Oct 4·edited Oct 4Liked by T.L. Davis

Thank you, T.L., for cooling down my hyperkinetic thoughts around this, and crystalling it into your excellent prose. The degree of treasonous lawlessness is centered on DHS and DOJ, and the two most odious criminals in American History are at the top of each, Mayorkas and Garland. These demons are doing the bidding of Barky, he of the Fundamental Transformation. The cold ruthlessness of leaving innocent and, in most cases, defenseless American Citizens to die a savage primitive horrifying death in the teeth of Mother Nature is fathomless Evil, and they don't care now that we all know and can see it.

I have realized and said for quite some time now that our biggest hurdle is the sheer inability for most Normal Americans to even imagine that such Evil could live in the hearts of their leaders, their neighbors, and their enemies. We are a kind, gentle, empathic people, and the thought never occurs to us. They use this as their principal shield, and exploit this as our biggest weakness, in their corrupt estimations of our conquerability.

The Federal Government, as it has metastasized, has broken out of its Constitutional Cage a long time ago, and is rampaging thru every niche of everyone's lives now, fueled by pure Evil minds schooled in the Dark Arts of Power and Force. Our only hope lies in the Confederations you describe, so that we can reduce the crushing burden of overhead, cage the beast, tranquilize it, and euthanize it. The Declaration of Independence ascribed to us that Right, and that Duty, to Abolish, and reform to ensure our return to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Thank you again, perfect piece, you have crystallized my thoughts for me. Much obliged, Amigo!

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Well said. As you said, our toughest hurdle is overcoming our own decency, but that day approaches.

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Jeff, It is a sin to be decent to people who are evil. That "Turning the other cheek" and "Love your enemy" "Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord" bullshit is hogwash. Jesus cast the evil ones out of the Temple.

Self defense is a human right from God.

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No argument on that point from me! I concur, absolutely!

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Oct 4Liked by T.L. Davis

Cannot be emphasized enough. The 'lost in translation' and other aspects of Biblical inversion that have perverted Christianity into a sect of progressive rearguard and gatekeeping must be righted if any of us are ever to break from the submission ritual that passes for modern society.

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Oct 4Liked by T.L. Davis

As LTC Steven Murray says; "BECOME UNGOVERNABLE!"

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Oct 4Liked by T.L. Davis


I’m from those Western NC mountains, namely Spruce Pine, Bakersville, Barnardsville. There is a major difference between the people living way up high in those hills, and those from Hawaii, East Palestine, and other places being targeted by the UN, the elites, and our own government!

If the UN, and feds move into that area telling people to leave….anything that feels like a land grab….they will start disappearing and their bodies never found. Those mountain folks are scared, desperate, and pissed! They will be pushed to a point….then they will come together with a ferocious anger and deal with their adversaries in groups and lone wolves engaging the enemy from behind rocks and trees. There are shooters up there that can take a crow off a tree limb at 300 yards. The land-grabbers don’t know who they are f’n with. If a shooting war between our government and / or the UN and the American citizen is going to go hot…it may start there.

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I'm convinced by history that it will start somewhere, soon.

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I am finally got around to, and am now just finishing up reading Matt Btacken's "Enemies, Foriegn and Domestic" trilogy, from 14 or so years back, and the third act is eriely exactly what we see unfolding now in NC. This looks more like a trigger event every day.

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They are desperate. Understand, if Trump gets back in, somehow, the lot of them will be arrested and any who vote illegally. Whether that is true or not, that is what they believe, that is what they're fighting for and why they have cover from those who are equally guilty of treason. They need the American people to rise up to unleash hell on them. The question is, what is act II?

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4Liked by T.L. Davis

The sheer scale and magnitude of 2020 is mind boggling, when you think of all the workers in all the precints all across the country, there had to be tens of thousands of felony election crimes committed to pull that off. That's what they cannot afford to allow to come out, much less to be paid for in Justice. Their problem now is that it is becoming widespread knowledge, and they can only supress dissent with brute, naked force, leveraged by the DHS and DOJ, mainly.

