On 9/11 I wept, on Jan 6th I was absent, ..... How many of We/Me/You were also absent???

Not to chastise, but to extrapolate the numbers .... for every One in DC on Jan 6th, How many of Us back home did They represent??? more like 75 million.

The DC Feral Coupists are overwhemingly outnumbered, even by our 2nd Amendment numbers.

and We have an Additional 3 years of Experienced DC Feral Tyranny and Invasion now.


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I was slated to go to DC on the 6th with friends. I was warned on J5, by email, that it was a setup so I chose not to go.

My 2 friends that did go, were visited at THEIR HOMES a month later by the Brownshirts at the FBI........ in PA! The "insurrection" took place as they were driving back to PA so they were unaware of any commotion. Then, two weeks after the first visit they were again questioned by the same FBI as if their story would change.

It gets better!

Other friends were in DC to attend their Uncles interment in Arlington Cemetery as a war veteran. They were also from PA. And, they were also visited by the FBI .......... THREE SEPARATE TIMES. Only after threatening a lawsuit the third time were they left alone ......... so far.

My conclusion is to train often and stack ammo for this is a lawless government.

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Well said,, .... especially in PA...... at least in JawGA the State gov "pretends" to be "Conservative" but it's mostly Quisling rinoRat.

Feral FIB, I spit.

All the best, CYA= conduct yourselves accordingly. :-)

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I feel strangely more secure and confident as I see both T.L. Davis and GenEarly posting on the same page.

Bold, unrestricted opinions and advice for negotiating the near future is essential information for so many of us right now, and intrepid truth-teller's such as yourselves are indispensable.

If all we have is truth, then shout that truth as loudly as it takes to get the attention of the demons insisting they're in charge. Anything less is surrender. Surrender is absolutely untenable right now.

We learned from the GWOT and muzzies that fighting an enemy that is little more than thoughts and ideas fueled by passionate determination is a very formidable opponent. Even killing the combatant does not reduce the passion, just raises the level for their colleagues.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Your comments bolster my determination as well. Perhaps this "Digital" Media Militia is worthwhile and will lead to Our Physical Militia.

It Happened as word spread about Bundy Ranch without it turning into Lexington Green when the Ferals backed down.

Feral "Lawfare" put the Bundy family and some supporters thru Jail Hell and $$$ assault afterwards. Trump pardoned them and the Hammonds, another Feral GrubMint Treason.

I have Hopes that Patriots and Experienced Vets will Stand and Fight. "When/Where" of course is up to "Someone/Somewhere" with enough Personal Integrity to say No to Their/Thems Tyranny that is Intolerable for Others to Ignore.

The Jan 6th POWs are no different than the Americans held in the hell holds of British ships during the Revolution and later War of 1812.

"Our" current DC Feral Coup gov is Worse than the British, as They Pretend to be "American".

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<"Our" current DC Feral Coup gov is Worse than the British, as They Pretend to be "American".>

I'm visualizing at least a virtual "spit" to close that post, Sir.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Thanks for another good read. I’m currently reading Andrew Isker’s The Boniface Option. Between dilution and the success the elites have had in isolating us from each other it will be very difficult to put together a group of folks to just defend each other. From his perspective that’s why we are still allowed weapons. Very few are willing to sacrifice themselves for a higher purpose. Sad.

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Concisely articulated good sir! Ordered all your books!

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Thank you, greatly appreciated.

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Patrick Henry's home place and burial plot is a modest drive from me. Some nights I almost can hear him spinning in his grave. Thomas Jefferson's Monticello is not too far, either. His Summer home, Popular Forest is only 20 minutes away. Appomattox is just a modest drive down Rt. 460E. Stonewall Jackson has been eliminated from VMI and the town of Lexington, Va. I can no longer be proud of calling myself an American. I don't know what that is any longer. I really can't even claim to be a Virginian since Northern Va. is just a bedroom community for D.C. and the Tidewater area is governed by leftists... many of which are arrogant Jews. So what am I? I'm a patriot. I'm a back woods Blue Ridge Mountain redneck. I am hard headed. I am stubborn. I am contrary to authority. I am a renegade. I am a maverick. I will give you my honest opinion, and if you don't like it you shouldn't have asked! I intend to ride this thing out, and I will not bend the knee. I pray the rest of you will do the same.

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Likewise. A bounty of 5 is required before I'm allowed to lay down.

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Onward, Christian soldiers!

