA base rather than an EO making English the "official language". Bondi's Epstein Files fumble(s) did more harm than smacking Zelensky around. For cover, I suspect pulling 20K troops out of NATO by April (a Putin wish), confirming "Trump's realignment with Russia!!" will be the next Shiny Thing for the MSM to howl about this week.
"...Though it was designed to resist the spread of communism..."
The purpose of government is looting. It has no other purpose. History shows this with abundant clarity. Once you accept this fact, everything makes sense.
Excellent, thank you
"When I look at Ukraine, I see the fingerprints of the globalists all over it."
That would the very greasy, very bloody fingerprints of the globalists (but not *their* blood...)
The main problem with the "rules based order" was that there were no rules, and it produced chaos, which the neocons love...Trump needs to dump the Ukraine and focus on the Epstein and Doge stuff and getting Congress off square one...
Congress has given almost all of its power to the Executive Branch and the underlying bureaucrats. Trump has to beat the bureaucrats. Congress isn't a problem. They just talk.
I hate to sound like a broked record but this brand of globalism has its roots in our government of 1913. During the twentieth century we have made a habit of saving Europe from it's inbred corruption and its love affair with Communism - IMHO it's time to set Europe free. We are $36 T in debt, much of it spent supporting our "partners", I shutter to think of what a futurist paradise the USA would be like had we just we kept our young men and money at home. Maybe it's time to do that now and let the world call us isolationist, screw'em.
Carroll, that was one of my "deflection points" another was the Civil War/War of Northern Aggression. None of these have been good for Americans other than the Revolutionary War, perhaps WWII benefitted us, but we quickly succumbed to what plagues us now.
T.L. I've read historians say that FDR wanted the USA in WWII for two reasons:
A: Destroy the British Empire and replace it with the American Empire.
B: Found the United Nations to create one world government run by the American Empire.
WWII was very bad for the USA. We have lived in a military, intelligence, and police state ever since. WWII destroyed what was left of the original republic.
We wouldn't be facing these problems now if we hadn't gone in on the side of the Soviet Union in WW2. All we had to do is stay out, like we should have stayed out of WW1. Regardless of what one may think of Hitler's Germany, they could have pounded the communists into dust, and America and Europe would be dealing with the catastrophic problems we are today, including the invasions by genetic, cultural, and religious aliens, the deliberate destruction of the nuclear family, the corruption of our women by feminism, the pussification of our men by propaganda and 'laws', the turning of a good portion of our young people into homosexuals, the promotion of transgenderism, even the disfigurement and chemical destruction of our children to turn them into something they are not. Too many Whites are afraid of being called names now, we cringe and shudder and quake at being called transphobes or racists or misogynists. Good grief, it's time we manned up before we are consigned to the dustbin of history. All our achievements whether in science, technology, art, architecture, music, and literature are spat upon every day by our inferiors. And to think we welcomed the Frankfurt School in with open arms.
I watched with amazement decades ago as the "nazi" shaming campaign against Germans was implemented in order to silence them into submission. It occurred to me then that that was how race was being / would be used here.
And it certainly was, delivered by that propagandist in the living room -- the television.
We need to walk away from NATO, pulling out all of our weapons, equipment, personnel and intelligence from every NATO country. Then tell the UN we’re done with them and they have 60 days to find a new headquarters elsewhere.
"The good news is that more people are starting to see that all of their tax dollars work against their individual interests." T.L. Davis
Great quote. Yes, over half of Americans consider the Federal Government as their biggest enemy. This is an important battle. We have to win it now. Trump has an 18-month window to get it done. We can support him by sending petitions and phone calls to our "representatives."
I'm surprised that Norway didn't fuel the American submarine. The sub isn't there defending the USA. It is defending Norway. Will Norway now kick Americans out of these bases in Norway?
The defense minister countermanded it for obvious reasons.
I am trying to figure out what fuel was needed. American subs are nukes.
The only thing I can think is that it's used for patrolling the Norwegian coast so it's a diesel electric. Must be a smaller class, torpedo boat.
One more point that I think is important. Our son came to visit us today and while we were talking, he commented that a demoralized, broken people will never resist tyrants, they have been broken. To resist tyranny, a people have to have some notion of pride in themselves and an optimism that a positive change can take place. I'm up in the air about Trump, but one thing he did do was to lift the morale of a good portion of the American, and even European people.
Thank you TL , well said !
Thank you.
Always a great analysis, TL.
Trump could help himself bigly if he prioritized action-getting headlines featuring results expected by his MAGA base rather than an EO making English the "official language". Bondi's Epstein Files fumble(s) did more harm than smacking Zelensky around. For cover, I suspect pulling 20K troops out of NATO by April (a Putin wish), confirming "Trump's realignment with Russia!!" will be the next Shiny Thing for the MSM to howl about this week.
"...Though it was designed to resist the spread of communism..."
The purpose of government is looting. It has no other purpose. History shows this with abundant clarity. Once you accept this fact, everything makes sense.
Doge is making that abundantly clear to those that can actually see and think. Democrats hatred for all things Trump has blinded them to reality.
I'm inclined to think the greatest threat to democracy is Nancy Pelosi. This wicked witch of the west is even more corrupt of mind than George Soros.