"One week to stop the spread" ... whether that be tyranny or liberty remains to be seen.

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We'll see, get your money out of banks by the 7th.

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Absolutely superb, spot on. Everyone should read this.

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Thank you, Sutty

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Well Dear man, you have it 98% correct. 2%? LIet the people mask if they want to

and ignore them. Maybe they have a cold or whatever and it is their face afterall.

America was attractive to me because of individualism and collectivism is my nightmare.

I do not go out of my way to be contrary but I won't conform unless I choose to. Sometimes

it is a matter of courtesy, and I would prefer people treat me with courtesy as well.

I was watching one of my favorites today (mike) Paine TV. At the end he showed a montage

of pictures, bios, and short bits about people, (mostly very young) that died/perished after a vax

within days to a couple of weeks. It made me so very sad but more so angry that the perps

are going on without consequences. It is more than embarrassing, but that too, but a subtle

rage at the temerity and hatred they exhibit.

Elections? I wish no one would vote, as in nobody, or conversely, everyone could do a write-in

saying "nobody". Most of the perpetually voted "in" have stock in the most lucrative and thus

bad/evil outfits. I do not trust a one of them to step up and tell any truth.

Your book, Rebel II, fabulous. I am about 1/2 through it. The boy, Lane, is so defensive

because he was damaged. Yet, he is also big hearted and I want to see a good outcome for

him by way of lessens learned. I want him to learn to trust, just a bit more. Maybe he will

love the teenager who so adores him, and will not give up. She sees the good in him. I do

too and I envision Lane to have a ranch and be a force of good in his world. We will have to

finish the book to know what you have in store for him. TY for the book.



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Suzanna, thank you for your comment. I have no problem if they want to wear the mask, I've never bothered them, it's just odd when they come off the highway. I don't care what anyone does, so long as it's not imposed on me, or a minor child, they're people too and have rights.

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I was joking you as much as anything, and it wasn't long ago that cops,

and bouncer types and shrill people would pick a fight with an unmasked

person. I try to smile at women in the grocery store wearing a mask. Over

the past I haven't worn a mask once in that store and no one ever bugged me

about it.

I was at 50% in your new book, (no plot line given again from me), and I would

have finished it last night, but for the very late hour. I love the book, twists and

turns, and will finish tonight. Please make a series, I would like to read more about

our protagonist and his evolution.

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btw, T.L,

Would you care to comment on this move to give "amnesty" to peeps

that participated in the name calling, threats-insults, and destruction

of our lives? Does that mean forgive and forget? As for the planners,

those orchestrating this fiasco...people being poisoned ? They need to exit

the planet, best choice, by their own hand. One could pray for their souls,

but I think they sold them away. Just sayin".

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I will. I tend not to write until I've had time to see what other people say, I don't want to just repeat knee-jerk reactions. I have a feeling with this one, I may not be able to be that original.

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Last, I want to say it is possible that "they" will take us to war and they

are provoking a nuke power, (2 actually) and it could happen. Are these

people demon possessed?

All I want from life at this point is to be left alone by these pushy elites. I want

to be a good wife, mother and grandmother, and a good neighbor and community

member. Wouldn't it be dreamy to be able to respect and treasure our country,

state, communities and hope to contribute to what is good, and man's natural


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Your article has been quoted all over the place. maybe you

know this by now, but if not, know that so many have respected

your work and used it as part of their own message.

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I wasn't aware of that. I only see where people come from as a whole on Substack, not individuals. Thank you for the heads-up and it does make a difference.

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I am referring to websites quoting you. I wanted to forward an example to you,

for fun, but I didn't know how to avoid my mail address being in the comment

section. I saw the article quoted in 4 places...one is WRSA, well whatever. suffice

that other smarties used a bit of your work to amplify/add to their work. That

is a nice compliment isn't it? You got the credit.

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TL I’ve given up thinking of future events in a logical manner. I say that because there is no logic, or any normalcy, in an upside down world where good is bad and bad is good. Every time I try to apply a common sense approach to what should come next is always torn asunder. The maniacs are running the asylum or, in this case, demons cast out many centuries ago have found the house swept clean and empty. They have returned and are controlling the sociopaths turning the levers of government and corporations. As you stated, if the election takes place next week and if the rigging is not enough to stop the “red wave”, I see nothing much changing as a uniparty well-paid actors are running the show. <sigh>.

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The problem is, as you've identified, it isn't the politicians anyway, there's heaps of problems that have nothing to do with elections, they're just the visible targets. A lot more are invisible until one looks at how things work and why, then they stand out.

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Participating in a local ham radio 2-meter 'net' this morning, one of the ham participants comment was on his excitement over buying a lotto ticket for the super lotto, which is over $1 billion I'm told. He went on to explain how much $$ he would be making per day. He is living in a fantasy world with a big helping of ignorance. Unfortunately such mindlessness appears to be pervasive these days. The communists have done their job well. Its impossible to value individual rights and individualism when such principles are a foreign concept and your value system has been cultivated and conditioned with the application of dumbed down 'public education' to behave as a 'good citizen' in the collective.

A more accurate paragraph was never written, T.I., than the final one in your thoughtful article! If the communists can't cheat their way to victory there will be violence.

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