Great interview, lots of good resources, very timely. I've been a pepper "fan" for a long time, but kind of a slacker. Maybe you and Jack will get me off my butt. But I still have a lot of optimism that we can still salvage civilization. I like another stack at thecampaign.substack.com that also says we should prepare for apocalypse but talks about ways to avoid it. Its not too late, yet.

Jack's book sounds like it should be "uncivil" defense, but I like his community approach, sort of a "small civil," maybe a compromise between "big civil" and uncivil. I live in a mountain community and was invited to join a local civil defense group that helps out in fires and such. They sent me the materials for about 3 days of classes, but I found they're sponsored by FEMA which requires covid vax to participate. So I'm not "qualified." I like Jack's disdain for FEMA.

One thing I noticed was Jack's age has him depending on meds. I'm a similar age but have weaned myself from a handful of meds. I discuss that journey on my stack at davidwatson.substack.com. Preparation should include doing without doctors, who seem more interested in selling us pills than keeping us healthy. The covid disaster has really proved doctors cannot be trusted.

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You didn't collect my payment data...maybe it was magic, or yet to come.

In your post (5/18 or so) I saw, in your writing, the reference to Matt Bracken's

thinking (published on WRSA) that warning time is over, now we are at the coping

stage. We read all of his work, the trilogy, and etc. Excellent prescient writer, that man.

I checked your book link to The Rebel, and I read that in 2020. I remember it well.

The boy that refused the school mandated swimming course. Very nice.

Lawson's books...I have all three. I have a zeal for reading and learning, and I am

so glad I found you, to add to my list. Thank you.




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