Aug 3, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

I am hearing it is time to take up arms

Z man in his blog yesterday, " by any means nessissary"

A Canadian style truck convoy, armed to the teeth might be the spark.

Just a thought.

How to coordinate nation wide action in a police state?

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You’re not supposed to say things like that, Spingerah. We are to stay really, really nice and quiet, refuse to open our eyes to reality, and be meek, soft Beta-males like my church leadership.

We know violence is not the answer….or is it? What else will get their attention?

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

Pin pricks don't work & are just memory holed if reported. When leftists commit arson, bombings, murder etc. It's the same.

Yeah saying out loud what many are thinking isn't wise, undoubtedly it is being monitored by the feds truth will not be suppressed forever.

I gave up trying to find a church. Pablum from the pulpit is all I heard, .love the sinner not the sin, tolerance, turn the other cheek, Jesus would be a socialist. Flying degenerat flags. No thanks.

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"Pablum from the pulpit is all I heard, .love the sinner not the sin, tolerance, turn the other cheek, Jesus would be a socialist. Flying degenerat flags. No thanks."

I haven't even tried to find a church because of that.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

Some of you may remember the country comic Jerry Clower. He liked to tell stories about the Ledbetters and all the antics that family got into. One of his stories was about one of the Ledbetters climbing into a tree to retrieve what he thought was a dead bobcat... that turned out NOT to be dead! The fight was on up in the tree and Ledbetter 'hollored' down for his partner to "shoot up here amongst us because one of us needs some relief!" Well, we are at that stage. One of us, the Marxist or Patriots, needs some relief. There can "only be one" as the movie line goes.

I read/listen to a lot of podcasters who talk about the dire situation we as a nation are in. They recite all the same issues, and we should know them by heart, now. At the end of most of them they feel the need to put out a disclaimer stating, "Now, we are not advocating violence of any kind". OK, so you are with a group protesting against abortion and some deranged blue-haired nut case rushes up to you spewing bad breath and profanities and then sprays you in the face with paint or God knows what else, and you wouldn't get violent? Violence is their tool and instilling in you the fear of being punished for defending yourself against it is their chains binding you to do nothing in defense. If we are afraid or incapable to do violence in our defense and the opposition knows it, we have already lost. Selfdefense is not a crime, whether from another individual or some group/organization. Its a natural and God-given right of all of us. I just wanted to toss that out there because we are where we are because we neglected putting up a potent defense in whatever guise that needed to entail.

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

Many of you will probably not agree with me, including TL but, I'm going to say it. TRUMP is not the answer. I don't understand the short memory of so many. During his 4 years, the swamp did not get drained, it got hired into many cabinet positions. The debt grew larger than his predecessor, not lower. The wall did not get built, the border was not closed (better than today, yes, for sure). He called himself the father of the "vaccine" (i.e., death jab) and that he saved millions. He embraces it to this day.

He takes shots at 'DeSanctimonious (yes, his silly name calling as he did prior to 2016) for lifting up Fauci and locking down Florida when he let Fauci and Dr. Scarf keep their positions up until he left office. These talking points he makes cannot be called political speech; I call it hypocrisy.

To be clear, I voted for Trump 2x, and I held my nose both times. He was a lifetime NY democrat until he threw his hat in the ring. What he is is a populist. He is easily manipulated simply by sucking up to him as he is a narcissist with a capital 'N'.

I'm sorry TL, I can't agree with you on this. His form of "fighting" is to get on social media and name call. And yes, he does point out the crap from the left but, when he had the chance to load his cabinet with real supporters and those that might effect real change, he ended up giving the jobs to people he owed, like Wilbur Ross, who bailed him out in the 90's.

I'm done with lessor of 2 evils or any evil at all. I've got 2 friends; one dead now and one injured for life, with a shortened life, because they listened to Trump on taking the death jab. I will not forget this.

Principles are costly. I cannot, and will not support someone who I have come to the conclusion is nothing more than a MAJOR distraction and a psyop. Additionally, he's old and, he could only serve one term, a lame duck President which is the least reason I'm done with this guy.

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Brewer, no, I agree with you. Trump isn't the answer. I give him better scores than you do just because he wasn't Hillary, I gave him a pass on everything else. He didn't do a lot of what he said he would, but every move he made toward the wall was met with a lack of funding, law suits and he was already under investigation for something they knew was a lie his entire 4 years.

Having said that, I tried to make clear that not only is Trump himself no sort of answer, this isn't even about an election. Trump is the person the whole of the corrupt, communist government is bent on attacking, so he's the one we have to defend as a means of attacking the communist government. Unless people are ready to directly confront the Marxists, in the streets, you have to choose a proxy.

