TL, I, and others I am sure , share your frustration and despair, but these things have their own momentum. There will be a triggering event. Impossible to time or predict, but when it does happen it will be like a tsunami, it will build slowly and crash spectacularly. Because of all of the electronic monitoring nd trcking by Big Government (BG) and Big Corporations (BC), this will be an organic uprising not a coordinated large movement. It will be the actions of individuals or small intimate groups or families. We will know the targets by the actions of BG & BC and patriots will take responsibility for those targets in their operationnal areas with out coordination by any one.
We will be an army of lone wolfs or packs. Those with out secure communications will be quickly rounded up. Those that do have secure comms will melt back into the night.
You ave given the clarion call and been a leading light in this struggle against tyranny, Please, Please, Please keep up the good work.
Thank you Steve, I appreciate the words of encouragement. I think if I could quit, I probably would have. I do change tactics and vehicles on occasion, but this means too much to me.
Did Klaus and the boyz cover the jab death thingy by injecting animals with Covid VaXXX to ensure the purebloods get their share too??? Then there are transfusions, more VaXXXes coming with the Next Plandemic that will probably be highly Lethal.
We all know their Intentions are Evil and Deadly. That they are Not going to defer or decline to kill us, to ensure their survival.
Just as in China, the Elitists depend upon the people to suppress the people. A shiny badge or even something as simple as an armband can elevate some people over other people.
I don't think Americans will be as compliant as the Chinese have been but who knows? All I know is it's getting very focused, lines are forming ...... I hope in time
As a previous post pointed out, you're right, they want to get as many as they can, any way that they can. Destroying confidence in the food and water supply is one tactic, but it just drives people like me and others to quietly become much more self-sufficient in many, many ways.
Outstanding theory, elegant presentation. But I suspect the conspirators have less noble motives. Regardless of their motives, it's likely to result in the culling you predict. Important for everyone to prepare.
Saw a good Tucker Carlson interview today with Mattias Desmet, the scientist who attributes the disaster these past few years to "mass formation," which is a fancy way of saying herd behaviors. He says no leader, even presidents, have much direct influence on the herd. Instead, they're directed by propaganda designed by the deep state bureaucrats and their elite masters, because the herd is actually pretty easy to manipulate. So you do more good on the soap box than the ammo box. Keep at it. We'll get them. But keep the ammo box ready.
No, these predatory parasites are not doing us a favor because they are trying to kill White people primarily. Do you really think the America or Europe would be a better place with 10% smart White people and 90% savages?
All white people are not virtuous simply by having white skin, in fact, regardless of skin color, the compliant, obedient, non-critical thinkers among us are the real enemy. They could not have locked us down or put masks on our children were it not for a lot of rabid conformists.
I have considered the fact that the vaxx may very well result in the elimination of much of the opposition as you mentioned. Then there are the reports that the contents of the vaxx from one batch to the next apparently is not the same. If that is the case, could it be that the more deadly batches were distributed to states and regions more hostile to the Marxists/communists/globalist... whatever you may prefer to call them? Did all those inside 'elites' get the real deal? Doesn't sound reasonable that those 'in the know' would take a potentially deadly vaxx themselves.
You sound frustrated and angry T.L. Easy enough to understand why. I was the same for a long time and still lapse back into those feeling occasionally after reading/watching the news. I eventually came to the place where I understood that all this crap was simply out of my control and staying riled up all the time wasn't healthy. I can be frustrating that others aren't as motivated as you are to 'fix things'. Trying to get people moving is akin to trying to push a rope.
The US is a big country, unlike those in Europe and elsewhere, and our population is spread out into various regions that really don't have much in common with each other. Demographic-wise we also are no longer a homogenous society that shares the same values thanks to unfettered illegal immigration, tribalism, leftist indoctrination of our youth to believe Marxist principles, purposeful rewriting of our history to depict America as evil colonizers and white supremacists. Its like water has been poured into a bottle of very fine wine to adulterate it. They won't ever say, "We are destroying your country". Instead they camouflage what they are doing with slogans like "Diversity is our strength". Yeah, right! Hang in there, T.L.