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Oct 4Liked by T.L. Davis

True that. But unleashing hell has unintended consequences as Bracken's trilogy points out. One will be clearing the mental fog a lot of people have regarding the pure evil of our betters.

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Great article! I figured out a long time ago that the government wants to steal all my assets and kill me. It's really as simple and as terrible as that. The government is becoming pure evil and vengeance. Mayorkas should be arrested for treason. Then again, I'm not sure what the USA really is anymore. Is the USA Washington, D.C., Big Cities on the coasts, and the politicians and bureaucrats there, or is it the people in the rural areas and small towns?

There is no unity in the USA.

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There is the USA, which is the Feral Government, Leviathan, whatever name you choose, and then there is America, which is the congress of Free Citizens native to, or naturalized legally into, the Union. The Union, the Federal behemoth, absolutely has to be destroyed. It is quite literally, now, us or Them. America used to be a high trust society, with customs, norms, and traditions that provide a cradle for our Birth and Growth as a human socieety. They have destroyed that trust, intentionally, it it can only be rebuilt after corruption is neutralized, and only from the bottom up, from local outwards thru County, State, and Confederations of co-interested States. DC must be firewalled, seiged, and destroyed. Not a simple task.

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Jeff, I doubt if a hurricane will hit DC or any other progressive Democrat Party stronghold of Yankees. Sometimes I wish malaria would return to the Swamp where DC is located.

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I have my own suspicions of their inevitable demise. Ironically, they are working hard to make it happen.

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Oct 4Liked by T.L. Davis

"We don’t need an FBI, or an IRS..."

More than not needing them (along with a couple more of the alphabet agencies), we will not survive as a Republic if they aren't destroyed as they're presently constituted.

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Oct 4Liked by T.L. Davis

Exactly, you use of the phrase "presently constituted" is prophetic. If it's not a duty of the dotgov as listed in the Constitution then in needs to be abolished. If an unConstitutional duty is necessary the Constitution provides a process for inclusion as approved by WeThePeople.

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Oct 4Liked by T.L. Davis

FEMA. In addition to being a massive black box for fedgov money laundering and asset/capital transfer it is by definition a codified tripwire for extra-legal Constitutional suspension and selective, arbitrary strip-mining of rights, including so-called human rights. They can employ forces to disarm, remove/move, take property, isolate/quarantine, detain indefinitely, and so on.

The power of the declared 'emergency' is unlimited in how FEMA can scale it. No other agency illuminates the duality of our dysfunctional co-dependent relationship with dotgov like FEMA.

The benevolent act of declaring emergencies by our fearless leaders opens the coffers of fedbucks and other exemptions and fast-tracks through the bureaucracy that are welcomed in times of disaster.

And yet that trojan horse full of fedbucks rolls to the gates of the town and also opens the hellmouth of unconstitutional, unelected, unilateral centralized powers harnessing the full force of the multi-headed beast of government, right up to deadly force.

Emergencies are license to create the no-mans-land of a suddenly stateless people in an ever-present and limitless State.

Much like the IRS and FBI, etc. But few people know that FEMA is the most powerful of all because it is expressly chartered to strip us of all the pretenses of Our Democracy, for the greater good of course.

A family member who has served within the purview of this, not within FEMA but by extension of those same powers, who is otherwise tight lipped and rather civic-national in his belief that he was one of the good guys, has bent my ear more than once about the realities of FEMA.

I took him seriously long ago on this matter since he is one of the few people who have actually possessed the closest thing in FUSA to a 'license to kill' domestically, while also serving all over the world in our military in various conflict zones where he never possessed such a thing.

There are many such juxtapositions of our present arrangement. Our time is marked by the tragedy of revealing these things. How we internalize this reality and order our lives accordingly is what will define us.

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