I like Mark. But we can't just leave it up to him, and the other drivers. Everyone else is also responsible for managing our society. But the solution shouldn't be reduced to convoys or strikes, or worse, but simply to convince everyone to perform their responsibilities. If everyone in the country wrote to their rulers maybe once a week, things would improve quickly. The problem isn't really the capitol, or the state house, but ourselves. We've become the land of the complacent and the home of the timid. That guarantees perpetual oppression.

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Yes, I agree that the Emergency Act must end now. And the future use of emergency powers to circumvent the law must also end.

This must be the focus, otherwise our future is always in jeopardy. Every time the government wants to abuse us in some way, all they have to do is declare an emergency. They create a problem and then rush in to supposedly save us from it, all the while stripping us of our freedoms in the process. For the past 2 years they have been far too successful at this and we the people have been far too accepting of it. But this must end now.

Individual freedom is paramount.

Focus must be placed on the damage that has been done, all the people harmed and even killed via government mandated pharmaceutical experimentation, reckless policies and control of information. It is beyond criminal.

We must demand an end to all of this in any way that we can. Passports, digital ID’s, and a mandated governmental digital currency will be the end of Liberty.

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