We have plenty of treason. It isn’t hidden. It isn’t even debated. The fact of it is recognized, but what is lacking is a will to engage that treason with consequences. Who would do it? The average person on the street sees it, recognizes it as such, but they are and have been indoctrinated in the rule of law, so they expect that out of the hundreds of thousands employed in law enforcement that the law would be enforced. Why does that seem so irrational?
No one with a brain and the ability to do math believes that Joe Biden won the 2020 election. Everything logical speaks against it. The rock-star-like reception Trump gets everywhere he goes and the sparse crowds that accompany Joe Biden make that narrative an obvious lie. No one has been willing to examine the votes taken or the illegality of the law changes at the last moment before the election (most of which required an alteration of the state constitution to change the law). They just don’t want to see it.
But the people know.
The border is not secure, despite the fact that the constitution promises us a republican form of government and protection against invasion. We have neither. The constitution provides for the president to faithfully execute the laws passed by congress. None of that is happening; he’s making laws with Executive Orders, preventing laws from being enforced and even when the Supreme Court orders him to enforce the laws, he refuses. Biden presides over a rogue government as few of his secretaries are following their charters and in most cases are acting in opposition to their charters.
The people know this, too.
For what purpose is there a congress and a judicial branch if they can and are systematically thwarted by a president who refuses to accept any limitations on his power? Who flaunts the law and the legal means of holding him and his administration accountable? The only way this is possible is with a wealth of media outlets and former officials who provide the political cover for it, who treat these actions as normal and acceptable. Most Americans don’t investigate the issues with enough effort to discover the truth by themselves.
The people know this, too, but it’s clouded behind false testimony and arrogant lies on the news channels.
Lives are being lost, industries destroyed and enemies given aid and comfort. Yet, no one will stand up against it and what few do find the courage are arrested, cancelled or killed. Everything that is unapproved of by the criminals acting with the power of government is punished severely.
Is this the America we will leave to all subsequent generations?
For three years the people of America have been subject to outlandish violations of law and the constitution. The system has had time to correct the malfeasance. It has had time to restore the order and replace those who have committed crimes while serving the people. There is no excuse for leaving the people in the lurch with no logical, reasonable or effective resort. This is a violation of trust, one that has the power to end the United States of America.
Around the world, the other nations, the ones who looked to America for inspiration and many who codified its principles of freedom into their laws stand in total revulsion as to how the American people have allowed this destruction to come to their nation.
Many in America feel the same way.
Elections used to be the means of turning the ship of state around, to go into a different and more beneficial direction. The people used to have some say, if not a great deal, often enough to let the natural inclination of the masses guide it away from the more disastrous of futures. It was this means that taught politicians how far they could go in any given direction, but the unwillingness to let the people speak through these elections means that there is no civilized way to change course.
That leaves only the uncivilized.
When the captain of a ship is clearly insane, or reckless, endangering the lives of the crew and indeed the ship they all need for survival, there are means of removing him from his position. There’s logic and reason, but when all else fails and the lives of the crew are at stake, only mutiny will suffice. It’s ugly and is fraught with danger, because, if unwarranted, it can lead to a death sentence, but someone has to utter the word, someone has to suggest the unthinkable to resolve a condition that is likewise unthinkable.
The trouble with America, right now, is that there is no more sane person to put in the captain’s chair. There is no way to effect a mutiny when the officers are as insane and reckless as the captain. It’s as if everyone in charge of anything significant is infected with the same suicidal, destructive disease.
And, it’s the people who will pay, not only in the immediate, but in the future as well.
We are facing the end of the United States of America no matter what we do, or don’t do. The financial situation just got worse with the passage of the Continuing Resolution (CR) and only more inflation can come of it. There is no political will to stop the disastrous spending put into every congressional bill. The BRICs nations will benefit from this act, more aid and comfort to those trying to destroy the US, but the competing nations are doing so because they recognize the insanity that has gripped the officers of our ship of state. Those nations see as well as most citizens that the United States is acting in increasingly irrational and self-harmful ways, taking their investments down with it, so they’ve stopped buying our debt and started liquidating our bonds as a defensive measure against our recklessness.
Americans can not just continue to use the means and methods that have always worked before, they no longer work. Elections, legal action, petitions, protests and revolts have been hijacked, turned into criminal activities instead of political expressions of disapproval. That ensures the United States can do nothing other than collapse, taking all of us down into the dark, cold sea.
Unless the common sailors stand up and challenge not only the officers, but any in authority, they will go down with the ship. In this scenario, they will try to kill us all before we can do that, but they’re doing that just to get to some enormously stupid Net-Zero. They are that evil.
And when the historians are asked why a prosperous and largely peaceful nation like the United States failed and drifted into chaos and irrelevance, they can reply: They stopped being Americans.
