Great read, T.L.

While the demented BiteMe may be pushing the buttons, we can't forget whose pushing him.

Damn commie jihadist seems to be everywhere.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Good content. But, not only the Dems need to go, but also the invaders, they are an army that will be used to attack Americans. The destruction of American cities started with desegregation and forced busing, and it was intentional, specifically to drive White people out of cities so their political input would be reduced to almost nothing.

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"...if those who understand the Nine Principles of Freedom lose, it would only be a matter of months before the new order crumbles"

I agree with the entire piece except for the above statement. Americans are only beginning to experience life in a completely and overtly corrupt society. Especially Venezuela, USSR, but actually most the rest of the world. Except we as citizens are heavily armed so the outcome "should" be different.

T.L. it is vital we have people like you to publish facts and a historical record, well-written and clear, with wide distribution.

Edit: in the CW2 novel I have written but will likely never publish, the traditionalists force the cities to empty, but over a border or offshore and not into the countryside. Problem solved.

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I don't expect them to lose, but whatever they would bring in if we did, would not last. People think America is just lucky or something, but there are hundreds of nations, none of which were able to accomplish what the US has done internally. All others, Spain, France, England did it by subjecting other nations, absorbing the wealth from their to make them rich. We have done as well, but that's not where the wealth came from. The US drew wealth from this nation primarily, its people, its inventions and ability to take inventions that weren't ours, but our wealth made them more successful here than where they originated.

Why wouldn't you publish it? If it's complete, send me the first chapter to my email.

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Damn right. What was here is worth fighting for & what is here is worth fighting against.

Invaders must be forced out at gunpoint, traitors must be anilahlated, colaborators must made examples of.

Traitors & collaborators are in yours and my own families.

They know what they have done , deserve and are going to get, justice.

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Yes, by all means self publish or give us a couple chapters to peruse. Hell, sell it a chapter at a time if you can. Sign me up!

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Conservative Treehouse dropped this today:


We must get this type of communication outside of our bubbles into more mainstream media as well as bringing other conservative, constitutional, publications up to speed on the DC deep statists infiltration of elected Estab. Repubs.

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April 19th is a fitting day for this law to expire, as it is also the 249th anniversary of "the shot heard 'round the world". As some may remember the Longfellow poem "On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-Five...", and his mention of the day after. Lexington, Concord, and the Minute Men with their muskets, brought from their homes. The so called "assault rifles" of their time.

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April 19th is the date the FBI burned 76 men, women and chikdren to death at Mt. Carmel. I'm sure that date is only coinkydink.

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T.L., Excellent article. Above all, we know what is right and wrong, and we all have to keep the faith. We will prevail if we conservatives can set differences aside and unite. Mass, unity of effort, and maneuver, as well as critical mass is necessaary to beat the left. Thanks much for what you do.! SM

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Thank you.

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Good article. There's no way out of this financial nightmare in DC. The debt will be defaulted on, probably through high inflation of the fiat currency. That will cause privation and chaos. The illegals are causing privation and chaos.

Republics all end in tyranny. The USA will be no different.

Sic Semper Tyrannis.

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Sadly true, at this point, I hope for Balkanization before too much destruction is visited upon us.

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So do democracies. Federalist #10, James Madison.

Richard Henry Lee, who was believed to be Federal Farmer in the Federalist Papers, was concerned that the powers held by the Senate & Presidency combined would eventually give us an oligarchy.

So interesting to see how prescient our Framers were. They truly understood the foibles and corruption endemic to human nature.

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Linden: The Framers should have kept the Articles of Confederation. The Confederacy used an even more Libertarian version of the Articles of Confederation (hence the name Confederate States of America) for their Constitution.

This was another reason Abe Lincoln wanted to destroy the South.

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Well, the CC called in Phildelphia was actually called to AMEND THE ARTICLES, NOT to make a whole new Constitution. It was hijacked by Hamilton, John Jay, and a few others. Very deceptive stuff.

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Linden: Exactly. The Constitutional Convention was a fraud carried out behind closed curtains on the second floor with all members sworn to secrecy.

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There were many defects in the Articles, like not having a common currency and no way to pay the war debts to France, etc. Each state was issuing it's own. Trade wars between states.

Not that they couldn't be fixed with Amendments. Of course, Hamilton wanted his bank.

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Linden: Poor King Louis never got his money from the USA and soon enough he lost his head.

I'd rather have trade wars between states and competing currencies than the situation we have today.

Hamilton met an appropriate end.

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Which republics? Can you name a few? And don't count the Marxist version, like the "People's Republic of _______."

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Linden: The Ancient Roman Republic is the most famous one that turned into tryanny. The American Republic has turned into tyranny. Canada is another. Chile, Brazil, Iran... I'm sure you can find your own examples.

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Great writing, T.L.. In my 35 years in the oil patch I somehow missed crossing paths with you - we see eye to eye on almost everything. So I've come to the conclusion that the current fedgov system is untenable. Sadly, voting harder, and relying on due process and the Constitution ( as much as I love it) is no longer effective. I see the US as the USS Titanic, and Texas as the most viable lifeboat. The Texas Nationalist Movement has over 600K supporters, but efforts to get a Texas Independence place on the ballot is opposed by the Texas GOP at every turn. ()see www.tnm.me )

Just wondering if you are familiar with the moves by Texas grassroots, and what your thoughts are.

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I remember quite well the Reagan administration when in eight years the debt went from just under a trillion dollars to 2.4 trillion, and it scared the crap out of me even then. It was also when, after 17 years as a Republican, I began to smell a rat. Whether you blame Reagan, the Democrats, or both (as I do), it's pretty clear that there is no limit to how politicians will abuse other people's money. Now Biden proposes a 7.3 trillion dollar budget for a single year- 2025. WTF could possibly go wrong? What do we hear?

"This Time Is Different".

No it's not, and it will take a disaster before substantial changes are made. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/227486731_This_Time_Is_Different_Eight_Centuries_of_Financial_Folly

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Dont blame Reagan.

Reagan sworn in first time 20 January 1981.

Reagan shot in assassination attempt 30 March 1981.

Do what we say or else.

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Collapse pending as long as the UniParty and their partners continue with the current plan of “damn the Constitution, full speed ahead.”

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