There are momentous events taking place right now. A sense of danger permeates the air one breathes. A seemingly out-of-control government presents an existential threat friend and foe alike. Elections mean nothing and they don’t care what the majority wants, because the vast, vast majority want secure and legitimate elections. They want laws to be enforced, especially the laws that prevent foreign enemies and convicted felons from flooding the nation, taking the advantages of being a citizen without being one and more often, getting benefits that are not available to the actual, legal citizens. They want their children to be left alone to grow naturally into their sexuality, not have it force-fed to them in the Third Grade. They want to make their own medical decisions, not have those made for them by the malevolent figures in the WEF, WHO and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, certainly not by the rogue FDA or CDC. They want to stop sending their sons and daughters to fight foreign wars that have no bearing on the safety and security of the United States other than to place it in greater peril. But none of these things are being addressed, in fact, just the opposite is being promoted and pushed by secretive, back-channel agreements between our elected officials and those same malevolent figures. The only thing the political parties can agree on is that the people must suffer, must pay for things they abhor, things that cannot and will not work, like green energy, which is a canard for communism and will leave the population starving and freezing for no purpose other than their ultimate elimination.
Yet, there’s something else, something ethereal. I’ve spoken to a couple of people who have had the same sort of disturbing, gnawing sense of something very consequential approaching through the mist; coming to them in dreams, or through a sixth-sense of foreboding. I want to stress that while the unknown is always accompanied by dread, what many of us are feeling might not ultimately be negative, but there’s no point in preparing for good times, those take care of themselves.
I put this out there, because I’ve been investigating the phenomenon of shared energy; that people, during great emotional upheaval seem to get a “heads-up” from the soul and that this phenomenon can extend across a wide population. Some will recognize it sooner than others and some may never feel it at all. But those who have tuned themselves into the existent energy in a room, or a crowd, who have done so out of a sense of survival, seem to be more cognizant of it than others who are most often oblivious to danger.
Those who have read either Rebel or Rogue will understand that my life has been lived mostly in conflict, that I only really understand the world in a hostile state. I depend and have depended thoroughly on reaching out, sensing the energy in a room or a crowd out of necessity. This connection with that energy helped a great deal when working in the dangerous environments to which I’ve been drawn. That constant probing for negative, or dangerous energy led me to discover it even in machinery and the earth itself.
It’s only now that I’m coming to understand it as something other than a defensive mechanism and something much more spiritual. Perhaps, I should have recognized that before, but I have always been so focused on developing it to avoid an ambush, that the higher purpose of it, how it can be used to connect spiritually to other people, or to understand consequential events as they impact or serve the broader, larger picture escaped me.
There are those who have developed this to a much greater degree and might be considered empaths. who write about it and have a much better grasp of what I’m talking about than I do. One of them is W. Boone Hedgepeth, who wrote Wild Willful Heart and Wild Willful South about some of his graphic and detailed experiences with some form of this energy.
While I don’t compare myself to Hedgepeth, I bring this up to suggest to the reader that there are spiritual and sensory levels of existence that reach out from our physical realm and that those tools of the outer body might be much more reliable in the coming days than information received any other way.
We’re facing a crisis of truth. When the truth is dangerous to those promulgating lies to manipulate and possibly genocide an entire population, finding another, more reliable means of understanding threats might be exactly what will save a great many people. Learning, or even being willing to consider another tool by which to determine truth, or the signs of deception that are uncontrollable by the source seems to be of value.
I’ll do my best to explain how it works for me. In my experience, when I come in close contact (within ten feet) with someone who means me harm, I can sense it. It radiates from them; their malevolence cannot be contained and if one is receptive, has learned to reach out with their own receptors, they can avoid the situation that would allow that person to do them harm. I think that’s one reason I look people directly in the eyes; that seems to have something to do with it. Even if I appear nonchalant, I’ve already identified the possible threat, so I move to keep them at a disadvantage.
What I’m talking about here is going beyond that, developing it to sense if a doctor intends to inject one with something surreptitiously. All of the institutions we once relied on, had been verified as legitimate and beneficial, have been corrupted precisely because in the past they had proven themselves to be reliable and trustworthy. Recognizing that that is no longer true is not enough. They will not be forthcoming as to their evil intent. I think that can be rejected out of hand. Therefore, heightening that God-given ability to sense beyond one’s intellectual or physical understanding is important.
Whatever calamity is out there waiting to reveal itself, economic collapse, nuclear attack, bio-genocide or failure of the electric grid, I find it suddenly and remarkably vital to seek other means of information and even communication. It’s the idea of exercising this ability to sense danger that I’m intrigued by at the moment, of understanding what it is and how it might be used for other purposes such as finding and identifying cooperative persons or groups.
No decision can be properly made unless some portion of the information is true. Truth, then becomes the currency of the new age and where that can be determined spiritually, or through sensory perception, it must become the vital building block of everything that comes after.
Our Red Pill film produced by us at 12 Round Productions LIES OF OMISSION.
Rebel and Rogue are novels that will appeal to the younger generation as well as their parents. They demonstrate the required work ethic and integrity that this nation once desired of its youth, not the brainwashed, sycophantic obedience to the gay agenda they’re forced to endure now. Available in paperback at 12 Round Productions and through Amazon (in Kindle and paperback) along with my other novels.
I believe it’s called “Spidey-sense”! Just kidding but, I know what you mean. This sixth sense is a God given gift, and one must be in tune to it. Just last night I dreamt I was in a large room, like a school cafeteria, and there were hordes of people there to get the next booster. I couldn’t believe what I saw and I was telling them I could not believe they were still falling for the jab.
In the dream, I walked out and was then on a major highway looking at a convoy of military vehicles loaded down with operators dressed in black all wearing balaclavas and sunglasses.
My dream may have meant nothing but, I woke up disturbed by it.
My honest reaction to your musings/gathered fragments about TRUTH: Possibly the most important writing I’ve read in 2023.
Many people (me incl) have been obsessed with finding the truth from sources. You posit that it is truly possible to discern truth when we trust our empathic powers. Very powerful. I will have to re-read a few more times for your idea to sink in.
Many, many thanks for your big beautiful brain. 🙏🏻