Thank you, TL, for the wisdom. Even with the massive headwinds, there are some positive signs...

* Elon Musk has taken on the task of promoting free speech - and, in doing so, has helped reveal the hapless legacy media

* Marc Andreessen has the right idea about how technology can help the cause

* The states will soon be faced to take sides as the reality of invasion welfare becomes clear

Andreessen's Techno-Optimist Manifesto is exceptional as a mission statement for his firm: https://a16z.com/the-techno-optimist-manifesto/

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Thank you Mr. Ross for posting my work for these past several years. Your page https://directorblue.blogspot.com/2023/ has always held great information from around the world.


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You're a materialist and way off track. You've yet to learn that faith in things is the emptiest of pursuits. I don't know, but maybe youth is your handicap. If not, I hope you find another legitimate one. Better, I hope for your awakening.

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I'm a materialist?

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I think he was addressing me?

Gareth, you don't know a thing about me.

My point was that there are always headwinds and tailwinds.

We have some tailwinds.

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New Year. Not Happy, just new. Greetings T.L. I agree with all you've stated. At some point someone will pull the trigger or light the match. Right now the bad guys are organized to the point where it's almost dangerous to even express your opinion. It will need to start going downhill to the point where individuals begin to rage physically before a great tsunami of rage and aggression develops. Like you I pity the fool that shows up on my doorstep with bad intentions!

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No, I don't pity them. They knew the possibilities of their actions in the beginning.

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You mentioned suspension of elections, and it wouldn't surprise me if they try to pull something like this off for the 2024 presidential election. On the other hand, I thought Trump should have delated the 2020 election since the country was locked down from boogey man covid and the reliance on mail in ballots assured it would be rigged. How I wish Trump had been a man, rather than a blowhard.

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Civil war really doesn't describe it, though. I saw this video from a guy who sells "prepper" stuff and guns and ammo, and he also sells some sort of training courses, for a purpose which seems pretty indefinite given what he says in his video - that citizens can't throw off oppressive and corrupt government on their own, without massive intervention from another military power - and the result is subjugation to that other military power. Here's the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kF-enCLxmKo. He's probably figuring that if people actually used the junk he's selling and his training courses, that he'd be out of business in a flash - and he's probably right. And he still wants to stay in business and keep selling stuff and rather pointless "courses" - that's how he makes his money, feeding off of free-floating anxiety, frustration, and emotional response to aggression, amongst his customer base, and keeping the game going. If any of what he sells actually got used for its putative purpose, for him the game would be over - no more business.

Actually, it's possible for people to rise up and throw off oppressive power, even though it's backed up by foreign powers like say, the USSR, and the government which oppresses them has military and police forces. The best example is the events in the Eastern Bloc countries in 1989. In Poland, they had Solidarnosc - Solidarity - which was a pretty secretive organization. There were a bunch of Polish visiting professors, post-docs, and grad students where I went to grad school in the 1980s, and one day we were talking, and about five or six told me that they were members of Solidarnosc, but to tell nobody - there were Polish informants in that bunch of people mentioned before, and they had family members held hostage by the government to insure that no one stepped out of line. If anyone did, their family would suffer - and the government let them know in no uncertain terms. And yet somehow, Solidarnosc freed Poland from its corrupt government, the leaders of whom flew back to Moscow one evening when the end of their rule became obvious. They didn't have to use guns, but they were a powerful resistance movement organized in small cell groups - like those people I met in grad school - along the lines of "leaderless resistance" - and while they didn't use guns, there were certainly other means of making the country ungovernable, and they, and a lot of other cells like them, did so to perfection. They were all bound to a common set of principles - life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness - and so they didn't need leaders. Towards the end, there was coordination between cell groups but it had to be done cautiously. I had the conversation with them in 1986, Poland became free four years later in 1989.

So I think we're in the same kind of situation that exists in Russia, except it's a lot softer, it's in the beginning stages - but the same sorts of steps to put in one-party rule by United Russia are the same sorts of steps taken by the Democrats. And over there, they have fake opposition like the Republicans, and above all, they have a national security state which really runs things (seehttps://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/russia-fsu/2020-03-04/day-after-putin) just like we have here - the acronyms are different, the structures (along with technocratic oligarchs) are the same (see https://www.fff.org/2018/12/17/state-secrets-and-the-national-security-state/). And there is forceful opposition to the Ukraine War in Russia - (see https://avtonom.org/news/petrovskiy-pokaz-v-helsinki and others on the site, and they have some in English, too) - a fair number of the bombings, train track sabotage, and so forth in Russia are the work of internal resistance movements, not just "Ukrainian special forces". Resistance to oppression isn't limited to the Eastern Bloc in 1989...