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You, Sir, and the Patriots like you are the essential True Americans.

The fearless explorers, the builders and framers of our bylaws, the private citizens "risking the farm" (and their family's lives and futures) on the dream of Liberty, are the timeless heroes to which we must cast our eyes.

Lining-up to test non-descript toxins simply because some gubmint lackey says so is the polar opposite of Americanism.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Apparently, it’s just more security theatre, it has no real effect and does not change the situation: “Yet despite the addition of personnel, barriers, gates, concertina wire, and “military Humvees” to the area, Abbott has not authorized the Texas National Guard to detain and deport illegal immigrants, who are still being turned over to Border Patrol for processing and, in most cases, release.” https://thefederalist.com/2024/01/12/texas-stages-more-border-security-theater-with-national-guards-eagle-pass-seizure/

Texas is still surrendering its sovereignty and control of its borders to the Feds, who continue on as before. If this were real, it would be a significant change, but the Republicans have shown time and again that they will bow to the Democrats, follow their party line, and lose, lose, lose – but gracefully.

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If you notice in one reply, my prediction was that it was for Abbott to show to all of us Americans that he did "all he could" but it would not be, because of the feds. I never wrote that off.

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"The Constitution does not mention immigration, but parts of the Constitution address related subjects. The Supreme Court has sometimes relied upon Congress’s powers over naturalization (the term and conditions in which an alien becomes a U.S. citizen),2 foreign commerce,3 and, to a lesser extent, upon the Executive Branch’s implied Article II foreign affairs power,4 as sources of federal immigration power.5 While these powers continue to be cited as supporting the immigration power, since the late nineteenth century, the Supreme Court has described the power as flowing from the Constitution’s establishment of a federal government.6 The United States government possesses all the powers incident to a sovereign, including unqualified authority over the Nation’s borders and the ability to determine whether foreign nationals may come within its territory.7 The Supreme Court has generally assigned the constitutional power to regulate immigration to Congress, with executive authority mainly derived from congressional delegations of authority.8

In exercising its power over immigration, Congress can make laws concerning aliens that would be unconstitutional if applied to citizens.9 The Supreme Court has interpreted that power to apply with most force to the admission and exclusion of nonresident aliens abroad seeking to enter the United States.10 The Court has further upheld laws excluding aliens from entry on the basis of ethnicity,11 gender and legitimacy,12 and political belief.13 It has also upheld an Executive Branch exclusion policy, premised on a broad statutory delegation of authority, that some evidence suggested was motivated by religious animus.14 But the immigration power has proven less than absolute when directed at aliens already physically present within the United States.15 Even so, the Supreme Court’s jurisprudence reflects that Congress retains broad power to regulate immigration and that the Court will accord substantial deference to the government’s immigration policies, particularly those that implicate matters of national security." https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artI-S8-C18-8-1/ALDE_00001255/

Except that he *isn't doing all that he can". He could openly defy the Feds, forcibily deport the illegals en masse, and provoke a Constitutional crisis - over state soverignty and the guarantee to the states of a "republican form of government". In a confederation of republics, which is what the United States were intended to be, one of the powers of each republic would be the power to regulate its own borders. That's the point of the Tenth Amendment: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-10/

As noted above, "[t]he Constitution does not mention immigration, but parts of the Constitution address related subjects" thus the power to control immigration was *not* delegated to the United States, i.e. the federal government, and this power is reservec to the respective states. Allowing the federal government - including the Supreme Court - to ignore clear Constitutional restrictions on federal power is the root of our problems, and Abbott fails to address is, as do both political parties. A contract, the provisions of which one party can observe or ignore at its convenience, is an illusory contract, an "I will if want to" contract, and no such contract is binding on the counterparty, good faith and fair dealing having been thrown to the winds. That's the reality which Abbott and the rest of us must act upon.

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Clearly, the congress has the ability to set immigration law and the executive has the duty to execute those laws. The laws passed by congress are being defied by the executive, which is, in effect, making its own laws on the border. Thus, Abbott exerts the 10th Amendment, but as a ruse to capitulate to the federal power where that justification is also weak, but who would enforce it, but the corrupt DOJ. Congress, it has shown, does not have the will to withhold funding, also its responsibility, until the border is closed. That is the mantra: Shut down the border or shut down the government. That is the immediate outcome we should demand, it is what I demand when I write my congress and senators.

