Aug 4Liked by T.L. Davis

We are indeed past the point that one man (or woman) can undo the wanton destruction of the American experiment.

There are too many forces, and appallingly, too many citizens against what America stood for. Government education centers have succeeded in eliminating rational thought and logic from its captives minds. Indoctrination into leftist group-think has created a generation of mind numbed robots.

No one person can turn that around. Are there enough that remember the America that was? And if there are, are we too old to do anything about it? When Khrushchev pounded his shoe on the lecturn at the UN and exclaimed "We will bury you from within", was this his grand plan? Or is it merely that the democrats adopted his plan and implemented it?

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Either way, It's Here. democRats are Bolsheviks, and this is the USSA, definitely since the 2020 sElection Coup

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Aug 5Liked by T.L. Davis

And the Republicrats are complicit.

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I prefer rinoRats, but I get your point. The Rat Party is the UniParty of "Hakeem" Johnson fully funding the democRat's $pending, even to Build the FIB a New Building as a Reward for their/them's roundup and imprisonment of those "Deplorable" Jan 6er "Insurgents".

Call me Deplorable and Insurgent long enough and I Become Proudly one, Comrades.

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Aug 5Liked by T.L. Davis

I didn't figure we could come back from the '92 campaign. It didn't even take the election to decide that we were screwed. They kept and keep getting away with bigger, worse and more obvious things. It continued under W. Bigger, worse and more obvious. We made a big deal about Obama care. Medicare passed without much notice. The amount that Americans spent on drugs (mostly indirectly), Doubled in four years, and again in the next four, and has continued up since. Paying with insurance is indirect, paying through insurance through your workplace, or any other kind of institutions is more indirect, paying through government is even more indirect, paying through any of these other kinds of institutions and through the government, is even more indirect.

After 9/11 they figured everyone was numb, and we were. After the Patriot act, what legislation even mattered. This and lack of liability are why big pharma never would have had the money to buy the media, and who knows how many worldwide. In an early draft of Eisenhower's farewell speech he wrote "the military industrial congregational complex. No matter who is in, whether they co-operate with part of the nonsense or not, it still happens.

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Aug 5Liked by T.L. Davis

It's Medicare part D that I was referring to.

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Aug 5·edited Aug 5Liked by T.L. Davis

Here is The Plan, Comrades: 1. Elect Trump (if there are elections and not WW3) 2. With the Presidency comes Legitimacy to Counter the ProgreSSive/Bolsheviks as the Insurgents. 3. If They/Them then want a CW, Give It To Them/They.

If the sElection is Again Stolen, then there goes the "Legitimacy" thingy into a 50/50 "he said/she said" and We/Me/You are labeled the Insurgents. They/Them will use Their Feral polezi & DoInJust USSA to open up their "reform" camps.......... and County/State polezi have to Decide if their Pay is worth It, because...... their families live amongst We/Me/You. So # 3. Give them their/them CW.

We are as Split as a Nation as in 1860, Do Not Doubt This. There will be No Easy Way Out. and the Economy Will Crash. (Forget that paper fiat or credit card)

Will You have your Own supply chain in place??? Everything you Eat will come from the County you Live IN. and Your neighbors had better be Patriots or it's going to be really nasty fast. Food will be Golden.

I wish it could be otherwise, but Hopium is just a narcotic, it's time to get clean as #3, either CW or WW or Both is on the 1861 event horizon. CYA

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GenEarly, I am overweight so I reckon the Low Calorie Commie Diet will slim me down some. I saw a photo of a shopkeeper in Venezuela, split screen. On the left side of the photo, the shopkeeper was fat and his shelves were full of goods. On the right side of the photo, the shopkeeper was skinny and shelves had 4 bottles on them. He was on the Commie Diet.

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Aug 5·edited Aug 5Liked by T.L. Davis

Financially, the USA is long past the point of no return. Interest on the national debt is taking up a trillion dollars a year out of the national budget. It's a debt trap. This is how empires die.

I agree with T.L. Davis. The system we have now doesn't work for us. It harms us.

Change is coming. I'll do what I can to make it a change for the better. That's all I can do.

PS: I just finished reading "Home to Texas" the second book in the J.D. Wilkes trilogy written by T.L. Davis. It's another very good book. I liked the action scenes in the novel and the dialogue.

I just read the first chapter of the third book in the trilogy "Into Exile." The writing is good, but I don't like the format of the book. The larger type is easier on my eyes, but the chapter headings are a bit pedantic. I liked the format of the first two books better. This is just cosmetic criticism. I'm looking forward to reading "Into Exile."

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Aug 5Liked by T.L. Davis

Just bought the book, looking forward to it.

Thanks TT for the reminder.

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The difference is simply in the price of publishers and to provide efficiency, they limit options. I've never been really happy with the design of any of the books, except the first two. When dealing with publishers, I'm still unsatisfied.

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Aug 5Liked by T.L. Davis

Yikes, what a prediction and responses to it!

Some true demons have decided to strike the White race and strike

them/us hard. Other groups will suffer as well, we know that for sure,

and the rich can not escape either. We are in a world-wide chaos event.

We will see nations fail and disease and starvation will prevail. I just know it,

but a shred of hope will keep some peeps going and for that we can feel grateful

to them. Thanks Mr. Davis for your belief in the strength of peeps everywhere.

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Aug 5·edited Aug 5Liked by T.L. Davis

" Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - - Mao Zedong - -


We will not BEG our way out of the treachery and treason of the Amerikan communists.

We will not lawsuit our way out of the treachery and treason of the Amerikan communists.

We will not VOTE our way out of the treachery and treason of the Amerikan communists.

Sometimes Violence is the answer.

DAN, Erie County, Pennsylvania

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Sometimes violence is the only way to survive. There are millions of combatants in our states, counties and cities. Look at Germany and the UK for visions of what's to come.

But never, ever lose sight of who caused this and that we can't vote them out when they are the ones that count the votes.

Lock and load!

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Aug 5·edited Aug 5Liked by T.L. Davis

T.L., Did you get the idea for the governor's own secret police force from the Criminal Bureau of Investigation (CBI) that Huey Long created when he became governor of Louisiana? I'm watching a documentary about Huey Long. That man was a determined socialist for sure. Ethics didn't get in his way. LOL. Long took on Standard Oil and then his kingdom developed some problems in Louisiana. The fistfights on the floor of the legislature in Baton Rouge were hilarious.

Start at about the 1:30:30 mark.


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No, Edmund J. Davis was a real person and his private police force an invention of his own. The congress was unsupportive and eventually, when they got rid of him, the state police as well. But, as we know, eventually the idea stuck.

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T.L., Maybe Huey Long was copying Edmund J. Davis when Long created his own private police force in Louisiana. Long was a smart guy with a photographic memory.

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