No wonder colleges produce such educated idiots. That Systems Theory link was just gobbly gook posing as something "scientific" and valuable to know. A witch doctor's mumbo jumbo is probably more useful. The story of the Emperor's clothes comes to mind Pretense, & hubris, wrapped in significance without reality = insanity.

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Exactly! And, that's what they learn, nonsense wrapped in pretense.

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I meant pretence.

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Pretense works too. ie past tense, present tense, future tense, and now the new pre tense.

I would smirk but Beeg Gubmint Skool Teecher is probably obseving and taking notes for the next lecture.

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Just in case they are, pretense works, but pretence was the usage I was after.

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Where there is no system, we invent a system. (I have a system for stringing green beans.) Another name for "system" could be organization. I learned in my career that in order for any project to be successful there must be organization. I used a system called Incident Command. In working an incident needed tasks were categorized into five functional areas - Command, Operations, Planning, Finance, and Logistics. The size and/or complexity of an incident determined how many of those functional areas were staffed, except for Command. Command must always be filled. If Command could handle the other areas (small incident), they didn't expand. It was a means to use limited resources most effectively. Each of you uses that same system daily. You just don't call it "Incident Command" or even realize you are doing it. Systems are great when applied in a logical and sensible way. But along the way for us as a country, disreputable people in pursuit of their own demented agenda, usually fueled by the desire for power and wealth, corrupted systems for their own benefit. Sort of like installing a wing damn on a river to direct the flow the way you want it. Added by propaganda its been easy to "pull the wool" over the public's eyes as their freedoms, liberty, and individualism is sucked away slowly over time and replaced with dependency.

You seem more optimistic than me, T.L. I don't see a New Republic in our future.

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Well, I'm willing to accept the republic of Texas as that republic.

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Ha! Well, I'm some distance from Texas. I'd have to make a run for it in the dark of night! But I am in the South, which is a blessing in so many ways.

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I found this post on WRSA interesting to read, i.e., our "republic" as it stands.


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