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Feb 20, 2024
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TL is able to be clear and succinct, and I find myself reading and nodding along, "yep, yep, yep", while Mrs SWR asks me who I'm talking to.

What they intend for us is "North Korea", starving to death while we worship them. That is plainly obvious now, and they're not even hiding it: "eat ze bugs".

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I believe bugs are reserved for Party officials and the elite peasants.

Minions eat grass and weeds. There were killings a few yeas ago when minions intruded on their neighbors "gardens" (lawns) and ate grass that was not theirs.....

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Specifically, it seems the term "democracy" is used in discussion approximately as often as we see civil liberties eroded. These appear to be linked.

Semantics and psy-op's abound..

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Feb 19, 2024
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In the face of weapons such as DEW being deployed against "'Muricans, our small arms may not be as effective as we might hope, but an undying spirit fueled by righteous rage can surely ruin a few tyrant's days. If you can't get motivated by someone attacking your family and Country, what will you stand up for? And what's to be gained by sitting?

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Stunning interview, scope of the deep state government-within clearly laid out by Benz. We are not governed, we are ruled. This is not worthy of the sacrifices of our ancestors.

Censorship is one of the unmistakable hallmarks of tyranny.

Leftist politicians and pundits have been using the phrase "Our Democracy!" for years as if it had a specific meaning. Apparently it does.

Clear, factual statements made plain-as-day, TL. The last paragraph especially. Great writing, thanks!

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Saddest things I've ever seen in my life, when fedgov wants to set the midwest on the South. Most of the people up there are extremely 'get along' types; witness Minneapolis where all those welcoming, non-confrontational types enabled New Mogadishu. But if this isn't another harbinger pointing to CW II nothing is. One more fracture line created, more bad blood, one more division in people who could and should be allies, even if they don't have that much in common, except a controlling force who wants them all dead or enslaved.

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Replace the words "The Democracy" with "The Bureaucracy"

Jack Lawson

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Oh My! (Sarcasm alert); "Everyone' should be made to genuflect at the mention of "Our Democracy" or Bureaucracy if you will. Some folks got their knees well warmed up during the praise of St. George Floyd along with all the candle lighting ceremonies that got a bit exuberant, to the scale of whole city blocks. The precedent is set.

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But pursuant to everything this site stands for, what's the crystal ball 12 months from today? Technodictatorship and cashless society well underway? Red vs Blue hotly contesting things? Martial law after the cancelled elections with no real end in sight? It sure is hard to come up with a scenario in which 'They all grabbed arms, danced about in glee and lived happily ever after."

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I think it's a slow roll, a helter skelter effect of little things going wrong all over, power in this state, or region, acts of terrorism randomly committed, some coordinated with government action or inaction. Some that benefit the government and some that do not. That is until one of the big three happen, economic collapse, WWIII, or some real pandemic or any combination that leads to a broken grid and no way to fix it, the cities collapsing on themselves due to lack of goods and no way to grow food or pump water. The timeline depends on how well they can keep a lid on it, they've already far surpassed anything I thought they could manage. Out of that bleak future, we might be able to look back, see what worked for 200 some odd years and reject anything other than that. Or we are invaded and taken over by a foreign power that spends most of its time trying to mend and replace the infrastructure that was of little importance to the politicians for several decades.

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quite so, and this won't end well for the most of us

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<"Calling this out online, pointing out the absolutely unconstitutional aspects of everything the government does from the Pandemic to now is, to this illegitimate government, a direct attack. The first thing a military junta does is criminalize dissent and that’s exactly what this one did.">

Not only an expertly crafted post explaining much of the mysteries surrounding us, but also an act of enormous courage, particularly in light of the above quoted section. You appear fearless.

Bravo, Sir.

I maintain that keeping our voices loud, grating on the commies nerves and sensibilities is one of our primary missions. Their evil tyranny requires submission and compliance, we are tasked to perform the opposite. That means doing and saying the "dangerous stuff", namely truth and facts revolving around this clown show led by the ultimate clown O'BoZo and his harem the O'BiteMe cartel.

We must refuse to allow the impression of victory or defeat and constantly attempt to keep them unbalanced and defensive with truth. There's no shortage of truth, and a virtual mountain of lies that require a continual barrage of truth bombs to begin the destruction. CALL THESE SPHINCTERS OUT! LOUDLY AND CONTINUALLY! We can't allow these common commies to control the narrative.

Once again T.L., You da man!

Thank you, Sir.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Well done.

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