There are greater issues at play than just stolen elections and disappointed voters. The very crux of self-government, a government of the people, is reliant on the accurate accounting of their concerns, the citizens, the ones who pay taxes and own property, not so much the transients who live off the hard work of others. De Tocqueville wrote about it in 1835, that the American system would only collapse when the people realized they could vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. Here we are.
If we cannot run an election on the up and up, we cannot govern ourselves, it’s no more complicated than that. A nation founded on that concept cannot survive the fake and felonious excuses and alibis for failing in this one supremely important task. The only possible cause of failure must be intentional, to use the justification of an election to work against the will of the people, to enslave them and convince them that their neighbors enslaved them. This is how civil wars begin, with that premise, that all of your pains and sorrows are caused by your neighbor. The question is not: How do we fix our elections? But rather: Should we have them at all?
We are a people born of and owing to revolution. It’s in our genes to question authority; to imagine freedom; to design things that work instead of clinging to outdated modes of governance. But we get hung up on the idea that if the constitution were simply followed, we wouldn’t need a revolution. If the constitution can be anything other than followed, it’s a flawed premise. When the court became the arbiter of an individual’s rights, the constitution ceased to be effective in defending those rights. It literally placed one judge in charge of an entire population, giving him power to take or give as he saw necessary to his own agenda. The idea of a Supreme Court being all-knowing, all-wise was a presumption too grand for human beings.
As it is, the current situation, the United States of America is going to be either sold off to the WEF, conquered by Russia or China, devolve into civil war, complete its transition into an electronic prison, completely implode economically or any combination of those possible futures.
If none of those possible futures are acceptable, the time for doing something is now. The attempt to do something will increase the possibility of one or more of those possible futures and is likely the cause of so much wailing away on internet sites rather than acting like Brazil and getting out there to exert a show of force against the injustices we daily suffer.
We cannot wait until the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and the Global Passport requiring the World Health Organization to sign off on one’s ability to travel come into effect to resist these highly dangerous and enslaving propositions.
That is, if our government, in association with the WEF, doesn’t have us all murdered through our food and/or water distribution systems.
Great time to be alive isn’t it? Every day we have the opportunity to cheat the death they have planned for us. Should we evade the constant drumbeat of taking a poison vaxx like all of our neighbors have done, we are likely to be killed by some illegal shipped in by the government and paid to kill us and loot our stuff. Should we evade that, there’s poverty, lack of heat, lack of electricity, the elimination of any future generation through sterilization, disrupted reproductive cycles, the encouragement to sterilize or mutilate our children to the point of being incapable of reproduction.
All of this, all of it, has been manufactured since we accepted two weeks to slow the spread. When we did not come out of those two weeks demanding a return to normalcy, we consigned ourselves to this hell. Now, we have to fight our way out.
This is what allowing every breathing individual a vote has brought us. The communist plan has been successful in that it has destroyed every institution, corrupted it all by the sheer power of inserting themselves into the voting proposition, being the most energetic voice among the sheep.
Now what? Where do we go from here? Whatever respite the Republican House provides is nothing more than stalling the inevitable. The same happened when Trump beat Hillary, it gave us a moment to coalesce into a resistance, but everyone thought that Trump was an answer, he wasn’t and valuable time was lost believing that he was.
The average American who loves freedom cannot prevail in the United States, not their politicians, not their views, not their schools, not their churches they’ll start a war to keep that from ever happening, because they see no value in this nation as constituted. In fact, they detest it, because it raises the people above the government, something statists abhor. The ultimate wrong that must be righted in their minds. I say: start the war, then, because nothing will come of this system that gives an air of freedom until we lose that war. I don’t know what happens then, everyone wants a fairy-tale ending, sometimes there isn’t one. I do know that they are already fighting the war against us.
We are ruled by a class that sees us as an enemy. They take our money, our children, our jobs, our freedom, our privacy and our dreams, but they hold up the flag and everyone steps back, recoils, is willing to view those who stand against them as the enemy. This was January 6th in a nutshell.
That flag doesn’t mean to them what it means to you. To them, it’s a shield from you. They invoke “democracy” knowing that the average American doesn’t recognize that the Soviet Union was considered democratic in theory, the same as it is here. We are not a democracy and anyone using that term is using it as a defense against their crimes and usurpations of power.
