You point out in your essay that in order to make money on a movie and to get the recognition from the academy, they must include diversity and wokeness. This is obviously so true. There is not a TV series or, a theatrical movie where there is not a queer couple. Most recently the HBO series 'The Last of Us' dedicated two episodes to the queer crowd -- one with 2 men; the other, with 2 women. If I'm at home, I can turn it off or, fast forward through the filth.
"The Chosen", now going on 4 seasons, was funded and produced totally outside of Hollywood's corrupt system. It has been a huge success by all accounts. At least 50% (or more, hopefully?) is hungry for watching entertainment that is not 'woke'. I think Maverick proved that. This country, in all areas, has been starved of anything patriotic and wholesome that it is longed for by many.
Unfortunately, big time hurt for almost everyone is just around the corner. We are closer now to the collapse of the western financial system than we have ever been. It is all lining up and for those with eyes to see and ears to hear, know its coming. It is only a matter of how much longer the house of cards can stand. We are truly a house divided.
Actually, the blog is the outlier and the screenplays and novels are what I've always written. I wrote Shadow Soldier in 1997 and in 1998 I was working on a screenplay with Ricky Schroder before he got the NYPD Blue gig and when he got that, it killed our project.
You write so beautifully and truthfully! Hollywood, much to everyone's shock, wasn't always a horn-dog, Queer Nation, raping children venue, ethnic worshipping factory. There was a time, when the majority of Hollywood was comprised of every day normal people. Certainly the "underpinings" of stage hands, techs, drivers. Folks wrote scripts, tried to get a current producer/director interested, and get it on film. The films covered real life situations; Science Fiction was just that. No one rewrote history, although they did take some liberties. I go back to my story of Lucille Ball. My mother was driving me around, selling those damned girl scout cookies (I think that I was 9/10), and I knocked on one house in Beverly Hills and LB answered the door! And she bought cookies! My mother later asked why she answered her own door, and LB said the maid was off that day. I sometimes feel like I am as old as methuselah when I tell folks about the Los Angeles that I grew up in. Yes, there was always crime, rapes, murders, queer folks, and child grooming. But it wasn't everywhere, and if it found the light of day-said behavior was squished immediately. My mother said the wheels started coming off in the '60's.
"Funding relies on it. An Oscar can take a film from relative obscurity to a blockbuster, where the big money is, and something no financier will let themselves be excluded from by the nature of the film." Now you know why Mel Gibson does a lot of his own work, John Wick is a successful franchise, and no one will touch "Gone With the Wind". It is all about the money. Always has been and always will be. That is why no one watches the Oscar's anymore. We all know it's a sham and voodoo ceremony about unimportant people and delusional films. I avoid anything Disney like the plague but Netflix, Amazon, and some others do present limited quality shows. Virgin River is a great series-I'm surprised it got made. Bosch was outstanding; great acting, tight scripts, and limited weird folks. Maybe television is an easier leap.
To quote Andrew Torba and many others: we need our own communities. Then we can spring forth. And never secede an inch of territory.
It's a shame that the Hollywood you describe is gone, but it can be replicated out here. People who feel passionately about film, about promoting the greatness of America, can still be found, they're just scattered. There's a reason Southern California became the site of the movie industry, it had reliable weather, aside from this year, of course.
If a movie were to be made that portrayed factual truth about Jan 6th or any political subject for that matter first I can't imagine how it would be distributed. Second at least half of a potential audience would be unable to recognize & accept it. Too many people have been lied to & propagandized their entire lives. I suspect many would violently reject what those of us on this side of the divide find obvious. In my opinion the cultural tipping point was probably passed sometime in the 1990s
I hate to be a blackpill Bob
And would love to be wrong. I hope you are able to get a project like that done. In fact I would contribute in any way I can . And pray for success.
There may be a place and time to help. Like Indian Rock's comment below, it does seem like the lid's about to blow off of this whole incredible psyop we've been living through. What comes after that is the question.
I go through a number of news sites each morning. I really should stop doing it because it only makes me angry most of the time and being angry all the time isn't healthy. But we are at war. Not with any foreign power. But with an evil malignancy that has stalked humankind from the beginning. Unfortunately, only the enemy seems to know we are at war. What I will refer to as 'our side' is still floating along in some normalcy bias bubble and only now just waking to the danger it seems. I notice more standing up and pushing back. They will need a constant flow of reinforcements or the dark side will turn and overwhelm them. Its win or die. There is no in-between. There will be no compromise. There will be no mercy shown by the enemy.