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If I were the governor, I'd have the National Guard shut the border down across its entire length, and deputize citizens to enforce the laws and expel the illegals. I'd tell the federal courts to go shove it, and tell Biden if he didn't like it, to send in the US Army to forcibly try to reopen the border. That's the kind of confrontation this needs to come down to.

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Talent brings talent. A culture that values talent and the cultivation of that talent as one if its defining characteristics is the strength.

A culture that values the pursuit of knowledge, curiosity, and an honest assessment of the frontiers of life will acquire new talent from its children, its neighbors, trade partners, and even its enemies. But this does not require the physical importation.

Setting aside the obvious perils and dubious legitimacy of empires, the British had curry long before they were suddenly for no reason at all ruled by it.

With all of the "free trade" and "open markets" and other globo-capital promises, as well as the greatest technology ever for instant communication and transfer of knowledge, somehow Our Economy relies upon the importation of the rest of the world's talent inside our shores. Every year, every advancement somehow requires moar exogenous inputs. Curious.

So, are we an Economy, a Standard of Living, some other matrix of metrics reflecting various comforts?

Or are we a Nation of People, to serve that People? Or better, a Confederacy of Sovereign Nation-States that voluntarily unify for mutually beneficial purposes while retaining their unique lands and peoples' way of life?

There is a presumed moral righteousness of this importation as well. When, in fact, it is morally wrong to build and support a system that exports cultural garbage and decay and military expeditions while importing the talented minorities from the rest of the world and then harboring them with pearls and status, much like it strip mines natural resources while retaining all of the financial assets elsewhere.

A moral system would cultivate its neighbors by exporting its own talents and knowledge and importing ideas and materials in fair trades that would build up both nations.

I know, how utopian. But because this scenario fails under the reality of human nature in a fallen world does not mean the moral indictment above is not true. In fact, it suggests that it is even more dangerous to elevate the morality of commerce above all else.

There is no need for a culture to be a turnstile or a destination for talented Dreamers to build a "better life" for the rest of the world unless the goal is to pursue a population of global homogenization.

Diversity of talent is a function of God's blessings. A Nation of God's children is perfectly able to live according to their talents alone. Unless the higher god is indeed wealth. In which case, you will reap what you sow. As we are now.

Anyhow, "Diversity" as an antecedent, is a lie. We need to stop using their language. Which validates their premise.

We are individual people, diversity is innate, by definition. I am not my brother. We have the same parents but are wildly different in what we bring to the world. The presupposition of hungry ghost of Diversity is a slippery slope. How much, of what type, on what metric?

There is nothing gained by the presupposition that some group of individuals needs to be importing a constant stream of outside individuals in order to provide a way of life for themselves. A way of life that reflects their values and traditions and maintains a land that is stewarded by that way of life such that their posterity will inherit it all, just as they did by nature of being born by those people.

Import foreign peoples and you import their way of life, traditions, and values. Soon enough all you have is an Economy. And even then one day you wake up and it turns out that the Economy is not yours at all, does not serve you or your people, and is in fact openly hostile to the entire proposition of you and your idea of some Nation.

As for the invader "votes" theory, that is also downstream validation of their system. "Elections" no longer require replacing physical voters. Your harder answer is the one. It is a literal replacement, physically, because

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My point about diversity is very narrow and limited to the idea that one might have a brilliant idea, but often, (not always, as is suggested) need to team that idea with wealth in order for the idea to flourish. That sort of wealth is not available to 90% of the world's population. The concentration of ideas and capital existed in abundance in America in late 19th and early 20th centuries.

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Understood. Thanks for not taking my spleen vent to be a fisk, as it was not intended to undermine your thesis.

The divergence of ideas/talent and capital while undergoing a mass transfusion of needy foreign takers is a problem that haunts our side of the divide.

There are legions of displaced, underutilized, and excommunicated who are of that same mettle that forged greatness in that concentration who are without access to capital or potential labor, market, and the synergies that could arise.

Everything appears to be an onramp back into the system that is working to destroy us.

I have had many conversations over the years with our guys, smart and talented men with sound ideas, about how to "build our own", how to separate economically. But time and again it is all hoovered up by the system and the hyper-individualism that the system has fostered.

It just does not seem possible without first breaking both the stranglehold on capital and capital's intoxicating of comforts it still affords those who trade their talents with the machine.

Nobody wants to let go of the old vine without a firm grip on the next. I don't think it works that way. But I've got a lot to learn.

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