National character is determined by its people, and the American people have lost a lot of our traditional character, both by dilution and by being spoiled by our successes. Things were going pretty well, regardless, until we suffered an attack that turned out to be the president's kryptonite -- a virus frightens a germaphobe more than traditional threats. With the leadership in retreat, it delivered opportunity to seditious enemies, foreign and domestic, to incite panic and gain control. Desmet's "Totalitarianism" explains it pretty well. But most of us are already shaking off the hysteria, Desmet's "mass formation," and have returned to normal, with a strong reaction likely to produce a strong recovery. We'll see if it's working in November.

The stock markets are a laboratory of human nature. A correction, where panic causes excessive selling drives prices down sharply, is considered healthy, clearing the field of accumulated complacency so renewed activity can proceed. This always drives the markets to new highs. The 2020-22 correction in our moral character gives us the opportunity for renewed cultural progress. We still might screw it up, but the trend looks positive.

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Sometimes something is so ridiculous that even Ray Charles could have seen it. Such was the case with 'The Vegetable' awarding those Medals just to those who had supported him. It was like a pig awarding other pigs an award for cleanliness. My respect for Denzel Washington sure went up! A person can love their country while hating their government. With what we have there is a lot to hate.

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I believe the title of your great essay is what the whole world is asking these days, as with a few exceptions, the people here are still in lockstep and most of those who know better are deeply risk-averse, and loath to take a public stand. My Facebook post on July 4th stated:

"Coming soon: the OAS passes a resolution forbidding USians from calling themselves Americans after Biden holds a Summit of the Americas and refuses to invite Nicaragua, Venezuela and Cuba."

(It was wishful thinking on my part.) Credit for the word "USians" goes to my late friend Stan Gildersleeve, who used it for that precise reason, decades ago.

Thank you for calling out the cowardice of our lack of organized action in support of the January 6th defendants. Thank you for supporting the truckers' convoy, which inspired all of us who came to Sacramento to meet them.

I continue to believe that we here in the US are the linchpin to stopping the global depopulation agenda, but only if we assert ourselves in some way, at some point, before the window of opportunity closes on us forever. Whether this takes the form of violent revolution, simple noncompliance, or exiting the system and building self-organizing collectives as PMAs (Private Membership Associations), religious, anarchist or other collectives, it must be done and as I said, the world is waiting for us to do it.

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I believe we've already begun option number 3 to a great degree. My children didn't go to public school and, in a lot of ways, and I've given them the alternative argument without enforcing my will, but taught them how to evaluate information. But that only sort of ensures option #1

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They've assured they have overwhelming power, and you don't, so option 1 is suicidal. Noncompliance can work, but takes a long time. Passive resistance is easy to control, as we have seen in autocratic societies like China over the centuries. Your grandchildren might appreciate option 2, but you won't. Running and hiding never works. You can't run far enough or fast enough, so option 3 is doom. To defeat powerful tyrants, you need active resistance. Political action works if you're sufficiently persuasive. Not if you sit on your couch and write internet complaints. Legal action works, as we have seen in Wisconsin and land other court actions. Not if most people surrender, as New Yorkers are doing with their government defying Supreme Court prohibition of 2nd Amendment infringements. Victory requires picking the right targets.and engaging with effective tactics, not emotions. Emotional defenses favor the attacker.

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They've assured themselves that they have overwhelming power, but they're wrong. When you break it down, they can handle a riot or a large protest the way Canada did, by importing troops from international bodies, but when the rubber meets the road, in actual war, they don't stand a chance against a motivated public, not even a small, dedicated sliver of that population, because it's also a propaganda war and they're on the wrong side. It might take time to get that out to the rest of the people, but there's ways. They can't bomb Pittsburgh, because there's a couple of lunatics there. They can't even bomb just one house, because, being government, they eventually get the wrong house and that makes more resistors. From the moment of conflict, the government will lose. A government cannot fight its own people, it will always lose, no matter how big the army, all of their really effective weapons are unsuited to be deployed on their own territory. Ukraine, Russia, sure, but Toledo?

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Wars are always unpredictable. The big question is how many of the tyrant's soldiers will remain loyal to the tyrant. Probably not all, but probably enough to crush resistance. Even Pittsburgh and Toledo.

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My perspective is obviously different from yours, which is what this blog is about. There are human factors here. You might remember the Dorner Principle, where a disgruntled cop in LA threatened to kill a bunch of other cops. You could have robbed a few banks during that next 24 hours, every cop, everywhere was looking for one guy (1) because they felt threatened, instead of the blasé attitude they take when the average civilian feels threatened. They finally caught and killed him, or he committed suicide, but in the meantime they shot and killed two Asian women in a pickup, believing it to be him, a large male. They lose their minds. What happens when a bunch of former military, former cops, even gang members feel threatened by their own military? When you know where they are, what they look like. I don't take the military as much of a threat, the biggest, greatest threat is what they do through medicine, What they will try to do with our own cooperation. An out and out physical confrontation, is something I think they desperately want to avoid.

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Ukraine is an interesting case. They didn't have much of a military but handed out AKs and RPGs to civilians and stopped the overconfident Russian army, navy and air force. So success is possible, but depends on a particularly inept adversary. In the US, police over reactions and errors are usually due to poor training, which is expensive and departments and militaries are often underfunded, but their superior equipment and numbers overcome the training deficiencies. But over reaction is what makes them formidable, and poor training is better than no training that most civilians have, so civilian uprisings unlikely to succeed. Dorner holed up in a vacant cabin in the mountains (about a mile from mine) and they still tracked him down. They fired grenades into the house and burned it down with Dorner inside. They seemed pretty motivated, which would be the case for a lot of cops in a civil insurrection. Look at how they're handed January 6th.

I've been military and a cop so I've seen all types. Jack Reacher nailed it in his analysis in the first film of why people join the military, which also applies to cops -- some people just want a legal means to kill people. Those who start with more noble intentions often get corrupted by the bad cops. There are always a lot of them. Well trained and well equipped psychos are the worst problem. Never underestimate them.

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Until there is some normal control over the schools, government, and media, this destruction of America will continue. I remember the brainwashing I received in my childhood and early adulthood from these sources, and how it too me years to gradually break free of it. Probably what helped save me was that I was always a reader so I was exposed to more sources of information than most of the young people are today. When I did break free finally, it came in a rush, and now there's no going back. Getting children out of schools and educating them at home will certainly help, as well as turning off the television and tossing it into the trash. It appalls me at how ignorant people are today, how little they know about the most basic aspects of how our government should be run or even our history. A sizeable number of college students know nothing about the Civil War or even know there was a WW1. How can people this ignorant be considered capable of making important decisions as regards voting?

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Steve Deace has a daily show on BlazeTV, available free on rumble.com. Friday's show included an epic rant where a viewer commented on a previous discussion on why Turkey is in NATO. The viewer explained that Turkey controls the Bosporous and therefore Russian warm water ports. Steve responded that Putin is less of a threat to him than corrupt Joe, and described a litany of abuses heaped on us by the dems and their disciples. Steve is always entertaining and often enlightening. His strategy is to be "ungovernable" by resisting fascist dictates. We'll win, eventually, but it will take longer if we remain complacent. If you want to win, convince your family and friends, especially those who don't want to be convinced.

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This doesn't have much to do with this article, at least on the surface, but I think you people might be interested in looking at this link: https://www.zeemaps.com/view?group=4410859&x=-89.849631&y=44.059004&z=14

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