Our Red Pill film produced by us at 12 Round Productions LIES OF OMISSION.
Rebel and Rogue are novels that will appeal to the younger generation as well as their parents. They demonstrate the required work ethic and integrity that this nation once desired of its youth, not the brainwashed, sycophantic obedience to the gay agenda they’re forced to endure now. Available in paperback at 12 Round Productions and through Amazon (in Kindle and paperback) along with my other novels.
China Is Invading America on President Joe Biden’s Watch
The following is a printout of a Goggle search for “Military age Chinese men crossing border into USA”;
americanmilitarynews.com › 2023 › 08Video: Military-age Chinese males entering US through Mexico
The independent journalist discovered that most of the migrants were Chinese males of military age who were migrating to the United States. “A huge amount of Migrants from China coming to the USA from a migrant camp in Panama,” Blue tweeted.
www.foxnews.com › media › reporter-says-filmed reporter says he filmed hundreds of military-age Chinese men ...
Video shows hundreds of military-age Chinese men headed towards US Muckraker.com founder Anthony Rubin discusses the Chinese migrants crossing the Darien Gap. A reporter...
thenewamericanist.com › why-are-thousands-of why Are Thousands Of Military Age Chinese Men Suddenly ...
he Customs and Border Protection Agency apprehended 1,862 Chinese nationals trying to cross the US-Mexico border during the last quarter of 2022, according to numbers provided by Customs and Border Protection. Just 229 migrants were seized from the southern border during those same months in 2021.
nextnewsnetwork.com › 2023/04/20 › revealed-massive revealed: Massive Invasion by Chinese Military-Age Men ...
The ongoing crisis of Chinese nationals of military age illegally crossing the southern border into the United States is making headlines across the country. According to Fox News, there has been a 900% surge in encounters with Chinese migrants at the southern border, with over 4,200 Chinese nationals apprehended in 2023 alone – more than ...
www.newsweek.com › china-military-personnel-usIs China Sneaking Military Personnel into the U.S. Via Border ...
Public data from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency shows 2023 has seen a spike in encounters of Chinese nationals at the southern land border compared to the previous...
www.n4mation.org › news › 2023/04/20Chinese Invasion: Reporter says he filmed hundreds of ...
A reporter released a new video that appears to show hundreds of military-aged Chinese men in Panama heading toward the U.S. border. Muckraker.com founder Anthony Rubin said on “Fox & Friends First” Wednesday that every day, multiple times a day, groups of men are lining up and getting on buses to continue their journeys.
americanmilitarynews.com › 2023 › 04Thousands of Chinese illegally entering US at southern border
April 21, 2023 Chris Kirkman A growing number of Chinese nationals are illegally entering the United States through the U.S.-Mexico border, U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Epoch TV show “Over the Target” of September 28, 2023 with host Lee Smith interviewing Retired Colonel Derek Harvey.
A short summary of the show is;
”Among the millions of illegal immigrants crossing the border, one demographic stands out—military-age Chinese men with the same haircuts, tattoos, and clothes. Former U.S. intelligence official Derek Harvey tells Over the Target that these intruders are part of a special Chinese Communist Party military unit.”.
Imagine the damage that hundreds, if not thousands, of ‘Chinese military forces’ can do to our infrastructure and beyond because they don’t have to come here, they are already here and just waiting for orders.
These people are being ‘processed’ and allowed into America and everyone seems to know about it except our elected officials who took an ‘oath of office’ to prevent exactly what is happening yet they do nothing.
Because we don’t know what is going on restricts us to speculation.
Some, a few, might speculate that surely the government is constantly monitoring them and that they know exactly who and where these Chinese men are but if this is true it still would not account for those that have crossed the border without Border Patrol knowledge.
Most of us will speculate that President Joe Biden is so compromised by the Chinese Communist Party that he will allow an invasion of America by the Chinese military and order anyone trying to stop it to ‘stand down’.
All of those in government and elsewhere, that have taken the oath of office and that know about the Chinese military crossing our southern border and are doing nothing, meet the definition of ‘traitor’ and should be treated as such.
James Sarafin
October 1, 2023.
Most powerful words TL. And sadly they are so true. When our captain can't find his way off of a stage or utter a coherent sentence, we can clearly see the end is near.
Then to step further back and see line officers like Fetterman, AOC, Sheila Jackson Lee, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck E Cheese Schumer, and other lesser known but equally evil notables, do we see that our leaders are true mental midgets. Or they are just evil.
Stepping back even further, we see that the real problem is us! We put them there long ago and allowed ourselves to be duped by thinking we have a constitution and live by the rule of law that will right these wrongs.
We're in a rip current taking us further out to sea and now that we realize that the forces of wind and waves stop of from going back to shore.
Our ship, the USS AMERICA is taking on water and is sinking and at the point of no return.
Our last words before we go down are TINVOWOOT!