T.L., I applaud your efforts. I enjoy reading your thoughts and consider myself to be a fellow traveler going down the same path. But I do believe that its past time that films or movies will help turn the corner and rally the troops, so to speak. This nation is under judgement and it's destruction is nye. The blood on innocents is not only on this nation's hands, its all the way to the elbows! Lies, corruption, and perversions rule the day. Its not even necessary to give examples. All reading this know of what I speak. The rest of the world looks at us and sees the truth while we are blind to the truth ourselves. Well, too many of us, at least. Those who have taken the time to seek the truth see it.
And, I consider you a fellow traveler and I often find clarity in your remarks, just like this one, but here's the rub...and I'm not refuting anything you say, because I know you're right, we are past the time when a film or book will change anything...but that's really not the point. The point is we have apparently ceded the who gets to choose who goes to jail role in society and given it up to George Soros, we've given up the who gets to choose who has to wear a mask and get a vaxx, because I'm still fighting that monster every day with these insane corporations as stupid as that sounds. We've given up the who gets to choose what gender our children are, taken it from God and given it to teacher's union fanatics and trannies.
I write books and screenplays because I want to leave an etching of the best part of America, as I've seen it, chronicle what being an American was, before the nuts took over, just before they cratered the nation and allowed it to be crushed in a world war. I don't know the future, but I do know the past and that's what I'm trying desperately to preserve, to exhibit, because no one will see the greatness in the America or the reason to fight these evil demons if all they see is the America they will create out of lies and force our children to accept. They won't be able to see how stupid this era is without being able to compare it to the bygone era. And yes, there are plenty of films out there that show that, but most of it has been used to slowly brainwash Americanism out of the population and I'm trying to put it back in.
One last rebuttal. Two or three years ago I approached one of our people with the idea of making a film, the answer, "I think we're way past the time where that will make any difference" Looking back, it might have been the perfect time as it would be coming out right now. I guess, for me, the question is, what sort of difference do you envision? The biggest point I want to make is that we have to own our own market, not cede it to the woke corporations to decide what propaganda our children will see, what lies they will propagate about us. Even if we win the political war, the film industry can always portray us as the losers. That's what Cronkite did with Vietnam and that helped shape widespread opinion. If there's anything I can do to spread the truth, I have to try to do it. It doesn't mean I stop doing everything else or anything else.
People always paint it as well, I don't want to do that, because I'm doing this. Nothing is mutually exclusive. I can vote and still write and work and even vacation. I can write novels, screenplays and political blogs without sacrificing one moment of eating, bathing or having coffee. I can fight a traffic ticket and still pay my taxes. I can hate DMV and still register my car. Though I shouldn't have to do either of those things. Supporting independent patriotic film doesn't cost anyone anything, not one moment of time or effort and we still can't do it, not even theoretically.
I understand what you are saying. If I may use an analogy, you and I are at the same ballgame and see the same field but from slightly different angles because we are not setting in the same section. You dearly love America. I think America was murdered along with President Kennedy in 11/63 by an entity called the United States government. America was more an idea I believe than a geographical place. It was liberty, freedom, individualism, opportunity, personal responsibility as well as personal accountability. It could have been anyplace on the globe but God put it and the men that implemented it here in North America. But its gone and buried along with JFK and neither is coming back. The time to have save it was then. That would have been by our Fathers. But times were otherwise good and people still trusted our institutions time moved on and the rot set in.
You asked what I envisioned. I envision blood, T.L., and chaos. I envision war, famine, and pestilence not far behind but not necessarily in any order. My energy these days is on more immediate needs rather than lofty ones, like making preparations to protect my family. Can't remember who said it, but I read someplace than preparations doesn't ensure success, but a failure to prepare guarantees failure. I'm no Nostrodomus, T.L. I'm just a simple man. But as Bob Dylan said, "You don't have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows."
As I said in the original post, if you haven't prepped yet, certainly don't stop doing that in order to do this. But I get your point. We are viewing it from different perspectives. As you will see in my next post, I envision the same blood and chaos, but out of that has to come something. I'm fighting as much for what THAT something is as I am for what was valuable about the past.
Our founders wrote the Declaration of Independence before the war started, we're going to have to write whatever we write after the war.
This is a wonderful dialog. Its allows introspection, not only between those engaged in it but those on the sidelines. This is how honest discussion should be.
You point out in your essay that in order to make money on a movie and to get the recognition from the academy, they must include diversity and wokeness. This is obviously so true. There is not a TV series or, a theatrical movie where there is not a queer couple. Most recently the HBO series 'The Last of Us' dedicated two episodes to the queer crowd -- one with 2 men; the other, with 2 women. If I'm at home, I can turn it off or, fast forward through the filth.
"The Chosen", now going on 4 seasons, was funded and produced totally outside of Hollywood's corrupt system. It has been a huge success by all accounts. At least 50% (or more, hopefully?) is hungry for watching entertainment that is not 'woke'. I think Maverick proved that. This country, in all areas, has been starved of anything patriotic and wholesome that it is longed for by many.