Yeah, I know the red states got the bad vaxx, but there are liberals and traitors in the red states, too, so who do you think lined up for it in the red states? This ultimately makes them more red and could lead, after a long period, to lean more toward secession.
Yeah, there are bad apples in most every barrel these days. But I know people who think as we do who were forced to take the jab or loose their means of earning a living and supporting their families. Now they are in fact ticking time bombs in regards to their health which may cause them to loose their jobs anyway due to illness. It was criminal what was done.
I can definitely relate. We have to keep on doing whatever we can, if for no other reason than because they are working so hard to make us give up. Deo vindice!
We may have been shoulder to shoulder, T. L., back in '09. My wife and I were part of that 1.3 million + of patriots that marched on the capital. We went back in '10 with the Glenn Beck crowd. Unfortunately, Obamacare was still passed and even back then, they were not listening to 'We the People'.
We may have stood next to each other. My wife and I were at both of those functions. Isn't it telling that after both events not a spot of trash was to be found on the ground? Compare that to the 'other' events.
I was at the Glenn Beck thing as well. It was when I recognized that he'd been compromised, at least for that event. To gather over a million people and then have nothing greater in the wings than "have a good day" seemed irrational and certainly not worth my time and money to attend.
T.L. = national treasure
Thank you, I'm humbled by that.
TL, I, and others I am sure , share your frustration and despair, but these things have their own momentum. There will be a triggering event. Impossible to time or predict, but when it does happen it will be like a tsunami, it will build slowly and crash spectacularly. Because of all of the electronic monitoring nd trcking by Big Government (BG) and Big Corporations (BC), this will be an organic uprising not a coordinated large movement. It will be the actions of individuals or small intimate groups or families. We will know the targets by the actions of BG & BC and patriots will take responsibility for those targets in their operationnal areas with out coordination by any one.
We will be an army of lone wolfs or packs. Those with out secure communications will be quickly rounded up. Those that do have secure comms will melt back into the night.
You ave given the clarion call and been a leading light in this struggle against tyranny, Please, Please, Please keep up the good work.
Many thanks from us all.
Thank you Steve, I appreciate the words of encouragement. I think if I could quit, I probably would have. I do change tactics and vehicles on occasion, but this means too much to me.
It means too much for us all.
You sit and think and recall and write about it. Thank you T.L. your effort is very
appreciated. It gets me inspired to do more, and I hope The Welch's organic uprising
will occur. I am amazed often that in spite of years long (adult life) cynicism and
awareness of the down fall of morality, that unconsciously, I still harbor a normalcy
bias. Maybe because "normal" is all I ever knew? I think we all accepted a small number
of people would defy God and natural law for their own gain. Now that near all "rulers"
and the opinion leaders have succumbed to an evil slant it can no longer be accepted,
let alone prevail en' masse. It appears to be all about money and power and willingness
to openly admit elimination of the "useless" must occur. We see that torture, murder, and
satanic behavior (especially that toward children) is largely ignored. Maybe some are
unaware of those activities/I even know a few that are blind to this. Let us all pray the
sleepy, unenlightened, unaware do change their thinking and wake the F up. Better late
than never, and, it is never too late to do the right thing. Unless of course we see nukes
and everyone gets wiped out/then it will be too late
Did Klaus and the boyz cover the jab death thingy by injecting animals with Covid VaXXX to ensure the purebloods get their share too??? Then there are transfusions, more VaXXXes coming with the Next Plandemic that will probably be highly Lethal.
We all know their Intentions are Evil and Deadly. That they are Not going to defer or decline to kill us, to ensure their survival.
Just as in China, the Elitists depend upon the people to suppress the people. A shiny badge or even something as simple as an armband can elevate some people over other people.
