This video, or transcription mirrors a post I wrote not long ago called “It Has to Crash” and that’s one of the most popular posts I’ve made. It absolutely must crash, because it is a castle built on sand, destined for the foundation to be washed away, because they’ve been constantly eroding that supporting sand with every violation of the Bill of Rights, Constitution, etc. One might ignore truth, but it does not stop being true for one’s ignorance (notice the root words there, they are important).
I’ve been saying this for a decade, so it’s hard to feel the import of it now, but I have to tell you that since they have become so brazen with stealing elections in broad daylight, they (the communists) have gone a bridge too far. They never do understand that they might get what they want, but it costs something every time they get it. Credibility only means something when people trust. Credibility is not the endless river of trust and obedience leftists/communists think it is, it’s a pond and when it is drained of purpose and reason, the waters sate the thirst no more.
It’s all built on lies: lies of global warming; lies of legitimate elections; lies of fiscal sanity; lies of morality; lies of decency; lies of “need;” lies of immigration; lies of gender; lies of justice. They wrap them all in the flag and try to force-feed that huge ball of deception to the public and the biggest resistance we can show to their lies is to simply refuse to believe them. It’s not that hard. A simple turning away from a nightly broadcast in a pub, airport or other public place with the statement, “bullshit” does a lot more to influence your neighbors and the general public than one might think.
Here’s where I tread lightly. I want to point out all of the things one might do to turn the tide, but I’m no expert, no Svengali, I’m just some guy with some ideas as how to beat back the beast of oppression and tyranny. I don’t issue orders or demand accountability. I suggest, because I respect everyone’s own sense of right and wrong, moral and immoral and believe, largely, that folks are no less tuned-in and cognizant as myself.
It’s so EFFING simple. Laugh at them, they’re clowns.
Understand this, first and foremost, you are the magic that made this nation happen; they are the cancer that has destroyed it. You are the solution, they are the problem. You have the answers, they are the troubles. Stop letting those with the problems, who have screwed up a perfectly good nation in 1970, to the effing disaster that it is in 2022. Do not let this continue into 2023. Kari Lake’s lawsuit in Arizona is important for showing up the corruption this person speaks of in the link, as is the Brunson case before the Supreme Court, but we cannot allow ourselves to rely on the justice system to right our ship. We are the captains of this vessel, not them, they are the deck boys, the wainwrights, the porters.
Buck up, you are Americans, who have won every world war, fought each other over political issues of federal power, conquered space and they make out that you can’t even decide what car to buy or how much energy you use? Eff off. We are the masters of freedom and independence. They are wrecking everything good and decent about the earth and no one is following their lead, not China, not Russia, because they know all of this global warming nonsense is a means of internal Western political corruption. Effing windmills everywhere only for the power companies to claim “climate consciousness” and bill you for the cost of these totally ineffective windmills and solar power farms. Wake up, they’re punking you, you gullible idiots. Sorry, it can’t be said any other way, I’ve tried and the time is getting short. Life is about to really, really suck and because we have allowed them to push us back into this corner, allowed them to take all of our legal, logical and peaceful responses away and stand there like a bully in an alley, “what you gonna do now, white boy?”
This white boy is gonna fight.
Start asking your power provider why they bought into climate change windmills and why YOU have to pay for that stupid decision, get your neighbors to make the same phone call. Start asking some questions. You are in control, you’re the one who pays for everything. Start asking why you’re paying for Ukraine to protect it’s borders when America, especially Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California don’t. Start asking why. Why, why, why. Those should start every conversation between yourself and a politician, a bureaucrat, a city or county worker.
Let’s stay on windmills for a second, because they’re so classic of modern corporate economics. Your power company invests in “green energy” windmills. They do this to pre-empt climate Nazis from targeting their corporation and to receive tax credits and grants from the federal government, that has no role whatsoever in that exchange, except that they’re bought off by the same climate Nazis and threatened with being called a “bad person” as a political candidate if they don’t offer the tax credits and grants. You have to sort of admire the climate Nazis that have not expended one cent and achieved all of this power, except for the fact that it isn’t your power company that’s investing, it’s you, because you don’t have a say in what they do to raise your rates or how much it costs for electric service, because it’s a monopoly in most cases. They have, in effect, taken money from you to invest in a nonsensical investment to satisfy people who are probably on the public dole themselves or in the pocket of people like George Soros or Bill Gates to yield what? What? Nothing, a figment of the environmentalist imagination, a climate boogeyman. But you pay for it or you freeze in the dark. If that isn’t corporate terrorism, I don’t know what is. You are the one they’re terrorizing. Asking these jackasses WHY, is not out of bounds, it isn’t unattractive, it’s now, at this point, a matter of survival to ask what is so important about a non-existent threat that demands that you freeze in the darkness and that’s just how I would ask that question of your power companies.
America is a great place, but it’s been taken over by idiots, charlatans and traitors. You want to know why you’re not getting to work in your flying car? It’s because administrators and bureaucrats have limited the experimentation of different modes of transportation, deeming them too “dangerous” to entertain, because they’re bought off by the auto industry. That ain’t America. Now, while hillbillies and rednecks might be a bit nuts and reckless, innovation comes from the reckless, the odd, the experimenters of insane notions. That’s what made America great: it’s the nuts who just happened to devise the most ingenious and incredible inventions ever to plague mankind.
We are stifled by regulation and yes, it is dangerous to innovate and invent, but in the America of old, that was a personal risk to be accepted by the user. The American auto industry could never be developed under the current regulatory apparatus. We need to ditch this consuming, overbearing apparatus of weakling bureaucrats and tell them where to get off. Americans are inventors and innovators and risk-takers, we demand freedom and curse those who would limit our imaginations, because that was given to us by God and they have no authority on that level.
The change in my tone has been because it’s time to stop being congenial and start asserting ourselves as Americans first and citizens second.
As was pointed out, all of my links to my novels go to Amazon. That’s so you can read the reviews and make up your own mind. To buy from me/us, you can go to That buys from us and while Amazon might still be the printer, they don’t get a piece of the bigger pie.
I asked Jim Quinn to post this great article over at The Burning Platform.
Caution indeed, (Watson is surely joking) caution all the way, and meanwhile,
"Do not comply". Merry Christmas and wishing us a Happy New Year.
Best Regards to all,