I'm sorry your friends took the jab, but this is not lesser of two evils. This is how we are stalled into doing nothing over and over and over. In my mind the choice is Trump, as much as one might not like that, or a prison camp. It's literally that clear. If they get away with doing this to one of the most popular presidents in history, they'll roll over us like a steamroller.

This is just like the lockdown, telling us to do a bunch of stupid things that were just to determine whether we were compliant or not. They're attacking Trump to see if they can take down the entirety of the republic with lawfare. If they can, everyone's going to prison for what they say or write.

I hope you understand that. That's the question being asked: Will the people let us make up phony charges that almost every Democrat has been guilty of over and over and use it to imprison them?

I don't like it any more than you do, Brewer, but that's the question, what's your answer?

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

Regarding the comparison between Hillary and Trump, I understand what you are saying. The thought of Hillary at the helm makes me physically nauseous. She is the epitome of an evil person who would do anything to further personal wealth and power. As was said in the movie "The Outlaw Josey Wales", "I hate her guts and livers!".

I wanted to be clear on where I stand with the Clinton Crime Family. However, as bad as it would have been had she won, I also believe the right in this country, the real patriots and Christian conservatives, would have bonded together like no time in our countries history. Instead, Trump 'won' (possibly "selected") and we ended up with the right at odds with each other like no time in history. Divided/split which we know what that means and what it has resulted in, to this day.

Back to Trump, if you recall, he had the house and the senate during his first 2 years. His #1 rally call during his candidacy was to build a big beautiful wall and having the Mexicans pay for it. During those 2 years, I never heard a word from him about the wall. Instead, he waited until January of his 3rd year as POTUS to go to Congress, with Pelosi controlling the house, to ask for the money and the wall. Give me a break!

Also, during his term, there were the hordes and lines of illegals that came through that porous southern border.

Like her or hate her, this is why one of his most ardent supporters (Ann Coulter), who even wrote a favorable book about him, turned on him and became one of his worst critics.

As far as putting Trump back in as a sort of buckler shield to take all the arrows of the communist left, I'm not getting what that is going to accomplish in the short or long run. How does this stop the beast machine, global mind you, from doing their evil machinations? It would be nothing more than a social media frenzy and back to them fabricating and doing everything to get rid of him -- again. In the meantime, everything is for the most part, gridlock. He got stymied at every turn because of the massive infiltration of communists in every agency of the US government, along with the marxists in the SES that Oblahblah started during his presidency.

Regarding popularity of Trump. I would grant you that for a segment of the population, I would agree. There is indeed a cult following and even some outside of the programmed cult that like him simply because he has no filters and he likes to stick his finger into the eyes of his detractors. That was fun for about 5 minutes. I'm sorry, this is not a viable plan of action. I do not hold to the belief, as he likes to say in almost all of his posts, that he is the most popular president ever. Personally, since Clinton, everyone one of the Presidents have brought some level of shame to what was once the most prestigious and most important offices in the country, and the world.

I know I probably sound like a Trump hater -- I'm not. During his presidency, I was probably in that minority that never liked him, nor hated him. I truly tried to be as objective as I could.

If you know who 'Uncola' is on The Burning Platform, he wrote a lot about Trump during his presidency. He was truly trying to uncover who this man really was during his term. He used to use the term "is Trump REAL? Or, is he 'Reality TV'. I finally came to the conclusion that Trump was Reality TV.

I'm a no bullshit person. If I support someone, and I find out that they are a liar and have taken me for a ride, and I have done my own personal homework to come to a conclusion, as I have with him over what I personally believe is a plethora of evidence, than I'm done with them.

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As we said, Trump is the answer to nothing, we are. We are going to fix all of that stuff or let it consume us. That isn't the role of someone like Trump. You have to understand that Trump is a proxy for the Administrative state for US and he is a proxy for US against them. That's the battlefield at this moment. The only true solutions to any of our problems is the Kessler Effect and a few dozen EMPs. That's the hardline of where we are.

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Trump is a confidence artist, has been since the 1970s, when I first heard about him from a relative in New York City. He made his fortune by shaking down the NYC Democratic machine, using eminent domain - raw state power - to acquire property for far less than its value. His real value now is that he seems to be breaking people out of their learned helplessness, which is initially instilled by public education, and then continued by narcissistic abuse by government, its propaganda outlets, and social media colluding with and funded by government. It's a war of perceptions, and perception control, especially through social media, is vital.