I don't think Americans will be as compliant as the Chinese have been but who knows? All I know is it's getting very focused, lines are forming ...... I hope in time
As a previous post pointed out, you're right, they want to get as many as they can, any way that they can. Destroying confidence in the food and water supply is one tactic, but it just drives people like me and others to quietly become much more self-sufficient in many, many ways.
Outstanding theory, elegant presentation. But I suspect the conspirators have less noble motives. Regardless of their motives, it's likely to result in the culling you predict. Important for everyone to prepare.
Saw a good Tucker Carlson interview today with Mattias Desmet, the scientist who attributes the disaster these past few years to "mass formation," which is a fancy way of saying herd behaviors. He says no leader, even presidents, have much direct influence on the herd. Instead, they're directed by propaganda designed by the deep state bureaucrats and their elite masters, because the herd is actually pretty easy to manipulate. So you do more good on the soap box than the ammo box. Keep at it. We'll get them. But keep the ammo box ready.
No, these predatory parasites are not doing us a favor because they are trying to kill White people primarily. Do you really think the America or Europe would be a better place with 10% smart White people and 90% savages?
All white people are not virtuous simply by having white skin, in fact, regardless of skin color, the compliant, obedient, non-critical thinkers among us are the real enemy. They could not have locked us down or put masks on our children were it not for a lot of rabid conformists.
No, all White people are not virtuous, but if you don't recognize the reality of race, our people are sunk.
Amen TL
I have considered the fact that the vaxx may very well result in the elimination of much of the opposition as you mentioned. Then there are the reports that the contents of the vaxx from one batch to the next apparently is not the same. If that is the case, could it be that the more deadly batches were distributed to states and regions more hostile to the Marxists/communists/globalist... whatever you may prefer to call them? Did all those inside 'elites' get the real deal? Doesn't sound reasonable that those 'in the know' would take a potentially deadly vaxx themselves.
You sound frustrated and angry T.L. Easy enough to understand why. I was the same for a long time and still lapse back into those feeling occasionally after reading/watching the news. I eventually came to the place where I understood that all this crap was simply out of my control and staying riled up all the time wasn't healthy. I can be frustrating that others aren't as motivated as you are to 'fix things'. Trying to get people moving is akin to trying to push a rope.
The US is a big country, unlike those in Europe and elsewhere, and our population is spread out into various regions that really don't have much in common with each other. Demographic-wise we also are no longer a homogenous society that shares the same values thanks to unfettered illegal immigration, tribalism, leftist indoctrination of our youth to believe Marxist principles, purposeful rewriting of our history to depict America as evil colonizers and white supremacists. Its like water has been poured into a bottle of very fine wine to adulterate it. They won't ever say, "We are destroying your country". Instead they camouflage what they are doing with slogans like "Diversity is our strength". Yeah, right! Hang in there, T.L.
Yeah, I know the red states got the bad vaxx, but there are liberals and traitors in the red states, too, so who do you think lined up for it in the red states? This ultimately makes them more red and could lead, after a long period, to lean more toward secession.
Yeah, there are bad apples in most every barrel these days. But I know people who think as we do who were forced to take the jab or loose their means of earning a living and supporting their families. Now they are in fact ticking time bombs in regards to their health which may cause them to loose their jobs anyway due to illness. It was criminal what was done.
I can definitely relate. We have to keep on doing whatever we can, if for no other reason than because they are working so hard to make us give up. Deo vindice!
We may have been shoulder to shoulder, T. L., back in '09. My wife and I were part of that 1.3 million + of patriots that marched on the capital. We went back in '10 with the Glenn Beck crowd. Unfortunately, Obamacare was still passed and even back then, they were not listening to 'We the People'.
We may have stood next to each other. My wife and I were at both of those functions. Isn't it telling that after both events not a spot of trash was to be found on the ground? Compare that to the 'other' events.
I was at the Glenn Beck thing as well. It was when I recognized that he'd been compromised, at least for that event. To gather over a million people and then have nothing greater in the wings than "have a good day" seemed irrational and certainly not worth my time and money to attend.
Probably, there were a lot of good people around me.