Amen, brother. But I didn't notice a change in tone, just seemed maybe a bit more direct. We should all keep in mind the corrupt FBI is almost certainly monitoring us, so we should be cautious about being too direct. You say you're American first and citizen second, and I think I understand the distinction, but our problem really transcends nationalities. The illegals down in the Home Depot parking lot have as much reason to become more direct as anyone else. Your tone applies to everyone, everywhere.

First order of business might be to get you some better clothes. You don't appear to be ready to fight effectively. Especially in cold weather. Hard times require preparation. And I don't know what's in that can you're holding, but I recommend everyone maintain their focus. Hard times require clear thinking.

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Well, that's just a picture of someone, a symbol. If you've seen Lies of Omission you know what I look like.

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I knew that. Just trying to cheer you up. And I was hoping you wouldn't hurt me. After my note, I watched the usawatchdog interview. I don't usually get excited about fat chicks, but I'm in love with CAF. If I could work on her diet she could be super hot. But she's smart and has some good ideas, so I'll subscribe to her newsletter. I'm trying to reconcile her advice to avoid digital payments with her web site preferring paypal. We still need some compromises. I'm tempted to take her advice on leaving California, but I hope to do some good in the underground. Also, I don't like to surrender, and retreat is a prelude to defeat. But she has some new ideas I hadn't thought much about, on preparation for the collapse. Good tip. Thanks.

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Actually, I knew you knew that wasn't me and you did make some useful and amusing points about the appearance of the guy in the photo, but I felt like I had to get it out there that that was not me before people started to wonder or accuse me of some mischief.

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Too late -- we already wonder about you. But in a good way. Mischief is fine, too.

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Catherin Austin Fitts would prefer for subscribers to pay via silver coinage, checks, or cash. I'm retired now and on a fixed income. I would like to subscribe to her Solari newsletter and videos but, $275 for the digital version is a bit more than I'm willing to spend right now.

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I didn't see that on the web site. I'll track it down.

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You must be new to T. L. & his blog and writings. That's not him.

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I asked Jim Quinn to post this great article over at The Burning Platform.


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Thank you Gary, The Burning Platform is one of my favorite, I asked Jim to come on my podcast, but he thought better of it. Just running TBF is enough exposure for him.

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Caution indeed, (Watson is surely joking) caution all the way, and meanwhile,

"Do not comply". Merry Christmas and wishing us a Happy New Year.

Best Regards to all,


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Remember that "Technology" Exceeds our broadly held awareness & reality. The Corruption & Treason also Exceeds our Current Realities. "The War" currently underway also is Deeper than most will admit, as it's very uncomfortable. It Will Get Worse, because It is Agreed by the Majority & Tyrants as well as Patriots that It Must Get Worse. I also Agree It Must Get Worse, before the dice are rolled in this Game.

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