Yep, "and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. but when a long train of abuses and usurpations, begun at a distinguished period, and pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to subject them to arbitrary power". ... It takes a while for "normalcy bias" to be blown away, but that happened to a landlady of mine in Warsaw in 1943 and she went from a 33-year old housewife, to shooting German soldiers at point-blank range to get their guns and grenades and so on, to (with her resistance group) shooting up a formation of Waffen SS with those guns she'd gotten. Other people who kept their "normalcy bias" in place, peacefully went to the Umschlagplatz and got on the trains to be "resettled"...

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I pray everyday we have the intelligence and fortitude of a Polish housewife.

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Well, that turned out well for her and Poland, didn't it, decades of totalitarian communist rule. Before WW2, the Poles were killing German men, women, and children because they had been caught on the wrong side of a redrawn post-WW1 border. Hitler petitioned the Poles to stop the killing several times, but when it topped 25,000, that's when he went in. We lost WW2, although we still hoot about how we won, but I'd like an explanation of what benefits we received from our 'victory'. We have an invasion of subhumans not only in America, but in Europe, we have killer vaccine shots, we have sterilizing hormones and treatments to warp children's sexuality, we have White achievements spat on while these animals use all our inventions, we have degenerate males riding bikes naked in front of children or dressing up as ultra-floozies to read sick books to little children. Tell me again about our victory.

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I don't refute anything you reference here, but this is the war that matters to me and it's happening right now. I don't know if I fight with all my might, give everything to the effort that the future will be able to look on me as a victor or not, whether I was wrong or not. What I know, is that I will protect my family until I'm dead, or imprisoned for life. That's all I can do

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Oh, I agree with you totally. My husband and I have talked this over, and we have faced the possibility of dying in an upcoming conflict in the next year. I will not go into any kind of imprisonment, if they want to do that, they better take me while I'm sleeping.

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I was thinking of every possible contingency. In prison, if there are enough of us by then, opens other possibilities, too.

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That's true, I think my view of conditions like this has been colored by The Gulag Archipelago, a book that entirely changed my world view, too. I was raised an extremely left wing household and had absorbed all that nonsense, of course. The Gulag caused a 180 degree shift.

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I had a similar experience with Gulag Archipelago . That and A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovic. I was a Democrat, but not particularly left or right. Voted for Reagan, but was reading a lot of political philosophy at the time. Individual rights given their proper weight stops all this nonsense.

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true. But the one thing I learned in SERE school is never become a POW.

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I read about the red terrors, the holodomor, Katyn forest and beria and vasily blokhin.

somewhere around 65 million Russians murdered. White Christians. Kind of makes 1933-45 Germany look benign. But no one ever mentions inconvenient facts like that.

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You might laugh, but I'm in a tight spot here. I'm a Christian and suicide is off the table. While I might think myself quite capable, I have weaknesses and I make mistakes anyone might exploit as hard as I would try to keep that from happening, even some pretty risky things.

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About 8 Weeks to go until Kickoff. CYA, Conduct Yourselves Accordingly, Comrades.

I'm no longer so sure of the Si vis pacem, but the Para Bellum portion of the quote gets Really Real with each passing day.

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Gabby, WWII was FDR's war, not the American people's war (though Americans were brainwashed to believe in it.) I'd avoid the word "subhuman" and replace it with "criminals".

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Oh, I agree, and I've never had animus towards the men and women who participated, it does break my heart to see those young men going ashore on Omaha Beach to be mowed down. Just horrible, and a total waste of our manhood.

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Gabby, Okinawa was even worse than Omaha Beach. Iwo Jima was a slaughter of US troops. If, and it is a big if, America had invaded the Japanese home islands, the American body count would have been so high that Americans would have revolted to end the war.

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Yes, they were, I've read about those as well. Our son knew a fellow in college whose father had been on Okinawa, he would never speak of it.

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She and her group got out through the sewers after the Germans razed the Ghetto to the ground using Stuka dive bombers. When they got done, there wasn't a foundation standing more than 3 feet high, and the rubble was so hot that if you touched it, you got burned. She and her group were in a sub-basement next to a sewer, they broke a hole in the wall. They got out into the Polish countryside, but after about two weeks, the Polish Home Army, who they tried to join, ratted them out to the Nazis and they got sent to Auschwitz - both my landlady and my grandmother's tailor had the same five-digit tattoo on their left forearm - but not the same number. They survived that - the tailor made uniforms, German and American, and my landlady worked in the camp brothel to satisfy German army officers and suchlike. The point was to survive and they did. They put up with a year of Russian occupation and then walked and if they were lucky, rode, to Israel, where they were in the Stern Gang - they were in the group which blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem and fought in the 1948 War of Independence - then in 1950 came to America because they got sick of socialism and wanted to make money. Which they did. And the only reason I found out about this was that, at the time, 32 years ago, I could speak, read, and understand German, and she spoke Polish, Yiddish, Hebrew, German, and Russian, but very little English. There's an interview with her on the Holocaust Museum website, but they interviewed her in English only, and missed a lot of details, some of which are pretty gory and I've left out here...

