I am pro-American, that does not mean pro-United States. America is a different thing from the United States. To whatever degree the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution support my God-given rights as an American, I’m all for it. When the U.S. Government, founded around those principles of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, openly works against those principles, punishes those who seek to comply with those principles, I do not see the United States of America as a viable, working form of government.
The whole and sole purpose of the United States Government, as founded and clearly stated, is to secure individual rights and the principles of freedom. The problem is, the people have been coerced to accept miniscule violations of those principles over a period of time and each insignificant violation, on its own, impact those rights on a similarly miniscule level. However, when that process of requiring miniscule violations become the manner in which government operates, it ceases to be a minor exception and becomes a process of eliminating those rights and principles, delegitimizing the whole. It has done so.
That’s how we got to lockdowns and police enforcing unconstitutional, anti-American dictates from obscure “health officials.” It continues today, just in different ways. Some vaccine mandates have never been lifted. The United States Government is in the process of using all the tools of the federal government to destroy any claim or expectation of those rights and principles. That’s new, that’s revolutionary, that’s treason against that which provides the power to achieve it.
I began to recognize the federal government as illegitimate as far back as 2001 with the passage of the Patriot Act, something that those who participated in the documentary Lies of Omission 2021 (please watch it free on Tubi, our biggest supporter) directly address. Then, in 2008 and 2009 I became politically activated for the way in which it handled the banking crisis with a Republican president at the helm and especially because there was a Republican president at the helm.
All over the world people are coming to their senses and demanding a dissolution of their governments for failing the people, not without a great deal of pain and punishment that we have not felt in America as yet, but the signs are there. The holding of political prisoners, the J6 detainees, should be a much bigger deal than it is. The very idea of it is counter to the principles declared by our judicial system. They called it an insurrection, but only after the feds orchestrated, enabled and coerced it into one by leaving doors unlocked and instigators encouraged peaceful protestors to enter. Many of those who entered were part of the instigation and coercion, but only the innocent rubes that fell for it were apprehended and/or charged. That’s classic entrapment, for which the whole of it should be dismissed, but that would be an American response.
Nothing in the United States works along the lines of its design. Nothing. Your freedom, no matter how much of it you think you retain, is not freedom at all. It’s no more freedom than wandering from the southwest corner of one’s prison cell to the northeast corner is freedom. Your movements from beginning to end of your day are tracked, your phone calls recorded, your emails monitored, blogs like this kept for the day they need to bring me before their tribunals, insanely enough, for un-American activities. I don’t expect to live that long and not because of age.
The J6 hearings are anti-American, not just un-American, anti-American. They’re designed to disabuse all of us patriots of the notion of freedom or justice. It’s meant to enrage us with injustice, the way they awarded Megan Rapinoe (a staunchly anti-American) with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. It’s designed to enrage and demoralize us. Don’t let it. The J6 committee, likewise is a message to dissuade resistance and I’m afraid it’s worked to a great deal. When I joined the People’s Convoy in February, I had a lot of support from readers of this page, but I also heard condemnation from those in the community. It was stupid, things like that never work, I was putting myself in danger of a J6 type event. Well, none of that came to pass and if they need that to hang me for, they have all they need already in the several blogs I’ve authored. I met Michael Yon on that venture, along with several of the Epoch news folks, Ann Vandersteel and none of those have suffered from a J6 type entrapment. So, to some degree the programming took hold even amongst our own.
It’s the very fact that one chooses to participate in resistance that is likely to get them treated harshly by the oppressive forces that makes one an American, is it not? Where have I gotten the wrong information on that? Of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, none of them escaped punishment and some suffered death. This is not an unknown result of resistance, but it has to be done in spite of the consequences, because the pain and suffering endured by those who stand up mitigates or prevents the pain and suffering of those who cannot or who are born into the corrupt and evil system that they resist or fail to resist.
The Netherlands is on fire with rebellion because they passed laws to outlaw farming that comply with green objectives. The USDA is doing much the same on a smaller scale. None of the green agenda has been proven to result in anything advantageous, much less that the threat is so severe as to warrant the type of insanity that has gripped most major Western leaders and left all others unaffected. Some are starting to recognize it as seizing power from the people and have rebelled against those who’ve proposed it, but others don’t yet understand it as such.
Who are the world leaders for freedom? Canada and the Netherlands. Where is America?
National character is determined by its people, and the American people have lost a lot of our traditional character, both by dilution and by being spoiled by our successes. Things were going pretty well, regardless, until we suffered an attack that turned out to be the president's kryptonite -- a virus frightens a germaphobe more than traditional threats. With the leadership in retreat, it delivered opportunity to seditious enemies, foreign and domestic, to incite panic and gain control. Desmet's "Totalitarianism" explains it pretty well. But most of us are already shaking off the hysteria, Desmet's "mass formation," and have returned to normal, with a strong reaction likely to produce a strong recovery. We'll see if it's working in November.
The stock markets are a laboratory of human nature. A correction, where panic causes excessive selling drives prices down sharply, is considered healthy, clearing the field of accumulated complacency so renewed activity can proceed. This always drives the markets to new highs. The 2020-22 correction in our moral character gives us the opportunity for renewed cultural progress. We still might screw it up, but the trend looks positive.
Until there is some normal control over the schools, government, and media, this destruction of America will continue. I remember the brainwashing I received in my childhood and early adulthood from these sources, and how it too me years to gradually break free of it. Probably what helped save me was that I was always a reader so I was exposed to more sources of information than most of the young people are today. When I did break free finally, it came in a rush, and now there's no going back. Getting children out of schools and educating them at home will certainly help, as well as turning off the television and tossing it into the trash. It appalls me at how ignorant people are today, how little they know about the most basic aspects of how our government should be run or even our history. A sizeable number of college students know nothing about the Civil War or even know there was a WW1. How can people this ignorant be considered capable of making important decisions as regards voting?