And that's why this isn't a civil war, it's active resistance to government oppression, by various means, some aggressive, some passive-aggressive - and people do what they can. The 70-year old visiting professor could not engage in armed resistance against the Polish Communist state or its Russian masters, like he had done when he was picking off Nazis with rifle fire at long range - the near-sighted prof was once a sharp-sighted 20 year old student - but he followed his principles and did what he could. So we don't need to buy more than what we can carry... My old landlady in KC was one of the Warsaw Ghetto Resistance fighters - she was a 36-year-old housewife whose children had died from Typhus - most Jews didn't make it to the camps - and she used a .22 calibre pistol with 10 rounds of subsonic ammo to get 10 Schmeisser machine pistols, grenades, ammo, and other useful items, treating German soldiers as walking gun stores - but that's another story...

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As you point out, it doesn't have to be a civil war, per se, but resistance to a corrupt system. The difference between Russia 1917 and Poland 1989 is simply offense or defense. I've read a lot of the Russians of that time period and it was far from clear how it would play out. It was also true that a lot of the revolutionaries had been somewhat hoodwinked themselves, believing once they took over, things would be better, they didn't recognize themselves as tools until too late. The smart ones exiled themselves.

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The 1917 revolution had significant help from Wall Street - see https://modernhistoryproject.org/mhp?Article=BolshevikRev Wall Street - John Jay, Alexander Hamilton - was the monetary power behind the Federalists, who by their secret Constitutional Convention overthrew the limited government confederated republic formed by the Articles of Confederation in 1777. The Anti-Federalists - George Mason, Thomas Jefferson, and Patrick Henry amongst them - tried to limit the damage by drafting a Bill of Rights appended - see https://thefederalistpapers.org/antifederalist-paper-9/ for reasons why... Incidentally, it's very difficult to find the actual Anti-Federalist papers online, nearly all of the sites which used to have them have been censored from the net for some reason... Our current fight is between the ruling Uniparty Federalists and the Anti-Federalists - the people whose principles are set out in the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of RIghts, to which the Federalists treat with lip service and contempt.

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I've had a hard copy of both the Federalist and the Anti-Federalist papers most of my life and have been noticing how the Anti-Federalists are being proven right in their arguments. Coincidentally, I have seen and have a picture of deed issued to my ancestors that showed their property bordered Patrick Henry's. An amazing man and probably the best orator among them. There's room for disagreement there, I suppose.

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Great post. Happy New Year.

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One thing, the thing that haunts the CCP and now our "exceptional" 'Murica, is that we have the personnel (troops) to shut the door on all this clown show. Two problems:

- We are not one.

Thanks to psy-op's, facades, media manipulations, etc. we are anything but concerned, capable Americans. We are armed, teeth-gnashing potential combatants, but ready to fight other "Muricans.

- We are shrinking. Every day, closer to balanced or "manageable" numbers of we, the defenders. Every day our task becomes increasingly harder. Thanks to the elitist's "depopulation agenda" (sounds so innocent...) the minions are fairly rapidly disappearing.

Time to assemble that all important posse of the most trusted.......

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Timely and on-target. We are not even resolved as individual States to follow our own Charters, being disenfranchised and disregarded by major population centers primarily Democratic holdings in our largest cities. Perhaps it's time to divide States Boundary lines by demarcation of large and growing inner cities being populated by illegal mass migration. These cities are City-States and more often than not, defer to their own priorities and self interests. Their cores are corrupt.

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Excellent options, 'if only.' If it were possible to do, this would most accurately represent reality, in which 90% of the US landmass is Red, containing the blue hives (blue not capitalized by design) standing out like pustules in the midst. They control finance, we control food, they the management of logistics, we the actual logistics etc, etc.

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Absolutely convinced 'they' will pull something(s) big this year, only me, but I believe it 100% and am planning accordingly as best possible. Guesstimate February will start the festivities, based on the historical precedents of the Ukraine invasion and covid getting up and running. The question will be how much and where; I'm in Texas and I'd rather be here than Oregon, but I suspect we will all be affected. But how much can the governors be trusted, and even if they can, how much courage do they have? My operating assumptions is that where you live will in fact count for something even with hell breaking loose.

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