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Here's another one for the Holocaust Museum website: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Lx9hBiCbxREw?playlistId=favorites

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steam47, The Waffen SS were just a bunch of Himmler's thugs. They went into battle against the Soviets and were decimated. The Waffen SS were more gangsters than soldiers, which makes your analogy to the USA today even more apt.

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The civil war has started in Colortado and Chicago but hasnot grown enough to awaken the the Lone American Warriors. That time is fast approaching but no one knows what will be the needed trigger and when it will happen. I take solice from Rudyard Kipling:


by Rudyard Kipling

It was not part of their blood,

It came to them very late,

With long arrears to make good,

When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,

They were icy -- willing to wait

Till every count should be proved,

Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.

Their eyes were level and straight.

There was neither sign nor show

When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.

It was not taught by the state.

No man spoke it aloud

When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.

It will not swiftly abate.

Through the chilled years ahead,

When Time shall count from the date

That the Saxon began to hate.

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This. This is the nature of our current situation. I Have said before that our present circumstances can be swept away in a heartbeat - or overnight at the very least. We are dangerously close to the point where the players of this evil and filthy chess game, this game of thrones if you will, will decide that it isn't going their way. Then their response will be to kick the board. With all that implies.

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Americans will awaken when their credit cards don't work, the grocery stores are empty, the ATM machines are gone, and the dawn breaks on a broken town, city, neighborhood.

The power is off. No water comes out of the faucet. The house/apartment is getting colder and their computers don't connect to anything nor their phones.

Then Americans wake up.

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I certainly hope and pray that we won't let it go that far before awakening. If we do, we are doomed.

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The Welch, Germans and Japanese were able to rebuild their countries after WWII in similar situations. Humans are adaptable, resourceful, and smart when they have to be.

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The Germans and Japanese were only able to rebuild because we lent them the money and the expertise in exchange for military bases in their countries. When the Chinese detonate EMP(s) in our upper atmosphere there will not be anybody to come save us. Without a functionig electrical grid we will be forced back in the early 1800s. Some of us will survive because we are prepared and have the skills necessary to survive in a primative world but many do not and will not.

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The Welch, You repeat the Marshall Plan propaganda. In West Germany, which I've read the most about, Old Man Adenauer, the new president of West Germany, and his economic minister (forget his name), rebuilt W. Germany with low taxes, free markets, and almost no government regulation. It was called the "German Miracle." Of course, we are talking about industrious Germans.

Meanwhile in the UK, socialism reigned supreme and the economy sucked. War rationing continued for years after the war was over.

The Marshall Plan fed W. Germany after the end of the war, but then again, General Eisenhower let millions of Germans die in POW camps and on the death march of Germans from Danzig and the eastern part of Germany after the war was over. No one talks about that. Or the UK sending the Cossacks and other Russians back to the Soviet Union where they were sent to Gulags or killed right on the dock when they came off the ships in Russia.

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All of what you say is true. It doesn't change the facts that we rebuilt Germany and Japan solely for our military bases and presents.

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On the international stage the are no good guys - they are all criminals.

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The Welch, We have bases in the UK, too and other countries. But, yes, W. Germany and Japan made deals with the devil.

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The Welch has made a good point in the comments. How, if possible, do Americans rebuild after an economic and infrastructure collapse? Society will probably have collapsed as well (if it isn't on life support already after the Covid fiasco.)

I can only speak to what I know as a career general aviation mechanic. I worked on analog airplanes. There were no computers in them at all. The radios were digital, but that was it.

To rebuild an airplane from a bare frame, all I needed were my tools, the raw materials and parts, and enough power to run an air compressor for riveting the aluminum skin and the odd bit of soldering. All the rest was manual labor. I did use forklifts for lifting engines and wings, but that could also be done by hand with chain hoists. I used old WWII manual chain hoists to do a double engine change on a DC-3 in the US Virgin Islands.

Civilization doesn't need computers and the digital world. With analog, civilization can not only survive, but thrive. It has been that way for most of human history.

As a bonus, with analog we may get to know each other again.

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My Brother refuses to own a digital watch or have a digital clock in his house. When his grandchildren ask him why, he replies that an analog timepiece literally shows you how much future time you have left before an event, and digital watches can't show you direction when bewildered in the woods. But our grandchildren also can't read/write cursive, and they are children of the moment because in a digital world that's all they have.

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Carroll, Your brother is a wise man.

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Modern society has created giant corporations and Hedge Funds that control our economy. Movies and books create instant millionaires with no self-control of morals. We have begun WWIII and there is nothing holding it back. It was inevitable as globalization took over and we became less than human.

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