Unfortunately, big time hurt for almost everyone is just around the corner. We are closer now to the collapse of the western financial system than we have ever been. It is all lining up and for those with eyes to see and ears to hear, know its coming. It is only a matter of how much longer the house of cards can stand. We are truly a house divided.
Another example is the move "The Jesus Revolution." Great movie and exceeded the producers box office expectations by huge amounts.
We've started watching "The Chosen" over again. I would rather send them a few bucks than to spend money on the trash coming out of Hollyweird.
Wow, TL, I didn't know you were branching out beyond your books to movies/
screen plays and the like. You are passionate about your plans, and I do respect
that, and the fact you are working on counterpoints.
I often think I am swimming in a polluted lake of woke nonsense/filth actually. The TV
sat fallow covered with a cloth for five years and now it is in the garage
for five years. Ten years sans TV, and movies. Theater? We used to go to small venues
and see plays (when we lived in the city) and that was fun/interesting. Now, out in the
sticks/forests really, there are no rep. theaters. I see a TV once in a while, mostly sports
are played, which mostly men enjoy. TV is inane/insane especially the drug commercials,
and same sex people making out on their sofas, and other tasteless crap. I missed the trans
stuff because = no TV for a decade. The push for medications is relentless (the sponsors)
which I detest. Sorry for that rant. Should you produce a film/films worth watching?
I would make the effort to watch them somehow. Good luck to you and God speed.
Actually, the blog is the outlier and the screenplays and novels are what I've always written. I wrote Shadow Soldier in 1997 and in 1998 I was working on a screenplay with Ricky Schroder before he got the NYPD Blue gig and when he got that, it killed our project.
You write so beautifully and truthfully! Hollywood, much to everyone's shock, wasn't always a horn-dog, Queer Nation, raping children venue, ethnic worshipping factory. There was a time, when the majority of Hollywood was comprised of every day normal people. Certainly the "underpinings" of stage hands, techs, drivers. Folks wrote scripts, tried to get a current producer/director interested, and get it on film. The films covered real life situations; Science Fiction was just that. No one rewrote history, although they did take some liberties. I go back to my story of Lucille Ball. My mother was driving me around, selling those damned girl scout cookies (I think that I was 9/10), and I knocked on one house in Beverly Hills and LB answered the door! And she bought cookies! My mother later asked why she answered her own door, and LB said the maid was off that day. I sometimes feel like I am as old as methuselah when I tell folks about the Los Angeles that I grew up in. Yes, there was always crime, rapes, murders, queer folks, and child grooming. But it wasn't everywhere, and if it found the light of day-said behavior was squished immediately. My mother said the wheels started coming off in the '60's.
"Funding relies on it. An Oscar can take a film from relative obscurity to a blockbuster, where the big money is, and something no financier will let themselves be excluded from by the nature of the film." Now you know why Mel Gibson does a lot of his own work, John Wick is a successful franchise, and no one will touch "Gone With the Wind". It is all about the money. Always has been and always will be. That is why no one watches the Oscar's anymore. We all know it's a sham and voodoo ceremony about unimportant people and delusional films. I avoid anything Disney like the plague but Netflix, Amazon, and some others do present limited quality shows. Virgin River is a great series-I'm surprised it got made. Bosch was outstanding; great acting, tight scripts, and limited weird folks. Maybe television is an easier leap.
To quote Andrew Torba and many others: we need our own communities. Then we can spring forth. And never secede an inch of territory.
It's a shame that the Hollywood you describe is gone, but it can be replicated out here. People who feel passionately about film, about promoting the greatness of America, can still be found, they're just scattered. There's a reason Southern California became the site of the movie industry, it had reliable weather, aside from this year, of course.
If a movie were to be made that portrayed factual truth about Jan 6th or any political subject for that matter first I can't imagine how it would be distributed. Second at least half of a potential audience would be unable to recognize & accept it. Too many people have been lied to & propagandized their entire lives. I suspect many would violently reject what those of us on this side of the divide find obvious. In my opinion the cultural tipping point was probably passed sometime in the 1990s
I hate to be a blackpill Bob
And would love to be wrong. I hope you are able to get a project like that done. In fact I would contribute in any way I can . And pray for success.
I agree to a great extent, but it starts with a script. I have people interested and sometimes it has to be written cleverly.
What I know about that world/subject would fit in a thimble with lots of room to spare.
But as I said if I can contribute in any useful way... I've got a lifetime of experience with experences.
I will read some of your other work to start with.
There may be a place and time to help. Like Indian Rock's comment below, it does seem like the lid's about to blow off of this whole incredible psyop we've been living through. What comes after that is the question.