The various social contagions seen over the past four or five years - the transgender hysteria, the COVID hysteria of fear and loathing, the “woke” hysteria - can be laid at the feet of social media - and this is apparently deliberate and well-characterized, in the case below by researchers at Facebook itself:

“Emotional states can be transferred to others via emotional contagion, leading people to experience the same emotions without their awareness. Emotional contagion is well established in laboratory experiments, with people transferring positive and negative emotions to others. Data from a large real-world social network, collected over a 20-y period suggests that longer-lasting moods (e.g., depression, happiness) can be transferred through networks [Fowler JH, Christakis NA (2008) BMJ 337:a2338], although the results are controversial. In an experiment with people who use Facebook, we test whether emotional contagion occurs outside of in-person interaction between individuals by reducing the amount of emotional content in the News Feed. When positive expressions were reduced, people produced fewer positive posts and more negative posts; when negative expressions were reduced, the opposite pattern occurred. These results indicate that emotions expressed by others on Facebook influence our own emotions, constituting experimental evidence for massive-scale contagion via social networks.” https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1320040111

Breaking away from the perception control means that the conditioned learned helplessness can be broken out of. I'm working on a post about this, but I've already written about social media: https://streamfortyseven.substack.com/p/facebooks-new-twitter-alternative and https://streamfortyseven.substack.com/p/why-has-society-become-so-polarized

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Yes, check out those links.

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You're right, I can't do it. Remember too that he pushed out ventilators that kill 80% of the people who are put on them, he supported lockdowns which destroyed tens of thousands of small businesses, he paid hospitals to kill people with the $39,000 bonus for anyone who died of covid. Wasn't that a great incentive to keep people alive? Sure, he mumbled about HCQ and ivermectin, but never did anything to get them out to the public. He also evidently has heavy investments in the pharma companies, and I think he's a faggot anyway.

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I agree with everything but the faggot part!

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I base that on his posing in a white bathrobe coyly on a bed, way back.

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The other side were the ones who designed, built and distributed all of that. Take Trump out of the equation and it doesn't matter, everything would have happened exactly the same way, it still would have come down to us making our own decisions and rebelling on our own, but as I said to Brewer, they chose him to use as a bludgeon against us and we can use him as a bludgeon against them, unless you want to throw that bludgeon away, but I'll pick it up, because I really, really want to use it.

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I agree with you in the main, but at this point I have lost all confidence that our election system will even work any more. I have lost faith in the government. I would love to think that Trump would be a bludgeon against the communists, but his track record discourages me. I hope you're right, T.L. and that I'm wrong. Being right in the current circumstances would give me no satisfaction.

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Gabby, we use him as a bludgeon, he doesn't have to try and be one. The communists make that possible by their derangement. I just want to use that tool, but that tool is only effective if his popularity is high enough to intimidate them. We need to take control of this, not Trump, not Jack Smith, we do and we do that by defeating the tools they use, like indictments, by bolstering his popularity, but Trump is still just a tool to use, don't throw it away. That's all I'm saying, use everything, because we're the only ones who can or will fix our own situation and we're not getting any help. We have to be smart, learn how to use their weapons against them, one way is to use Trump against them. I'll use Biden against them and Hunter, Loretta Lynch, but see, Mitch McConnell and Mario Rubio aren't much of a weapon, because they're on the same team. They're trying to take Trump as a tool away from us to help their friends. The Big donors are doing the same thing, they want the game played the way it has been played. Trump did nothing but upset their game. That's good enough for me, because I look at all of it as a war against them all the time. When I see something effective against them, I want to use it, that's all.

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I see your point, T.L. and will give whether I vote or not in 2024 some further thought. You have presented a good argument, so i will think about it. I think you're an honorable man trying to make good decisions in a terrible time.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis


We are living in a fun/clown house of distorted mirrors. We all knew the potential

outcomes of having a fish rotting from the head down governing body. We are

living in a poisonous environment literally and figuratively. The bankers and globalists

are doing everything they can to destroy our republic, and concrete operational level

thinkers are being compartmentalized into segments. Depending on where in the country

we reside, regional concerns are consuming our thinking. Crime in the big cities is a huge

concern, and the cost of living plus job losses/moratoriums on rent and mortgages have

ended, and required/necessary insurance costs have doubled and tripled. Should I continue

this list? It is actually endless and a domino effect is in the making. People are stressed to

the max and will be further stressed in every way. Can we discuss our concerns? NO,

while we practice denial and rationalization, as a way to cope, we dare not say what reasonable

people would and should say to others lest we be run to ruin and are labeled as terrorists

and treated that way as well., think school parents speaking out at school board meetings.

It is very sad/woman's point of view...

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The Boston Tea Party was two or three years before the Declaration of Independence, it takes a long time to be willing to risk everything, but eventually that time comes and no one is going to care what the other side thinks of them. That's freedom.

