The interesting thing is that the Colorado Supreme Court has (purported) to take Trump off of the Republican Party's *primary* ballot using the entirely irrelevant 14th Amendment. That amendment applies to candidate for elective office, it does not apply to the naming of a nominee for elective office, which, up until now, was strictly the business of whatever political party was doing the selection. If this ruling were allowed to set precedent, the Democrats could choose the nominees for the Republicans - and the Republicans could do the same for the Democrats. The Amendment being violated here by this decision is the First Amendment - denial of the freedom of speech of the Republican Party. Trump's lawyers did not appear to catch this distinction - between candidates for a nomination by a political party, as opposed to candidates nominated by a party, running for election to a public office. The conclusion I draw is that Trump's lawyers are grossly incompetent and ought to go back to law school and learn the law...

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Having visited battlefields in the south and the north it, made me realize the Civil War had a sharply delineated line that defined the enemy.

It was the Mason-Dixon line eventually defined by state borders from PA to MO. You were either a Yankee or a Reb and this line defined you, even putting some of your family north of the line, and some south of the line.

It was easy to tell who the enemy was for those on both sides of the line. The color of your uniform defined your ideology, or maybe just where you lived. But the line was clear.

Fast forward to today and there is no line defining the enemy. The enemy may be your next door neighbor, or a cousin on the left coast. The enemies of the US are intertwined with the normies, the patriots, or just someone that wants to be left alone. But that is over; the enemies of each side could be next door, the next city or state over.

CW2.0 is already here. The country is split pretty much in two. The difference now is there is no line to cross, to hate, or to fear. How do you fight that? What can you do individually to take America back from the communists?

We know voting won't do it; it was proven in the last election and the results exposed the depth of the enemy in government and its sycophants.

The only conclusion I can see is a country fighting with itself in a kinetic war while the perpetrators run off to their bunkers smiling all the way. Who will Bill Gates allow in his bunker, if anyone?

I don't have any idea how it will play out, and at my age I probably won't see it, but I feel sorry for those of you that will live it. It's escalating and it's coming soon.


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Your comment is true in large part, your enemy could be your neighbor or your cousin, but to a certain extent, this conflict will be color-coded. This may not be a palatable position for many White people especially, but that is just how it is. A look at the crime stats, of black and Hispanic crimes against White people will show who will be up against us. Actually, they already are.

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One thing inevitable is the decline of those who were too haughty or plain ignorant to see the reality and the need to prepare themselves for it. This mostly shakes-out to be those following nothing but the lamestream media @ 6:00 PM and the required pro sports infomercials. Not to mention the specific programming cleverly installed in them during 12+ years of public screwl edumacation.

Many of them are steadily perishing from toxic jabs, have no real sense of our foreboding future, and no means of defending themselves from it.

Those are potential combatants who are or have effectively removed themselves as potent enemies of any defense of our once-great Nation. They have also eliminated any sympathy or empathy from me.

Don't help yourself? God may have a distinct lack of consideration, as well.

Really amazing how us ignoring our obligations as a voting Republic just let it all slip away so fast, isn't it? Almost as though unbeknown to us, this has been progressing for decades, huh?

Likely because it has been.

Prepare accordingly. Decide ahead of time what you're truly willing to risk. Acknowledge you may not be the one deciding the real answer to that last decision. It may have already been decided by others. Your life may already be worth virtually nothing, so what do you really have to lose?

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Well, most of us did vote, for all the good it did us. Not only are the elections crooked, but the choice of candidates is usually detestable. So, no I'm not voting again, why contribute to this corrupt situation.

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What we are facing in this country is no more complicated than addressing a playground bully. I read something recently that had that theme to it. But each of us know that a bully will continue to bully until they met someone that they can't bully. There was such a bully in my Boy Scout troop when I was a kid. He was the Asst. Scout Master's son who thought he was king of the hill and constantly picked, prodded, and bullied other scouts. One evening prior to a troop meeting in the recreation hall of a church I was sitting off amerced in some day dream when he walked by and slapped me in the face. Like a coiled spring I was up and I beat that kid all the way across the floor and didn't hardly recall having done it! Crying, his father sent him out to sit in the car until the meeting was over. To his credit, his father told him he got what he deserved. He never bullied me after that. He actually kept his distance. There is a lesson there.

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This cluster F has encircled us every which way. We have seen what happens to people that

merely speak out, then labeled even as domestic terrorists. The people "in charge" are as bad as

witches, or devils, or demons...so immersed in their criminality, that people are beyond outraged.

A cataclysm will occur regardless, CWII is already here.

Colin Flaherty Follow 'White Girl Bleed A Lot': The Return of Racial Violence to...


'Don't Make the Black Kids Angry:' The hoax of black victimization and those who enable it.

by Colin Flaherty

The events described, particularly the first book, happened in my former city Milwaukee,

and just over the river where I lived in a "safe" community. In 2009 we started looking

for a retreat home, but didn't find it until 2011, we bought it and it has become our primary

dwelling. We were grateful to get rid of our tax albatross in the city.

That is the first step.

Job losses are on the rise, so one might as well be poor in a rural haven than prosperous

in the city, as prosperous is evaporating anyway.

Now we can look forward to the invasion of multiple cultures of unfriendlies mounting attacks.

Not much we can do about that, as the deed is done and growing.

Take care everyone and try to eke out a family holiday that is rewarding in your own homes.

God Bless, and best regards.

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I have been climbing this hill for a very long time now. I know I will have to take very cold hard actions regarding certain family, friends & others. These decisions have been made and changed and may change again.

Nothing is for yourself.

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I think the entire political and bureaucratic empire needs to be flushed like a toilet. The challenge however is finding enough folks with the morals and honesty to repair what is left and start over. The vast majority of colonists were God-centered. The crafters of our fledgling government were either God centered or held highly the Christian ideals and concept of governance. We are fractured beyond belief now and that I believe was part of the plan. At some point, someone will light the catalyst match and it will be game on. Ironically the immigrants flooding across the border will be better prepared to deal with and survive the crisis. I once had a Peruvian employee. He told me that as a child in Peru, his job was to find grass to feed the family Guinea Pigs. Y’all had them for pets I asked. His response came with a grin- oh no they reproduce quickly and taste like chicken!

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