I go through a number of news sites each morning. I really should stop doing it because it only makes me angry most of the time and being angry all the time isn't healthy. But we are at war. Not with any foreign power. But with an evil malignancy that has stalked humankind from the beginning. Unfortunately, only the enemy seems to know we are at war. What I will refer to as 'our side' is still floating along in some normalcy bias bubble and only now just waking to the danger it seems. I notice more standing up and pushing back. They will need a constant flow of reinforcements or the dark side will turn and overwhelm them. Its win or die. There is no in-between. There will be no compromise. There will be no mercy shown by the enemy.
T.L., I applaud your efforts. I enjoy reading your thoughts and consider myself to be a fellow traveler going down the same path. But I do believe that its past time that films or movies will help turn the corner and rally the troops, so to speak. This nation is under judgement and it's destruction is nye. The blood on innocents is not only on this nation's hands, its all the way to the elbows! Lies, corruption, and perversions rule the day. Its not even necessary to give examples. All reading this know of what I speak. The rest of the world looks at us and sees the truth while we are blind to the truth ourselves. Well, too many of us, at least. Those who have taken the time to seek the truth see it.
And, I consider you a fellow traveler and I often find clarity in your remarks, just like this one, but here's the rub...and I'm not refuting anything you say, because I know you're right, we are past the time when a film or book will change anything...but that's really not the point. The point is we have apparently ceded the who gets to choose who goes to jail role in society and given it up to George Soros, we've given up the who gets to choose who has to wear a mask and get a vaxx, because I'm still fighting that monster every day with these insane corporations as stupid as that sounds. We've given up the who gets to choose what gender our children are, taken it from God and given it to teacher's union fanatics and trannies.
I write books and screenplays because I want to leave an etching of the best part of America, as I've seen it, chronicle what being an American was, before the nuts took over, just before they cratered the nation and allowed it to be crushed in a world war. I don't know the future, but I do know the past and that's what I'm trying desperately to preserve, to exhibit, because no one will see the greatness in the America or the reason to fight these evil demons if all they see is the America they will create out of lies and force our children to accept. They won't be able to see how stupid this era is without being able to compare it to the bygone era. And yes, there are plenty of films out there that show that, but most of it has been used to slowly brainwash Americanism out of the population and I'm trying to put it back in.
One last rebuttal. Two or three years ago I approached one of our people with the idea of making a film, the answer, "I think we're way past the time where that will make any difference" Looking back, it might have been the perfect time as it would be coming out right now. I guess, for me, the question is, what sort of difference do you envision? The biggest point I want to make is that we have to own our own market, not cede it to the woke corporations to decide what propaganda our children will see, what lies they will propagate about us. Even if we win the political war, the film industry can always portray us as the losers. That's what Cronkite did with Vietnam and that helped shape widespread opinion. If there's anything I can do to spread the truth, I have to try to do it. It doesn't mean I stop doing everything else or anything else.
People always paint it as well, I don't want to do that, because I'm doing this. Nothing is mutually exclusive. I can vote and still write and work and even vacation. I can write novels, screenplays and political blogs without sacrificing one moment of eating, bathing or having coffee. I can fight a traffic ticket and still pay my taxes. I can hate DMV and still register my car. Though I shouldn't have to do either of those things. Supporting independent patriotic film doesn't cost anyone anything, not one moment of time or effort and we still can't do it, not even theoretically.
I understand what you are saying. If I may use an analogy, you and I are at the same ballgame and see the same field but from slightly different angles because we are not setting in the same section. You dearly love America. I think America was murdered along with President Kennedy in 11/63 by an entity called the United States government. America was more an idea I believe than a geographical place. It was liberty, freedom, individualism, opportunity, personal responsibility as well as personal accountability. It could have been anyplace on the globe but God put it and the men that implemented it here in North America. But its gone and buried along with JFK and neither is coming back. The time to have save it was then. That would have been by our Fathers. But times were otherwise good and people still trusted our institutions time moved on and the rot set in.
You asked what I envisioned. I envision blood, T.L., and chaos. I envision war, famine, and pestilence not far behind but not necessarily in any order. My energy these days is on more immediate needs rather than lofty ones, like making preparations to protect my family. Can't remember who said it, but I read someplace than preparations doesn't ensure success, but a failure to prepare guarantees failure. I'm no Nostrodomus, T.L. I'm just a simple man. But as Bob Dylan said, "You don't have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows."
As I said in the original post, if you haven't prepped yet, certainly don't stop doing that in order to do this. But I get your point. We are viewing it from different perspectives. As you will see in my next post, I envision the same blood and chaos, but out of that has to come something. I'm fighting as much for what THAT something is as I am for what was valuable about the past.
Our founders wrote the Declaration of Independence before the war started, we're going to have to write whatever we write after the war.
This is a wonderful dialog. Its allows introspection, not only between those engaged in it but those on the sidelines. This is how honest discussion should be.