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It is freedom to act without any concern of what the other side thinks of one, and

many of us have found ourselves having the ability to do the right thing rather

than cave to some hurtful harmful norm. Gerald Celente has said,, when people have nothing

left to lose, they lose it.

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Look up "learned helplessness" and "narcissistic abuse" ... and apply that to the current situation.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

Subscribed after reading this, arguably the best thing you've written. Reality, practical, timely.

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Thank you. The name seems familiar from other blogs, if so, thanks for sticking with me.

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

Actually Trump picked his general of choice and he was general Flynn. He then let the deep state take him down without doing anything about it. Flynn had the plan for every bit of swamp draining. Trump should have supported him and everything would be different.

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My criticism of Trump centers around two issues: 1) he has a lousy hiring record as far as I can see; 2) he doesn't seem to understand the power of the presidency or the ways to use that power. The first is surprising, since the primary duty of a CEO is to hire good, competent people, to do the same below their level, but Jeff Sessions was a total bust that nearly cost him the presidency and if he'd been any other Republican, he would have resigned early on. I bet that's what Pence and the deep state were counting on, but he didn't, he fought it out. Next, when you're the president of the United States, you do not allow your opposition to decide who will name a special counsel to investigate you. Notice how the Democrats wield executive power. Despite overwhelming evidence of criminality, they don't even bother with a special counsel, or even an investigation of Joe Biden, but allow his criminal AG to decide what to do.

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

Yes he hired many extremely bad people, and one extremely good one, whom he let get torn to shreds, for nothing, as the chief executive above the agency that did it.

He almost did many very good things. Almost!

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

Spent money faster than ever before. That can't last regardless of who is in office.

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Welcome, btw, thanks for participating. I appreciate your input.

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While I agree with this statement and the one below, there was a lot of things that he did do that went under the radar screen, but I agree that letting Gen Flynn fend off the demons on his own was a low point as was allowing for the January 6th defendants to be treated with the level of abuse that they were. I can go on for a while about his failures, but too often that's all people remember and I try to see it as a whole, the good and the bad. There was a lot of good, too, almost all of it undone by Biden, but blaming too much on Trump, there isn't enough blame put squarely where it belongs and that on the Republican party that tried to get rid of him as soon as he was elected and the feckless, spineless Senators and Representatives who refused to initiate his agenda, treated him as a pariah from the beginning. It's hard enough fighting off the organized Dems, much less the cowardly Republicans at the same time.

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

Any one trying to fix things will get the same treatment.

Both parties are full of corrupt people. Draining the swamp means getting rid of them. They're all going to fight back regardless of who is trying to do that.

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Shows you how many have not even tried.

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He hired nearly all of the people whom the Swamp desired, and they proceeded to sabotage all of his declaratory policy - the policy he talked and tweeted about. Very little of that got done - and only that part which the Swamp desired, from the beginning, when his policy pronouncements got quickly "walked back" by his staff, without protest or any action (like firing) by Trump, to the end, when the SecDef refused to send troops to protect the WH when the DC Antifa attacked, and Trump didn't can him on the spot, in the WH.

And his legal counsel seemed to be grossly incompetent, he declared the so-called "Muslim ban", actually the entry of aliens from certain specified countries without reference to religious belief, early on in 2021. A Federal judge nixed the policy, and Trump's lawyers stood by mute and did nothing, but they could easily have appealed, because Trump did have the unreviewable and absolute power to do as he did. Here's the relevant law: "(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President:

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate." 8 United States Code section 1182(f), at https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1182

If Congress didn't like the law, and wanted to remove that power from the President, they could have repealed it easily and simply, but that statute is still in force today - as it has been since 1952. Trump's lawyers acted as if they knew nothing about this - something it took me all of ten minutes to find out, without using the Westlaw or Lexis/Nexis databases that his six-figure-salaried silk-stocking lawyers would have instant access to. I spoke with a friend of mine who had been on the RNC for many years, whose family had deep ties with the IC, and who had practiced law for 40 years by that time, and he stood mute, saying nothing. Then he changed the subject of the conversation...

At that point, my suspicion that something was way off with Trump was confirmed - either Trump was a dummy - one of those blow-up punching bags you can knock over, to have it come back to standing up in front of you - or he was in on the deal. The longer I see the guy, the more I think he's Joe Palooka: "a big, good-natured prize fighter who didn't like to fight; a defender of little guys; a gentle knight" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Palooka

Trump's value - and danger - is that he gives people the idea that they by their efforts can break out of their long-conditioned learned helplessness - and make America great again - and that's a clear and present danger to the Swamp.

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