It’s the principles of individual rights against the natural corruption of government that our loyalty deserves, not symbols of the wretched bastardization of those principles. The flag has no meaning if it flies over this nation in its current state; we have to make the state deserving of that flag.
My only suggestion, at this point, is to gird yourselves up against any future vaxx or lockdown, any suggestion of some digital currency, some WHO travel pass, etc. These people intend to destroy you, so anything they propose must be met with vehement resistance. The answer to them must be a very simple NO!
The FTX scandal should alert all to the dangers of crypto and the ways in which digital currency can disappear, but that’s not how they’ll use it, they’ll say it was because it was done privately; that a digital currency run by the government is the only way to ensure this doesn’t happen. (stop laughing, I know you are) Tell that to those who lost everything in 2008 and the pandemic. These were government run disasters. 2008 was not a failure of the banking system, the banking system was acting in accordance with the regulations enforced by the government. Look up the Community Reinvestment Act to understand how and why banks were giving loans to people with no credit, not even a job, just an unverified statement of income. How all of those loans were bundled together with solid loans and sold on the open market.
We now have a system of governments and corporations playing loose and free with our lives, our finances, our health and we’re still waiting, hoping for change. We are the change and our inaction is keeping it from occurring. What more do they have to do?
If we want to survive, we have to question everything, including our own principles. This is the point where we have to wreck it to save ourselves, preserve freedom and build on the ashes.
My novels of freedom
Sometime when one of those govt. parasites stands behind a podium talking about how "democracy is under threat" by Americans having a different opinion on things, I would dearly love a 'reporter' to ask the parasite to define democracy. My guess is they can't. The word 'democracy' is just another word the Marxists have commandeered and weaponized. Democracy is mob rule. The majority can step all over the minority unimpeded and without accountability. Who would want that? Well, the Marxists would. America was never founded to be a democracy. We, here ,already know that. Unfortunately millions of Americans don't know that and likely never will. I wonder lately if its just a waste of time to even have a conversation about how "they" aren't adhering to the Constitution when "they" don't give a crap about the document, never did, and never will thanks to our 'stellar' education system that was turned against freedom and liberty and all things good about the Republic those of us of diminishing numbers loved, fought for in our youth, and cared about. No, I'm not pessimistic. I am realistic. The landscape is changing and we must decide how we influence the change to have a hospitable place in what evolves or we will have no place.
Yes, here we are, in the outer limits of a big cesspool. One peaceful solution,
a saying NO! to the system, would have been a refusal to vote. We could have
shown our disdain by refusing to participate in a rigged and dishonest process.
All the assaults, past and present, you mentioned in your essay are valid. Pretend
for a moment we are characters in a dystopian novel because we are. The "system"
is in it's death throes and lashing out against us. Some peeps want to keep pretending
"we will go back to normal" given the right representatives to correct course. They are
in a suicidal loop and conforming will give them their wish. The enemies we face are
looting the USA with every fraud they can dream up. There is no regard for ROL, and
it is sadistic in nature, and destruction is the name of the game. We as a "country" are
functionally bankrupt. We, as a nation, are morally bankrupt as well, and likely are
loathed by the world populations as they wake up to the fallout they will suffer as a
result. Will we have WW3 to "cover it up"? Will we have civil war 2.0 to distract and
put us into a living hell? I can not see my countrymen as the enemy and be induced
to fire upon them. No way. I am engaged in an effort to disengage. I say NO! to
taking my frustration with it all out on groups of "others". Many of the others have
been coached hard to hate fellow Americans and blame them for their discontent.
Many woke up to this after 9/11 and that maneuver to "go after the terrorists".
At our home we wept. We knew who the real enemies were and began to plan for
inevitable outcomes. We understand now, as it all played out, the depth of depravity
we are witnessing now, full blown and out in the open. The people have been demoralized
and it will get worse. We are told, in speeches and proclamations, intended laws and rules,
that they will install a beast system and have total control over us and all we do. This
all sounds like hell on earth. Who are these people playing God with everyone's lives and
what right do they have to do so? They do not have any rights to do so. Say NO! and
disengage lest God views us as collaborators. Wake up people, take control of yourselves.
Tip: Start today = get out of debt and stay out of debt, as debt fuels the banking system.
Live well below your means and gain a bit more physical control. Good luck to all.