Our justice system has always been somewhat of a sham, pushing actual justice aside for the convenience of the court. Plea deals are just one aspect of the judicial process that works to adjudicate a multitude of cases as quickly as possible by overcharging for crimes, then backing down a few charges to get a quick guilty plea. If one is innocent, it doesn’t slow down the process, because they are dealt with as if guilty. The price of being innocent is often too high to pay, would put one’s family into financial ruin. That’s retail justice. Even minor offenses cost a lot of money to admit to, anger management classes, community service, psychological evaluations, court costs, lawyers, fines, etc. It’s a whole industry focused on the middle-class, because they’re the financial resources to be plumbed by the justice system, wealthy enough to pay all of the costs and fees, poor enough not to be able to spring for a whole jury trial and everything.
That wasn’t Trump’s problem in the case in New York. That was straight-up Bolshevism on display. A judge instructing the jury that they didn’t have to reach a unanimous conclusion on every count? In front of the cameras and everything? That is just flat-out amazing and a level of judicial malfeasance that requires it’s own scale. On a scale of 1-10 of judicial malfeasance, that’s somewhere in the 12 or 13 range, requiring a different scale all together, the Merchan Scale of judicial malfeasance. When a judge has gone completely off script and began making up his own laws right in the courtroom, one must be rated on the Merchan scale that starts at 3 and goes to 15, because, on the Merchan Scale, there is no innocence. That is just an archaic principle used way back in say 2015, before Trump had all of the rules of judicial practice altered to fit the level of lawfare they intended to use against him from 2015 to the present. A Republican Attorney General recused himself in 2017 so that all of the bureaucratic dictators who had operated the spying campaign against Trump could ignore and even violate laws in order to tie Trump up with investigation after investigation for crimes that hadn’t happened, but had been invented in the Department of Justice.
It’s not so much that the nation is getting a good look at the judicial system, how judges are able to go rogue and do whatever they want in their courtrooms, the failsafe being the appeal process; they are getting a good look at what political hatchet-jobs look like on the evening news, check that, on the conservative internet news sites. This is one of the most momentous and egregious actions ever taken by a hillbilly judge in open-air court and the fact that it is not literally hammered nightly on the news tells one a lot about how far from freedom and justice we have fallen. It’s too far to now claim that we have anything other than one political party willing to sabotage every principle of the United States in order to…wait for it…save democracy!
It’s the same with climate change that was recently held responsible for in-air turbulence by Pete Buttigieg, the transportation secretary in charge of things like the barge running into the Francis Scott Key Bridge, the chemical spill in East Palestine, Ohio, Boeing literally having plane’s wheels fall off on take off or landing with a shrug of the shoulders and mimicking the words: “climate change.” Because everyone knows that everything that happens in America, today, is climate change, how else to sell such in comprehensibly stupid concept than to convince people that an invasion over the southern border is really caused, not by throwing the gates open and inviting the world to enter, but by the weather?
We have a lot of problems with government in this country, not because the people don’t know how to fix them, but because the government has ceased to give a hoot what the people want. They don’t want high electric bills and spotty service, but everything the EPA and government has done is designed to create just that. They don’t want high food and transportation bills, but the president himself signed executive orders to create the situation that would cause it. They don’t want crimes to go unpunished, but every major city and many states have engaged in a revolving door policy for criminals. Come in, get booked and walk out.
The only chance the people have of nudging this boat off course is this election, though most of you know I don’t believe A) that it will take place or B) if it does it will be stolen like the last time, or C) an assassination or other clandestine action will be taken to keep Trump from taking office, even a refusal of the House to validate his election, because, of course, climate change.
But the hand has been so vastly overplayed that most Americans believe that if they convict Trump of a crime, especially knowing it will be overturned on appeal, that it won’t change their vote. It will give the communists some great graphics for the major news outlets, it will give Biden a chance to come out as some sort of moral superior, without recognizing that by comparing Trump’s “accounting irregularities” to having some one hundred independent Suspicious Activity Reports (SAR) reported on the many Biden family-linked LLCs is just ludicrous and we all know it. But let him make himself a public disgrace yet again, I don’t mind.
Judge Juan Merchan deserves the ridicule he will receive and Trump’s popularity will only grow exponentially, losing some of the independent non-thinkers, but inspiring the ranks of those who have been erroneously and irrationally forced through the judicial system to eat dog turd because they didn’t have the funds to be innocent, tapping into that permanent victim mentality of the impoverished, making him appear to be some sort of martyr for the cause.
I do want to ask some of the more sophisticated readers of this blog, how they can watch this travesty of justice, this blind hatred for a man so great that every civilized method of justice has been thrown to the winds and they can still believe that this is not a moment when American jurisprudence has been utterly deflated in the minds of the people. It is a crisis of the judicial system, a moment when the DOJ and the White House have taken part in the vilification of a political rival, who have orchestrated crimes against him in open court and without a single sense of modesty or restraint that the people would not see that as an assault against them personally? Because that’s exactly what has happened.
Into Exile, the third book in the J.D. Wilkes series is now available on Kindle and the paperback is available there and at twelveround.com. I’ve reduced the other books in the series 10%. Also, check out Lies of Omission on Tubi-TV for free.
Those who have not found Western Rifle Shooters Association (WRSA) at the new digs, it’s at the link. Be sure to visit there and spread the word.
Merchan, another non-White lording it over White people. Go ahead and jump on me for speaking the truth, at this point, I just don't care.
everything fedgov , stategov, big city gov and probably on down gov is rotten and corrupt to the core. The med-pharma industry extracts as much wealth as possible and kills. The MIC is the same. Nothing is right, everything is wrong. In the recent past I said I was very disappointed in my country. I have stronger phrasing now.