
Nothing I do seems to get me where I want to be. Finally, though we can comment again and I have the ability to get rid of someone just trying to ruin it for everyone.

It's like contemplating alternate universes and trying to guess which version of reality we're subjected to. Are there other universes, other TLs and JTs who are experiencing the outcomes of different choices and responses? Which is the right one, how does this break down, which is the right path and even if we take the right path, does it lead to a better place or a worse one? However, I think there will be plenty of warning as cascading layers are crushed. We're seeing that in LA, can't even get full coverage on a rental car there, now. Trains being looted, etc. That's the first layer (maybe the fourth in reality) and we can watch the wave approach, but there's nothing we can do to stop it, now. At least that's the way I see it. Build a boat, I guess.

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The problem I see as probably insurmountable is that, with the "mobility" that modern technology has given us, there are few (maybe no) remaining geographical enclaves of liberty-mided people. I look around my beloved Old North State and I see damyankees and other imports everywhere, "blockin' out the scenery, breakin' my mind". I don't know how we regain control in our current fragmented condition. Even in my small town, the number of commuters moving into new developments is giving a nasty urban flavor to my otherwise rural area. We are going to be facing some "interesting times" for sure, I fear. [Aside: welcom to the new Substack venue. We'll see how long it takes for 'them' to find you here.] ~ JT

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